~ Treasure ~ 1

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"Hey Victor come and see this!" The man I hear calling out is unfamiliar, his voice is deep and raspy.
My semi pointed ears twitch as the strange voice makes them itchy. The rest of my senses slowly coming too, the sedatives are wearing off fairly quickly. I inhale deeply scenting many new comers mixed with fresh blood.
Something is off but it has nothing to do with me. I rub my eyes with sore fingers lazily, wondering why they didn't give me anymore.
"What is it Nevius?" Another strange voice echos loudly, this man's tone is much deeper then the one pounding on the hatch now.
"There seems to be a hidden room!" His hand slams loudly on the hatchway of my resting area, "This must be that dead fool's treasure King Kushin!"
That is when I understand what is happening instantly, I focus harder and pick up on the sounds screaming ladden in the background. I can hear jeers and the clash of swords beyond the building I'm in. It seems the resident raiders are being over taken, I chuckle.
Taking full advantage of war sounds outside, I grip the chains holding me to the wall. I time it perfectly and when the man beats the hatch I yank hard. The sound of his mad banging drowned out my actions. I still for a moment as a few more bangs vibrated around me.
I inhale deeply, letting the scent filled air fill my nose.
The pungent scent of blood is mainly that of my captors. For the air seeping in through the cracks around me is full of blood of many felled warriors. I won't have to worry about any repercussions now when I make my escape, these invaders have helped in many ways.
I grip my blades firmly, I had planned on making my move today as it were. Having this lot raid has aided me immensely. I jerk the ends of my chains, making sure they are fully detached from the wall.
I crouch forward, ready to pounce the moment the invading warriors let in the outside light. My long sliver hair drops over my small frame, my nerves on edge as my fangs sharpen. I can feel the tension in my thighs building, my joints starting to crack.
I have been storing as much as energy as possible for this day. No longer will I be trapped and forced to fight for amusement.
"Your fist aren't gonna budge that Nevius. Here, move out the way."
The sounds of shuffling drift in to my pointed ears just before the swoosh of a large foot slams the whole wall. I waste no time and spring forward, leaping on to the falling flank of wood. I push against and land on a wooden beam, flying over the heads of many large burly men.
The one who kicked the door, is easily seven foot tall, I can feel his gaze on me. His eyes are a stunning blue and only he seems to have notice my movements. I chuckle and then leap towards the exit without delay.
I land nimbly in the open doorway of the building behind the lot, casting a last side ways glance at the dead bodies laying on the ground. I spit on the closet one then sprint for the forest ahead. It takes awhile for my body to adjust to the open air. It has been so long since I have been outside but it does feel wonderful.
A few of the native raiders dare to try and stop me but I easily dodge them and slip further into the woods. The feeling of dirt beneath my feet makes me smile. Memeories of running through the battle stricken fields flicker breifly, making me smile slightly.
Soon my sharp ears pick of the sounds of the raiding Vikings scouting the woods. It seems some villagers must have fled from their clutches. These warriors obsessed with plunder of all kinds I suppose.
I duck down into a muddy river bank I been scenting for, these always provide excellent hiding spots. Tree roots hang over the bank, creating little nooks behind them.
I press myself against the mudd, listening to more of their shouts as they search the woods closer to me. I can even pick up the sounds of hounds in the distance and my breath hitches.
*They would most certainly detect me.....but would their fear keep them away?*
Minutes go by as the dogs get further away, confirming my hopes but my senses are on edge still. There is definitely someone close by, I sniff the air softly. I can barely detect it but there is most certainly a stench of blood coming from above me and something else slightly more inviting.
Tightening my grip around the handles of my twin daggers, I steel my resolve. I kick off the river bank, landing in the center of the stream now.
I ignore the bliss the stream brings my bare feet and take on a fighting stance. I hold my hands out in front of me steadily, ready to defend myself against whatever this fighter comes at me with.
I glare at this opponent differently though, these people indirectly aided in my escape. They gave me the cover I needed to break my chains. I don't want to kill him like I did with the others who resided here. I fought and killed far too many to judge these Vikings for doing the same now.
I glance at the shackles still around my wrist, blood still dripping as they continue to dig into my flesh. The chains that once held me in place hanging freely in the wind, sunlight glinting off the ringlets. My gaze softens slightly as I return to staring at the tall man on the bank.
He is hunched over, in thick heavy leather armor, parts are linked together with metal bands and strands. His beard is subtle grey and has faint streaks of silver. Tribal tattoos adorn the sides of his shaved head.
