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ੈ✩‧₊˚ prologue ! ⋆·˚ ༘

ੈ✩‧₊˚ prologue ! ⋆·˚ ༘

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ੈ✩‧₊˚ real life ! ⋆·˚ ༘

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄, sitting up in front of hundreds of students may seem scary, but for scarlet she didnt even seem fazed. she was more worried about what the hat on her head would decide.

the brunette began fiddling with her silver charm bracelet on her wrist to try speed up the process, which she claimed was taking hours. with every special milestone in her life she would buy similar charms to clip onto her bracelet to remember the event.

one of her favorites would be the dolphin charm from when she went to swim with dolphins in bali. or the charm with two letters attached her farther got for her when she received her acceptance letter from hogwarts. or the eiffel tower charm she brought in a french gift shop when she went to visit her older cousin.

she kept fiddling and fidgeting, waiting for the stupid hat to make up its mind. she looked around the grand hall and spotted her older brother smiling at her from the ravenclaw table. he shot her a wave and she smirked back.

"so you come from a long line of slytherins, eh." the hat grumbled. "oh wait, slytherins and a ravenclaw. but the real question is: where to put you."

scarlet had come from a long line of stupid-rich slytherins who had high expectations for their children. however, when her parents realized their son was a ravenclaw her farther wasn't the happiest.

the brunette got why her brother got chosen to become a ravenclaw: he was incredibly smart, inroverted and really creative, she really looked up to him.

even though her farther had been pressuring her to make sure she gets into slytherin, she wouldnt have been that annoyed if she got ravenclaw and followed in her brothers footsteps.

scarlet never really knew what her farther did, he worked for the ministry of magic and he was very wealthy, but he was never really around to explain the concept to her.

it was mostly just her mother and the house elf, twinkle at home. and of course james when he was home for holidays. scarlet snapped out of her trance and without another thought the hat had finally made his mind up and shouted the house he had decided out loud at the top of his lungs.

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat yelled while everyone at the slytherin table cheered. when getting up, she couldnt help but feel a little disappointed that she didnt get into ravenclaw with her brother, but now she knew at least her farther would be proud.

she looked over to james and saw him give her a thumbs up which she returned with a smile. scarlet walked over to the table but before she could sit down a blonde girl walked up to her and introduced herself.

"hey!" she exclaimed. "im astoria!" the blonde girl stuck a hand out and scarlet happily shook it."im scarlet" scarlet introduces with a smile.

"i love your name, it's so pretty!" astoria smiled. "thank you!! and astoria is like the cutest name ever. i love it!" scarlet returns the compliment.

"really?! i always thought it was kind of childish" she waffled. "my friends call me tori"

"well, tori im guessing your a first year right?" scarlet asks the blonde. "yes! that's what i came over for." she said. "do you want me to introduce you to my friends? they're nice i promise!"

"okay, sure!" scarlet smiled at the offer and followed her new friend down the long black table. "i really just sat with my brother and his friends on the train ride here so i don't know anyone yet." she told the blonde who just smiled.

"well now know you know me! and soon you'll know them too." she said, looking right at the group of three laughing to each other.

"hey guys, this is scarlet!" astoria introduced her to the group.

scarlets eyes instantly fell to the brunette boy in front of her. he was beautiful. his hair was messy, but seemed like it had taken hours to put in place. his eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue. and his smile, it could have litten up the huge hall.

"hey, i'm theo" the boy smiled at scarlet to which she felt flustered. "hey" she replied back.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

[ tuesday, twenty third of april 2018 ]
[ half way through scarlets second year ]

to my scar,

i realise this isn't the kind of letter you would wish to receive, and i'm so very sorry your having to read this now. i just want you to know: this isn't your fault. none of it is. and don't let anyone tell you different.

i haven't been happy lately, me and my friends have become very distant, there are some guys out there trying to make my life a living hell and dads been up my arse with my grades slipping. typical, i know. really the only joy i have really is seeing you excel in school.

you seem to have the loveliest friends and have settled in nicely, which i knew you would. i don't really approve of all those boys you hang out with, but as your older brother i never will.

i want you to know that i won't be around anymore. i tried scar, i really did. please take care of mum for me, and please don't turn out to be a bitchy teenager because she'll have enough on her plate.

i am really sorry scarlet. please forgive me. i want to tell you (for the last time) how proud i am of you. watching you grow has been the best experience a big brother could have, thank you for giving me that.

i also want to say that this isn't your fault: it's no one's. if you want me to be completely honest i am not happy, and i don't belive i ever will be. and that's no one's fault but my own. i have made the choices and have dug the hole i am in now, and i have to suffer the consequence.

i love you endlessly, scar. i want you to know that. i will miss you endlessly, also.

from, your jamie

𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍, theo nottWhere stories live. Discover now