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Zee's POV

I didn't get to talk to Nunew much, I was worried. What if I made him uncomfortable?

"Hey! Now that we're all together, why don't we hang out?" Max asked as Nat smiled, nodding

"Sure, we'd love to" Nat replied as Nunew looked at him before sighing, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to start a conversation.

"I'm afraid we can't." Nunew said sternly making me and Nat look at him "What do you mean?" Max asked

"I have a performance at 7pm later.." he muttered, giving Nat a look. "O-Oh, right.. Nunew has to perform at a restaurant later, so we can't hang out tonight P'Max.." Nat said as Max then hummed

"It's fine, we can just hang out tomorrow" he said as Nat then sighed "Yeah, you can just drop us here." he continued as Max then stopped the car making the both of them step out of the vehicle.

Nunew looked at me, smiling softly "Sorry P'Zee, let's just hang out tomorrow" he said making me smile back, nodding.

"Sure, see you." i said as he then closed the car door before walking towards Nat.

"Bye you two!" Max waved goodbye as they both did the same. Max the started driving

Nunew's POV

"Why'd you lie? I thought you liked hanging out with P'Zee?" Nat asked making me sigh while we walked back home.

"It's just that.." i sigh "I wanna distance myself from P'Zee for awhile.." i said as Nat hummed "Why's that?" he asked

"Nat, I'm starting to develop feelings for him. But I'm scared he'd just reject me.." i muttered as Nat whined

"Don't think like that jelly~ I'm sure P'Zee will like you too, right?" Nat said, trying to cheer me up as I shook my head "I don't know.. I just wanna finish this series with him and go our separate ways now.."

"Hoi~ That's too harsh!" Nat said making me chuckle "Well then, let's make a deal." he said making me hum, looking at him

"If he likes you back, I'm gonna buy you your favorite boba every day" he said making my eyes widen

"But! if he doesn't like you, you will buy me chocolates every day!" he continued making me smile "Deal." i said making Nat raise an eyebrow

"A deal is a deal Nhu!"

"The more you eat chocolate, the more your teeth is gonna turn brown!" i teased as Nat scoffed, glaring at me

"Hmph! The more you drink boba, the more you.."

"The more you.." he muttered making me giggle.

"Hey! Don't laugh!" I laughed "Sorry!"

Zee's POV

I look at the car window, thinking about Nunew. Don't get me wrong, but whenever I was with him he would always be talkative and energetic. What's with him today?

I sigh as Max hummed "Zee, this is the hundredth time your sighing! Are you thinking about Nunew?" he asked making groan

"He's been distancing lately" i replied

"Wasn't he always like tha-"

"Hey! He would always talk about his day whenever we're together! And what I mean by together is the four of us.." i muttered as he chuckled

"Yeah, you like him for sure.." he said "I miss him.." i thought

- Later -

Nunew's POV

"Alright, you can go now Nat. I can take care of myself here~" i said as Nat hummed "Goodnight Nhu! Call me if you need something okay?" he said making me nod.


"Alright~ I'm planning on drinking today.."

I took out 3 wines as I placed them on the table before ninja sitting on the floor. I turned on the TV as I then started drinking. "This wine is strong! Yet tasty.." i giggled before drinking more.

- Later -

I plopped my head down on the table, feeling dizzy. "Ugh.. My head.." i groaned before taking out my phone to call Nat.


I frowned hearing a deep voice coming out of my phone "I didn't expect you to answer that quick Nat!" I said drunkenly


"Dummy.. Why would you call me that.. It's reminding me of P'Zee.." i mumbled "I want you here~" i replied hearing a sigh

"Where are you? Are you drunk?"

I giggled "Nice joke Nat. Come here~ I really need you.." i whined

"Nunew.. I can't come there until you tell me the address.."

I groan "It's not funny Nat. Fine, I live at ****." i replied drunkenly before hearing a hum

"Alright.. I'll be there.."

"Hurry Nat..~ My head hurts.."


Zee's POV

"Stay on the phone with me Nunew.." i said, leaving my house before getting inside my car.

"Did you download an app~? Why's your voice so deep.."

I chuckled while driving, how cute.. He probably drank..


I ran inside, seeing a woman at a counter. I started walking towards her. "Ugh, are you a fan? Sorry Khun Nunew is already asleep at this time."

She probably doesn't recognize me since I was wearing a mask and a cap.

"Where is his dorm?" i asked as she sighed "What are you? A fan? A relative?"

"I'm his boyfriend." i said sternly as her eyes widen slightly. "O-Oh, I'm sorry.. Here, his room is at the third floor." she gave me a spare keycard to his room as I then walked upstairs.

I breathed out, taking off my mask before looking around not seeing anybody. "Ah, this is probably his room.."

I pressed the keycard before barging inside seeing him. His head laid down on the table, i sigh.

"How did you even finish that much wine?" i thought before kneeling down to stroke his hair back making him hum.

"Nat~ Your here.." he said, opening his eyes slowly before frowning

"Hm? W-Who are you.. You don't look like him.." he said, pinching my cheeks making me sigh "Your cheeks are not that pinchy too.."

I chuckled "Nunew.."

"And why are you wearing a cap inside my room silly~?" he continued. My eyes widened as he pushed me on the floor hovering over me.

"Nat~ My head hurts so much.." he mumbled, pressing his cheek on my chest making me groan softly.

I sigh, plopping my head on the floor. "Your gonna be a problem.." i breathed out.

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