The hair he does have is a blonde shade and it trails down from the center top of his head. He has it braided tightly and pulled back into a woven black wrap. His expression is blank yet his striking ice blue eyes carry heavy curiosity. I watch as he slowly stands and jumps down into the river. His true size startles me a bit, I have never seen men so tall.
Easily 3 feet taller then myself currently. I step back as he places his hands on either side of his hip. Lifting his cloak off his sides revealing two swords. I knew what was coming and braced for his attack. His speed is impressive but so is mine, no matter how big the opponent is, I can dodge. I slip downwards, stepping towards him.
My hair flowing over my face as I set my sight on his left shoulder. His blades now crossed fully behind my back, the moment I been waiting for. I spring forward as I slice my dagger towards my mark. He jumps back quickly, pulling away from death.
I straighten up, *Death?*
I glance quickly to where his hand moves, eyeing the slice across his neck. Looking down at the blood dripping from my dagger. I step backwards, ashamed of myself. I didn't want to go for a kill, I just wanted to incapacitate him. Curse my instincts I swear!
"Well now, I wasn't expecting that. You didn't have a shred of intent to kill me in your vivid blue eyes. How dangerous you are indeed and your sliver white hair just adds to it." I recognize this voice, he is the one called Victor Kushin.
"You are the one who killed the Master and kicked down the wall..." I groan internally, "To think I almost killed the one who aided me to boot!" I shake my head in disappointment.
The raiders here would always attack and turn on the ones who offered them help. I don't want to be like my captors, I also don't want to be weak like my challengers.
Such a fine balance to learn now. I bite the hilt of my dagger in my mouth and scratch at the shackle around my neck. These shackles are what keeps me from shifting into my trueself and I hate it. Unsure of what to do next as I tug and prod the neck restraint, not having a lick of luck.
The Viking man just stands in silence, he is fingers tracing the slice across his neck with complete fascination. The clanking of my chains brought his focus back on me sadly. I eye him warily as my fingers feel for the clasp. I can deal with the others later but this one needs to go first.
"If you let me, I will take it off." He points towards my neck.
"Why are you still here. I am just a meek child, not worth any value." I roll my eyes and motion to my thin body that's barely hidden under a tattered shirt.
"Surely there are better choices back in that village. Why waste your time on a scrawny one like me?" I step back a few more feet, hoping this man just let's me go.
"I highly doubt that is the truth young one." Kushin leans against the bank and crosses his arms. His deep blue eyes watching me with great amusement. "Tell me how did you come to be in such a way?"
I stop fiddling with my neck shackle and remove my dagger from mouth. I look him up and down once more with utter confusion.
"I will answer questions if you let me leave willingly." I raise an eyebrow hoping to disappear off into the woods after this.
He doesn't say a word and just waits silently. I pick up the sounds of his commardes off in the distance, seems they given up hunting for any more runaways.
"I am a child of war." I cross my arms, giving him a half truth.
"Quit remarkable.. Is this your home village?" I can feel him taking in every detail of this form, I do indeed look like a young human aside from the points of my ears.
I snort hard and look at him like he is a fool none the less."What kind of stupid question is that? No. The warriors who killed my kin sold me at port here."
"So you were raised on the battle field. How old are you now?"
"At least early 20s I think." I look down at the ground, not entirely convinced of what age I am.
"How long have those shackles been around you?"
"Why do you care?"
"You interest me, now go on. You said you answer me, unless you are just a beast free of a cage."
"I truly do not know but it has been many years that much I am sure." I take another step away, nearly cross the stream now.
"Why what Viking?" I snap, my impatience growing with freedom so close.
"Why were you sold, why did they keep you in that back room... Why such shackles on a you?"
"Ha that is simple, they couldn't handle me. I killed many warriors and so my captors sold me off here years back. But every chance I had, I'd try to escape bewteen the fights." I shake my hands then my feet.
"So they shackled me cause they couldn't kill me. No, I was their prize fighter earning them coin. Though the chains did hinder a bit." I spit on the ground with utter disgust at that sentence, there was no honor to gain from those fights.
"How did you end up with those daggers then?"
"Months of planning actually." I felt a wave at annoyance that my well laid out plan ended up being useless. "I was preparing to kill them and leave today anyway. Clearly the Goddess wanted a laugh to day and sent yall here."
"What is your name?"
