5. An American Criminal?!

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(Y/n) didn't talk to Izuku much after their little fiasco at school. He protected his cousin from his bullies, but it seems like he only got in the way.

Apparently, he took things...too far.

He'll admit that the things he did at the school were a little...hardcore: He set fire to lockers, he possessed someone to fail their final test, he Cursed someone to lose one year off their life whenever they use their quirk, and that's only a few things he's done to help himself and his cousin. It may seem cruel, but it's one of the few ways to scare off bullies. To his understanding, at least. He doesn't see it as wrong, since he's doing it to protect his cousin.

But, in his defense, he did...lose himself. He doesn't exactly know what happened to him, but he got a sick desire to see everyone in that classroom die before him. To watch them fall from the severe burns that they'll receive from Bakugo's explosion, and to see the explosive boy actually terrified and traumatized for what he's done, it all made (Y/n) so intrigued.

It's almost like...

He wasn't doing it to protect Izuku at all.

And that scared him, but it also made him...joyful. Why? Why is he joyful?

Oh, wait...He knows why...does he?

His eyes glowed a hot pink hue as his smile grew. A pink aura surrounded his body like a calm, controlled fire. Though it looked like a fire, the aura around his body felt like lukewarm water around his entire being.

It was a feeling he was familiar with.

This was the visual representation of his malice and mischievousness.

This was...his lust for death.

He doesn't know why this is a fascination of his, but he's had it ever since he turned three. He can't remember how many times he's enjoyed someone who has threatened to kill him, or how much he wishes for someone to slowly die before him.

It makes him ecstatic.

At this point, (Y/n) has been seen as a criminal, sociopath, and a delinquent; And after his little fiasco, he's starting to believe it's true. It's not very ideal, but who is he to change how people view him. The only thing that crucially matters is how he views himself, and he doesn't know what he is at the moment.

With the usual way he handles situations mercilessly and with the most scarring appeal, being a hero seemed like the last thing he'll be able to do, right?

His aura calmed as he released a sigh. His smile left his face as he held his hands on his forehead, "What the hell is wrong with me?" (Y/n) said to himself, voice cracking as he hunched down.

He never told anybody, but the boy hated himself.

He's so...violent!

He indirectly kills people!

He makes people suffer for eternity!

Why? Why does he do it?

He doesn't even know. All he knows is that he likes it.

K: My Hero Academia x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now