Part 2

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Reader P.O.V
I was walking out of the forest. Me and my friend Shinx decided to go to the closest city to buy some potions. She prefers to be out of her pokeball so I'm not forcing her to do so. It just doesn't feel right to trap my best friend into that tiny object. The grass was soft under our feet and for once everything was peaceful. I saw a couple of pokemon here and there before we came to the end of the forest.

Before us was a road that leads to the city. I never read the sings for the name of the city. It wasn't important. It's not like I am going to leave this place anyway.

We just continued to follow the road. We should be there for about less than 10 minutes.


"Yes Shinx?"

"If we see any trainers I will take care of them and you just run"

"You always say that. Even if they cant do anything without you pokeball they can still hurt you. Besides almost every time when I turn into my pokemon form they just freak out and run away"

"You always give me the same answer and that is why we always end up running from people. Why don't you listen?"

I couldn't help but to smile at that but I sill ignored her question. Since we will visit the city maybe we can stop by to eat something else. That wold be good. My stomach growled when I started to think about the food. Maybe I should stop thinking about it. We are soon there anyways. I heard shinx chuckle trying to hide her laugh from me.

I was about to say something to her when i saw a small crowd of people at the entrance of the city. I stopped walking. Something wasn't right about them. All of them had same uniforms with one logo on them. I tried to see it a little bit better. Team Plasma. What are they doing here? I stood there frozen on the spot trying to hear what they are talking about.

"Why couldn't they just send shadow triad to steal that damn masterball?" one of the plasma grunts said.

"You know that they are always busy with other missions that Ghetsis gives them. There are only three of them not one hundred" the other one said.

Wait who is Ghetsis? Their leader or something? What about shadow triad and why do they need masterball? Million questions were filling my mind. I pushed that thought away remembering that I am still standing on the road and that they can easily spot me. I tried to secretly escape or at least hide so they don't see me. Luck wasn't on my side today.

"Hey you, where do you think you are going?" one of them shouted

"Ummm I just got lost so I decided to try walking to different direction" damn I am bad at lying

"We aren't stupid we know that you heard our plan and we don't need another person to report our plans to police"

"Give us your pokemon"


"Stupid little girl" they said

They surrounded me throwing their pokemon out of the pokeballs. Most of them were Liepards and some of them were their pre-evolution's Purrlions. Shinx jumped in front of me ready to battle them. There were too many of them so he managed to take down only two of them before he fainted too. I have no other choice than to transform into my pokemon form. They are coming closer and they will take Shinx away.

"Sorry Shinx" I whispered so only he can hear it

Before anyone was able to even touch Shinx I used quick attack on one of the grunts while transforming into Umbreon.

"Holy Arceus she is a shiny Umbreon"

While they were surprised I used the chance to make one more of their pokemon faint.

"Liepard use Fury Swipes" They shouted



I managed to dodge most of their attacks but not all of them. This isn't going well so far. One of them used Pursuit on me again and I was thrown roughly on the ground. I have to get up and save Shinx I screamed in my mind but couldn't manage to stand up. After one more attack I fainted.

Plasma Grunt P.O.V

"Finally" someone said

"Does anyone have a pokeball or something" My friend asked

"Are you stupid or something. You cant capture pokemon if they faint because pokeballs can't detect their life energy. That is like the first thing you learn in pokemon school" another person shouted

"Hey it's not my fault that i never..."

"SHUT UP. That girl took down more than half of our pokemon we must go back to our secret base. Ghetsis won't be happy with this but at least we wont be punished since we have something interesting for him." said the leader of our mission

"Yea guess you are right. We can steal masterball another time. lets go"

With that we took the girl and her pokemon and left.

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