"My...name.." I choke on air, a feeling of surprise washes over me as I realize I never got one and I never bothered to remember what the raiders called me.
"Oh so this is where you wondered off to brother! The men are setting up a feast for tonight!"
"I see you found me Nevius." The large burly man looks to his side as the skinny one steps closer.
"So who is this you got?" Nevius asks sitting down on the bank, eyeing me oddly.
"The wild thing that gave our men the slip. I was just about to get his name." Kushin smirks glancing my way, humor in his eyes.
"Ouch! I know I may not be in proper health condition but I am definitely not a male!" My voice cracks with intense anger.
"How well you hide your femininity then." Kushin nodes to my appearance chuckling teasingly.
"That scrawny little slave is what that the traitor was going on about?" Nevius jumps to his feet and eyes me skeptically. "She is what he was trying to hide? What is so valuable about a weakling like her? She isn't even old enough to fuck. The only thing interesting is her hair.."
"She says she is a child of war. Not many are born on the battle field survive." Kushin shrugs his shoulders.
"Well that was a wasted endeavor. Here I thought we find riches not some worthless slave. Highly doubt she has any value left in that state anyway. Kill her and be done with it brother."
I feel a growl rise up from my gut, my eyes locking on the tall slinky man. I couldn't stop the impulse nor the actions my body followed. The insults he hurled.. not even my captors dared to be so bold!
I lunge at Nevuis, bringing down both my hands fast. I stab a blade in to his left shoulder and wrap my strong legs around his chest. The next thing I know I am tasting his extra foul blood in my mouth. I may not be able to shift at the moment but my fangs definitely sharpen as I bite harder. Wanting to rip his voice from him, though I missed his throat, Nevius is fairly quick with his own reflexes it seems.
I feel Nevius's cold boney hands trying to rip me off of his shoulder, his blood trailing down his right side. Pulling more feral snarls out from me, I bite down deeper into his flesh. I can feel my otherself just lingering below the surface, my eyes burning with the urge to finish off my prey.
The real reason as to why I have such shackles is now on full display with my natural side peeking out. Then another set of hands wrap around me, strong thick hands firmly grasp me now.
Kushin peeling me off his friend with ease. I squirm against his hold now, rage fueling me. I twist in his embrace and growl a warning. My nails sharpening as I dig my claws into his arm. When he still shows no signs of releasing me, I snap my jaw down upon his bicep.
"Settle down wild thing." He coos out gently, as though to calm an angry child.
I can feel the confusion coming off of Nevius as he holds a hand over the gaping wound. Taking in Kushin though is different, he is completely calm despite my outburst. I slowly still and retract my claws, my nails returning to a more reasonable length.
Kushin's blood taste better then the other man, but I too relinquish my bite. As the tension leaves my body he sets me down, eyeing me with more intensity then before.
"What...what form of demon are you!" Nevius stutters as he falls backwards.
"Why Nevius, didn't you learn a lesson already? Being so rude to one who is clearly a child of the Gods?"
"How can you say-"
"You seen yourself Nevius, she took on parts that of a wolf. Most certainly she must be a child of the Gods, a warrior from Valhalla itself."
While the two are distracted I turn to make a run for it, only to be scoped up the a 3rd man from behind.
"King Kushin, she tried to run." The new man states holding me firmly over his shoulder.
"Lord, you don't mean to seriously bring /that/ with us do you?" Nevuis voice nearly cracks.
"Indeed Brother I do. We can not leave her on this island. Horus, take her to the ship and secure her there, pleasantly please."
Kushin walks around his man to look at me, "I will be there to see to you shortly. Be a good young one and listen to your elders." He pats my head and motions Horus to leave.
Not left with much of a choice, I remain complacent and let the man named Horus do what he is tasked with. After all it seems Kushin is the leader of this band of warriors. I offer no resistance as he fits a rope around my already shackled wrist and ankles, securing me to the main sail beam in the center of the ship.
He drapes a fur blanket over me before turning and leaving me alone on the ship. I glance around admiring the beauty of the wood. I can see the love the crafter has for his work, each blank of wood is delicately carved and tended too. I can feel the joy this ship radiates, the pride it has for the men who sail upon it.
I shift my position a bit, placing my bare feet against the cold blanks, I close my eyes and focus on feeling the waves rocking the boat. A feeling I nearly forgotten. I sniff the air hungrily, savoring the heavy scent of salt and fish. I can't stop the smile gracing my lips as a cooling breeze blows through my long hair. I look up at the expanse of sky above, watching the clouds dance over the sun.
