In the Land of the Living

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Am a finer in the water, wondering where my life is now heading, how I will cope with the world and natures of the earth, but am also a believer, let the Lord be my guide, let him show me the path, I have to survive this, I must fight this, though things may not be the way they used to be, I sure hope they will get better soon. After leaving the hospital, I took a vacation for three good months abroad, at least to ease my mind and the tension I had, before resuming back on my duties as a Kenyan citizen, which we're paying taxes and ensuring that justice had been served to the ones guilty as charged.
Most of my leisure time, I had spent visiting the old, the sick at the hospitals, and the orphans at the orphanage. This, my friend was my own system of looking for companionship, course I was in denial and I needed people to talk to, love and compaction are all that I showed them. I gave them new hope in life. After three years, I had considered myself a bachelor for life, only for the unexpected to happen, it was on a certain afternoon that I had gone to visit Silvia's graveyard when I met a young woman who had a perfectly round face, round sparkling eyes, gleaming, snow-white teeth, prominent lips and wavy and neatly tied with crimson ribbon hair, an angle I might say.
She had bowed down her head on Silvia graveyard and she looked gloomy and disturbed, a faint voice could be heard why...why... why sister why did you have to leave, why did you abandon me, why did you part ways with us. As I was walking by to see who it was, as she raised her head, I was surprised to see the exact copy of Silvia, her look-alike I may say, could this be another unsolved misery, is it that Silvia's dad had a daughter outside wedlock, no wonder he didn't cry during the burial, was it that he comforted himself since he had another daughter, wanders shall never seize to happen in this world.
I went ahead to console her, I gave her a shoulder to cry on until she calmed down, then she inquired who I was and what I was doing there. I got to introduce myself, as we sat beside the grave and chatted our way out of sorrow about who she was, why she looked exactly like Silvia, where she was all that while, why didn't I see her on the burial day and how was her relationship with Silvia during her lifetime. Night came and it was getting late so I had to drop Adasa home, I had learned of her name during our conversation. As we were at Silvia's homestead, walking past the gate, Silvia's mother came in welcomed us and ushered us in.
I got to have a meal with them, chatted for a while then I headed home. As I was driving the car on my way home, I wandered Silvia's look-alike, could it be that Silvia had sent her to me to replace her...this one my friend was definitely a trial.

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