3. Beginnings Of A Hero

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"If it weren't for those brave boys, I feel that I would've been done for. If they're watching this right now, I want to thank them so much! You both are always welcomed back to the market!"

"Well, you heard it here folks. It sounds like we have kids with the strong essences of heroes!"

(Y/n) sat on the couch as he watched to news. It turns out the events that occurred that day were recorded on the security cameras of the market, but they have terrible video. It couldn't even show the events that happened in clear quality, but it did have amazing audio. It recorded everything the robber yelled, and everything (Y/n) whispered to Kirishima.

He crossed his arms as he glanced at Izuku, who was beside him focusing on an assignment that needed to be done tomorrow, and he sighed for no reason in particular.

(Y/n) looked back at the television with a frown. He's never thought about it, but what he did at the market was considered heroic, wasn't it?

Honestly, it felt okay....

He didn't experience too much of a rush, which is good because he didn't want his Battle Lust quirk to go off. It would've probably destroyed the entire store itself....the entire city at that. Battle Lust basically activates whenever (Y/n) is in a good battle. Whenever he's in a fight that lasts longer than one minute, the quirk activates, increasing his strength, defense, and intellect drastically, but it makes him a psycho.

Questionably, (Y/n) didn't feel any joy or relief for putting that man behind bars. Without a doubt in his mind, he knew the man deserved it...but...is jail all he deserves?

What if the robber was to kill somebody?

Is jail the proper punishment for that? Why not kill him as well, so he won't hurt anyone else every again?

What...is a hero supposed to feel when they accomplish something like this?

Are they proud to put people with a different perspective on life behind bars?

What makes their heroism so...right?

"Midoriya..." (Y/n) called, gaining the broccoli boy's attention. He stared at him intensely with his gloomy (e/c) eyes, which caused the frail boy to sweat. It wasn't intentional intimidation, but his eyes are so...dead...

"Uh, y—yeah? What do you need?"

"Why...do you want to be a hero?" Milliseconds after (Y/n) asked Izuku that question, he wanted to punch himself in the face. The answer to the question is literally plastered all in Izuku's room.

The green haired male seemed flabbergasted by the question, but (Y/n) waited patiently for his expected answer. "Well, as you know, I'm a huge fan of All Might!"

"Yes. I know that very well." (Y/n) nonchalantly rolled his eyes, already knowing that much.

"And that's why I want to save people with a smile just like All Might." He finished his answer, which puzzled (Y/n) in some way.

"To save people with a smile?" (Y/n) whispers to himself.

'Come to think of it...All Might does smile a lot, doesn't he?' The multi-quirk user looked at his quirkless cousin. 'Always so selfless. If I have the essence of a hero, then you have the essence of a pro, Izuku Midoriya.'

K: My Hero Academia x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now