Soon I doze off, some how feeling peaceful despite being a captive once more. When my keen ears pick up the sound of heavy foot steps in the soft sand, I start to stir. The pace is calm yet the heart beat is erratic, perhaps it is his excitement.
I keep my eyes closed as an all to becoming familiar scent drifts towards me. Kushin has come after all, and judging by the coolness the sun must have set. The boat rocks a bit as he steps on. The blanket sliding down, I can't keep my eyes shut as I feel it placed back on me.
I buck backwards unsuccessfully and the ship rocks from the sudden force. Kushin places a hand on my shoulder, steadying me and his ship. He sits down in front of me yet he still towers above.
"So where were we little one.... Ah yes, your name... Do tell me what it is."
I stare at him silently, he was supposed to release me. Not tie me up on his ship. As if reading my thoughts, he chuckles deeply. His blue eyes twinkle with entertainment.
"My name is Victor Trovadish Kushin. I lead a massive Viking settlement and over see many territories." He smiles and looks down at me, motioning me to introduce myself as he done.
I roll my eyes, "I am a nameless warrior who was taken far from my homelands. I would like to be released now." I yank my hands, the chains rattling against the rope.
"Where is your kin?"
"I do not know. Nor can you use my life to barter for a reward even if I had kin to find." I slump downwards, wishing these shackles would be taken off me already.
"What are you then?"
"I am a warrior, a viking." I said the first thing that came to my mind and how true it is.
"I understand that, but /what/ are you?"
"That is not a fair question. Why don't you tell me what /you/ are." I retort back, annoyed by his question.
"I am a Viking Leader, descendant of the great Oden himself. One day I will be welcomed in the Grand Halls of Valhalla to feast with my fallen brethren." He states with a firm tone but I can see something different in his eyes.
"I do not have such an answer. I am alive, that is what I am." I shrug my shoulders indifferently, "As for more then that, I don't have an answer to give."
"How did you do that with your nails and teeth?"
"It's not that difficult, I just let my trueself come fourth."
I extend my nails into claws, and partly shift my ears revealing their fur and tips. I shake my head and go back to hiding.
"So your trueself is a....." He keeps a casual tone, letting me finish his statement.
"Guess you could call me a wolf but I am not some wild animal. Half of my life I spent as human." I growl not truly liking this conversation.
"So if I remove those shackles you would...shift to that of a....non human?" His composure is on point but he is struggling with the conversation.
"Listen, just let me go. Forget you saw me. I'll dissappear off into the land-"
"Well you see, this is truly a remote island just beyond the bay of my territory. I most certainly will not leave you alone at this outpost."
His words startle me, I look past him and over his shoulders. Trying to see the landscape in the horizon. Pretty sure he said this was island when he was talking earlier too.
"I tell you honestly. I only sailed this way to dispell the one in charge of this village. He strayed from loyalty, only you are alive now. We are returning from the raiding season." He points towards my neck once more, "If I remove those, will you try to run?"
"If it as you say, there is no where for me to run too at the moment." I huff and lean back against the pole.
He reaches his hands towards my ankle shackles first, his strength easily snapping them off. I watch in disbelief as he slowly does the same for the ones around my wrist. He leans back and looks at the blood stains and sores the shackles left behind.
"You bleed like a human..."
"Well yeah... I am not a /demon/ Kushin."
"You would not bite me if I remove the one from your neck.. Will you?"
"No. I. Won't. Bite. You." I grit my teeth, annoyed once more.
"I some how do not believe you.." He reaches up and fiddles with the lock for a few minutes before it drops heavily from me neck.
At first my neck burns as the sore skin is exposed to the fresh air, but soon it is a welcomed sensation. I grin and let myself shift, the ropes snap and I stand as a gaint snow white wolf.
I stretch my front paws forward, my back arching with my tail held high in the air. It feels so good, I shake my white fur out loosely. It feels like it has been an eternity since I was myself.
Kushin steps back a bit, excitement heavy on his features. I growl playfully and watch him stumble backwards.
Landing on a rowing bench, I sit and stare at him blankly. When he shows no response, I nudge my muzzle into his side, jarring him back to the present.
"So.. this is your true self then.. Pure white.." He looks me over before clutching his stomach.
His body vibrating with heavy laughter. "Surely I must have lost my mind for this can not be real. Oh how right you were, the Gods wanted a laugh today indeed!" Kushin grips his sides as he continues laughing hard.
