"That Green Stuff Is Nasty"

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"Now try this flavor."

The first place you wanted to take Suguru was a local coffee place in the downtown area. Most of the kids in the school go there during the morning or for lunch. His eyes lit up when you passed the drink over to him, waiting for his reaction. He took a small sip and smacked his lips a little bit before grimacing.

"Too bitter." He passed the drink back to you, shaking his head a little bit.

"What about this one?"

You passed the coffee over to him as he took a small sip. He hummed lightly as you thought he finally liked a drink until he shook his head. You took the drink back, replacing a straw with another one before sipping it.

"That green stuff is nasty." He said this, taking a bite out of his apple fritter. You srunched up your face a little at the taste and sat it down.

"It needs vanilla in it." You shrugged, still sipping on the drink. The waitress approached the table and asked if everything was good. Suguru gave her a warm smile before ordering another coffee for his liking before the lady walked away. You bit the tip of the straw and put the cup down.

"She likes you." You told him, causing him to raise his eyebrow, glancing back at the waitress.

"Who? Her? I doubt it." He said that, which made you chuckle a little bit.

"Before she came over here, she unbuttoned the first two buttons on her shirt, applied some makeup, and was twirling her hair whenever you spoke."

You both glanced up when she approached the table with Suguru's coffee. "Enjoy."

She then gave him a smile before walking fast towards her friends to gossip. Suguru picked up his cup to take a sip out of it and sighed. You couldn't help but notice the marking on the side of his cup containing the girl's number.

"It seems like Abby has it out for you." You pointed at the cup. Suguru gave you a lazy smile and leaned back in his chair.

"It seems like someone is jealous."

You turned back behind you and then looked around the cafe before putting your attention on him again. Your acrylic nails point at your chest. "Who are you talking to because I'm not jealous?"

"So you wouldn't care if I asked her out?" He raised his eyebrow at you. You avoided the urge to roll your eyes, and you gave him a nod.

"I don't care at all." You said. You watch him get up from his seat, walking over Abby, who seems like she is about to melt down. You couldn't help but feel a bit lonely as you watched them talk. You didn't want to sulk in your seat or anything, so you went through your notes app on your phone, acting like you were texting someone.

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