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Road to Darabia

Lucien and Casper were thrown through the battlefield by the force of Radna's landing. Before the impact, Lucien grabbed Caspers's shoulder pauldron trying to pull him away from harm. It saved them from taking too much damage but he still ached in his hips and ribs.

Casper had landed a few feet from Lucien. He walked over to help Casper to his feet but the old warrior swatted his hand away.

"I got it, lad, I've faced worse I can stand on my own," he grunted using his spear to pull himself up. "That was quite the flight."

"Quite the flight? Did you crack your head, Captain?" Lucien replied, puzzled at the Captain's optimism.

"Don't be so uptight lad, we're still breathing, aren't we? Tougher than you look."

Lucien grinned in amusement, "Tough as old leather, just like you old timer."
"Old-timer? I've still got some metal left in these old bones, let's make these bastards regret meeting this old-timer eh?" Casper chuckled, readying his spear.

Lucien stood back to back with Casper as wraiths surrounded them. He raised his borrowed short sword and planted his feet.

The first wraith died with a downward slash from Lucian that split it from head to groin. He looked up to see a wraith holding an ax high about to cleave it into his neck.

"Duck!" he heard from behind him. He bent downwards as Caspers's spear slung over his head cutting the throat of the ax-wielding wraith.

"I thought you Ambush warriors were supposed to be the most agile of us eh?" Casper said sarcastically.
Lucian jumped and rolled over Caspers's shoulders landing on one foot. He spun with his sword taking the heads of two wraiths.

"Show off," Casper grunted. He cracked the skull of a rotting animated corpse with three arms protruding from its torso, then spun his spear around slicing the head off another.

Casper, grizzled and battle-worn swung his spear with precision and authority, striking down his foes with every swing. His movements were a testament to years of battle experience, effortlessly parrying attacks and making swift and calculated counterattacks. Behind him, Lucius wielded his sword with fiery determination. His strikes were swift and full of energy, a reflection of his rigorous training and unwavering spirit. Together they made a formidable pair. The older warriors' wisdom and the younger warriors' relentless enthusiasm complemented each other perfectly. They covered each other's blind spots, communicated to each other with mere glances and nods, and fought back to back as if they shared a single mind.

As the battle raged on they became a whirlwind of steel and vigor, cutting down any wraith unfortunate enough to cross their path. Casper's steady guidance and Lucien's fearless zeal created an unbreakable bond on the battlefield.

They fought tirelessly, constantly moving, every strike with purpose. The mass of bodies at their feet began to pile up and more wraiths were running away than risking becoming another part of the heap. There was a lull in the violence when a crash followed by a bright heavenly light shook the battlefield. The two warriors gazed in awe at the beautiful figure clad in stainless silver armor that appeared as if from a bolt of lightning.

"Blessed Merla," Casper whispered, overwhelmed with emotion, "Commander Helena."

Lucien stood silently rendered speechless at the sight of the Primal Commander. He placed his hand on Casper's shoulder and together they watched the commander clash with Radna. Nothing else in the world existed, just the graceful and terrifying might of Helena.

Scarlett was fighting for her life when her Commander arrived on the battlefield. She rolled in the sand, punching and scratching at the foul beast that had brought her down. She had dropped her bow and couldn't get to her blade due to the struggle. She found some leverage and shoved the creature off of her then scrambled to her feet, drawing her blade.

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