I can't help but tilt my head curiously and annoyed. I phased right in front of him but he has a hard time believing it. I growl lowly and turn away. I sniff the deck before settling down at the back of the ship.
My stomach grumbles but all I want to do is sleep. I curl up and wrap my tail around my body tightly, ignoring the man approaching me. He dare laugh at me like I'm some joke, I growl lightly as I feel him sitting down next to me.
"I did not mean to be rude. It is just hard to believe a creature as beautiful as you are, is also so incredibly dangerous." I feel his hand petting me now, gently running down the length of my back.
I hate that it feels good but I keep myself quiet, I need him to get away from this island at least.
"I will name you Caillat, you will be treated well and will fight by my side for awhile."
He starts to scratch behind my ears and it felt great. My ears easily the size of his palm. He may be larger then me when I'm shifted but as my trueself I'm am massive. His words though sinking in.
"Why do you assume I will stay by your side?" I lift my head and look at him evenly.
"What reason do you have not too?" He raises an eyebrow and reaches a hand under my chin.
"Are you not afraid?" I question lowly, very much distracted.
"Should I be?" Kushin's tone is lofty, I don't sense fear from him at all. Just curiousity and excitement.
My breath hitches as he starts to scratch and stroke down my neck. "I am not some beast..."
"Never said you were, but you are a Viking and Vikings love to fight." He smiles for the first time with honesty and I can't help but lick his cheek. He chuckles and pats my head, "A child of Fenrir licked me, I must be blessed now."
"My parents were the same as me, I am not familiar with a Fenrir. I lived in a remote village high in the mountains, covered in snow always. Distant warriors would visit our clan from time to time. They would come to present offers in exchange for our aid in battles."
I snap at his hand, tiring of him touching me so casually. "What will you offer for my aid king viking?"
"Name your price warrior." He stands up, his demeanor going dead serious.
I growl and also rise, his head only less then a foot higher then mine. Annoyed I still have to look up at him.
"Good nourishment, warmth, safety, freedom and fighting."
"Easy enough to provide, you would also be living in the Grand Hall with myself and current family. Will you switch forms often?"
"I only shift to the human form when I must... I am deadly but it doesn't feel right to me." I feel slightly nervous, I hope he doesn't ask me to shift.
"How were you captured? Was it because you were shifted?"
His question startles me and step back. I wasn't expecting him to be that curious, it brings the memory forward.
It was a normal day in our village, we were doing our shifted training and it is always intense.
Everything happened so fast and the last thing I seen were my parents fighting. My whole branch were white with blue eyes, but before I could shift I felt a sharp pain then darkness. I woke on a ship much like this Viking's, I phased to my trueself upon waking.
I was surrounded by many men, it was bloody and I have never suffered such injuries before. I managed to kill 13 before I collapsed, the next time I woke I was chained in that little space. At first I panicked then adjusted, they took advantage of me while inadvertently training me as my clan trained.
"Caillat.." I feel a hand touch my shoulder, snapping me out of the memory.
"I don't remember." I shake my head and stepped back.
"Well I will not allow such a thing to occur again." Kushin straightens up and turns away to leave.
"You say that knowing you captured me." I chuckle darkly, he knows going with him is my only chance to leave.
"Only with your agreement. Now come Caillat." He pats the side of his leg as he steps off the ship. I don't move and just stare at him blankly. "You are my partner now, which means you stay by my side."
I lower my head and slowly make my way off the ship, coming to a stop by his side. Kushin turns and really takes a soild look at me now. His gaze lingers on my muzzle then flicks to my ears. I watch his eyes as they roll down my back and landing on my tail.
The twitch in his hand doesn't go by unnoticed. Smelling the roasting meat however, I nudge my head into his side.
"You are right, it is time to eat. Do try and not kill my men please, their women are scary." He chuckles and I feel his fingers stroking my fur.
"I'll...do my best..." I keep pace with him as we get closer to the main building at this settlement.
"Just stay by my side is all you need to worry about, I will handle everything else." He smiles and rubs the top of my head, right between my ears.
I lean into it as we walk into the great hall, the fire is burning well and food filled all the tables. The smell of booze is strong, nearly as strong as the scent of all these warriors. They are loud and very energetic. Some laughing and chatting away, others are rough housing and just being really rowdy.
I stay close to Kushin as he greets people and talks with them. Once he gets to the head of the table, the room quiets down. He looks down at me and I huff out a sigh, walking to lay behind his chair. Due to my size, it looks more like I'm cuddling the chair.
