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Nunew's POV

I gasp softly seeing P'Zee.. What was he doing here? Was he with P'Max all along? He pushed P'Richard's hand off my arm making me stumble slightly.

He turn to me, "Are you okay?" he asked as I nod. He turned back to P'Richard, his face with slight anger. "Are you crazy? Why the fuck would you do that to him?" he yelled as P'Richard just stood infront of him.

"Come on, he can be my next in bed." he replied making my brows bunch slightly, he's totally crazy.. "Do that again and your ass will be in jail" P'Zee warned him as he chuckled

"Oh.. Do I have to be scared..? Why are you protecting him anyways? I'm your old friend!" he exclaimed making me gasp as P'Zee punched P'Richard making him fall to the ground.

"P-P'Zee!" i yelled as he turned to me, "W-Why would you punch him?! P-People are staring!" i exclaimed, turning around seeing people watch us.

"He was making you uncomfortable! I was hating it.." he replied making me breath out.

P'Richard threw a glass of wine on my outfit making me gasp, I look down seeing my shirt stained.

Zee's POV

I turn to Richard as he was chuckling, I grabbed his collar, punching him by the cheek hard making him fall back to the ground "Come on, you can do better than that Zee." he teased making me clench my jaw.

Soon, someone held my arm making me turn to see Nunew, he shook his head "Stop it.. Let's just go, I'll call Nat.." he whispered as I turn to Richard who's lip was bleeding.

I turn back to Nunew who was walking towards Nat and Max. I ran, pulling his arm making him turn to me, eyes widened.

"Stay at my house for the night.." i suggested making his eyes widen more. "No, i-it's okay.." he refused, turning to Nat who was drinking with Max.. He sigh, turning back to me "Alright.." he finally agreed making me smile softly.

- Later -

Nunew's POV

I turn to P'Zee who was looking out the car window, we rode a taxi to his house. "Hey.. Uhm" i said making him turn to me, face concerned. "Why did you help me earlier?" i asked as he turn back to the window.

"He was making you completely uncomfortable, I had to get out of the van to help you get rid of him." he answered making me look down at my lap, sighing making him turn back to me.

"Sorry.." i muttered as he hummed "What are you sorry for?" he asked making me look at him "You punched your friend because of me.." i said as he chuckles softly, caressing my head.

"That's cute of you.." he said making my eyes widen slightly as he sighed, "He was like that ever since, that's why he never got a wife or a girlfriend.." he continued as I giggled

He turn to me, chuckling "Right?" he asked as I nodded.

"We're here.." the driver said making us get out of the car. My eyes widen seeing his house.. It was a total mansion, I was completely amazed.

"Come on.." he said as I followed him through the front door. He opens the door as my jaw dropped slightly, it was so beautiful inside..

He turn to me, smiling softly "Yeah, it's really cool right?" he said as I nodded. "Okay okay silly, come on let's get you some clothes.." he said as I followed him to his bedroom.

- Later -

I sat on the bed, watching him take out clothes. He then hum, showing me a large sized black pajama as I stood up, walking towards him. "Sorry, i couldn't find anymore clothes for you to wear.." he said as I shook my head

"It's okay P'Zee.." i replied as he handed me the clothes.


I sigh, looking at my pajama through P'Zee's bathroom mirror.. It was super large that my shoulder was exposed, luckily the shorts were kind of my size, they weren't falling..

I walk towards the door, breathing out before opening it seeing P'Zee standing in front of the door to the balcony. He saw me through the reflection of the door as he turn to me

His eyes changed as he saw me. I giggled "It's too big~" i whined as he chuckles softly, walking towards me.

"My bad.. I don't have anymore clothes so.."

"Yeah, it's fine.."

He smiles softly "You can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the couch near the bed." he said making me whine, shooking my head

"No.. I'm sleeping on the couch, this is your house.." i refused, walking towards the couch as I sat on it making him sigh.

"N'Nunew.." he slightly begged making me shook my head. "Nope.." i replied. He started to walk towards me making my eyes widen as he carried my bridal style making me hum in surprise, h-he's strong..

"Wait! P'Zee! You can't sleep on the couch!" i said as he sat me down on the bed making me pout. "Be a good boy for me tonight Nunew.." he said sternly making my eyes widen slightly

Did he just call me just by my name..?

He then started to grab the blanket and pillow beside me, tossing them on the couch before turning to me. "Come on, position yourself on the bed.." he said as I crossed my arms, looking away.

"No.." i refused as he sighed. "Not unless you let me sleep on the couch.." i said as he kneeled down making me look at him slowly..

"Just take the bed.. Just for tonight, hm?" he said, caressing my thighs.

I sigh, "Fine.." i finally agreed to sleep on the bed as he smiles softly before getting up as he caressed my hair. "Okay.. I'll go to sleep now, goodnight N'Nunew.." he said, walking towards the couch as I watched him.

He turned off the lamp behind the couch before sleeping as I sighed, positing myself on the bed before sleeping..

I tried my best to make it long but my hands were saying goodnight soo..

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