"Men we have achieved victory and reclaimed the outpost! Today we fought valiantly and bravely! The poor Valkeries weep as they received no souls today!" The room erupts loudly at Kushin's words, he does seem like a good leader.
"Lord Kushin, where did you find that wolf?" My ears twitch at this new voice, I am curious how Kushin is gonna handle this.
"This is the treasure the traitor was hiding. For this is a true child of Fenrir and Caillat shall reside by my side! The Gods truly favor us!" He raises his mug high in the air, "Give thanks to the Gods! Give thanks to Fenrir!"
The room erupts even louder with cheers, the clank of mugs echoing. Soon everyone returns to feasting and enjoying themselves.
"Caillat, here this is all for you." Kushin stands and sets a massive platter loaded with sheep, pig and cow next to me.
My mouth starts to water, I look over to him and he nodes telling me to dig in. He doesn't have to tell me twice, I start tearing into the chuncks of roast meat. Raw taste better but this isn't that bad at all. I don't know how long it took me but I was sad when the plate is completely clean.
I stand and stretch out with the fullest belly I have had in a long time. With a big yawn, I turn and walk towards the exit. I want to find a spot and sleep for the night, I didn't even pay attention to anything else. I didn't notice people stepping out of my way nor the fact I was lowly growling to make others move.
I feel the fresh air hit my face, and follow my scent trail back to the ship. I step aboard, walking to the back end where there are bags and furs all piled up. I circle a few times before finally laying down, I curl my tail up to hide my muzzle in.
It isn't long before I hear the soft chuckle of Victor as he approaches me. He comes from the side first and his hand touches my shoulder. I can't help but jerk my head up to look at him. He pats me a few times and walks around. I watch him carefully as he grabs a fur covering and sits against my middle. He turns sideways and leans into my fur, pulling his own fur cover up.
Rolling my eyes at this viking leader acting like a wee pup laying with their mother. I shake my head and bring it around, resting it on his legs. At least he smells good, I chuckle lightly then bring my tail up, laying it across him to hide my muzzle.
His warmth comforting me into the best sleep of my life in a long time. I listen to his soft snores as I slowly begin to stir. The moon is full tonight and is nearly directly over me. I raise my head up to gaze upon the endless night sky, savoring the feeling.
I haven't seen the moon in so long, how perfect that the first moon I get to feel is full. I smile and just soak in the moonlight, the coolness of it comforting. I close my ice blue eyes, holding my head high. I can feel myself restoring and healing. Old scars fading and my fur starting to glow once more.
I can't help my self any longer, I take a deep breathe and howl my song to the Goddess. Singing my story for her tonight, the wind carrying it across the waves. As my song nears the end, I feel an arm drap over my kneck. Instantly he is howling with me now, it's not a true howl but I must admit it is much better then some of the ones I've heard. I look over at him, laughing up against me.
I shake my head and huff, "I couldn't help myself. It has been an incredibly long time since..." I turn away not wanting to explain myself further.
"Do not fret, everyone needs a good howl sometimes." Victor leans back down, making himself comfortable in my fur. "Caillat?"
"Yes Kushin?"
"You fur feels softer now.." He chuckles lightly, and snuggles in more.
"Moonlight heals and strengthens me. My growth has just begun." I chuckle darkly, "I trained my weakest side this whole time and I am already powerful. Now I can train my trueself, my strongest self."
I can feel a shudder roll through him at my statement but it is definitely from excitement. I lay my head back down across his torso, and laying my tail to hide my muzzle. Victor Kushin, the powerful viking, now completely hidden within my fur.
I can feel the sun warming my back all too soon, letting me know it's morning. I grumble not wanting to get up yet, then to my distaste I feel Kushin begin to stir.
The man pup I seem to have takin a liking too is laying comfortably against me. I lift my head letting him get to his feet, I stretch out and flick my tail a bit.
"I'm gonna go for a morning run maybe try and catch breakfast." I shake out my coat waiting for his response.
"Just be back here before mid day, we are loading the ships and heading home." He waves me off without another word.
I turn excitedly, I haven't ran for along time. I sprint through the woods excitedly, so far I've only seen birds and very small mammals. I hit the ocean again and to my disappointment this island is alot smaller then I thought.
After another run north to south, and still not finding any prey, I give up. I return to the settlement with my head hung low and my stomach complaining.

Viking King and A WolfWhere stories live. Discover now