Chapter 6

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Brilyn Tomlinson
"Where we going then?" I looked at Harry who was in the drivers seat staring straight out of the front windscreen. He had one arm rested on the car door tapping on the steering wheel to the beats of the music in the background, and his other arm was actually taking control of the wheel.

"Well, we can't really go out in public right now, I mean we can, it's just that security isn't with us so it would be a lot and very busy," he sounded a bit down about that. But I get it, he's in a massive band with fans that don't allow him to be seen without being bombarded with people.

"That's fine haz, it get it. I don't think I could deal with a lot of people right now anyway," I shifted in my seat to face him. I had one leg flat on the floor but my other was up crossed on my seat. Both my uggs were off my feet on the floor, I didn't want to get Harry's car seat dirty and I really can't sit still when I'm in a car- so I just opted for the best option. Take my shoes off.

"I was thinking we go to McDonald's drive thru and just park somewhere and eat, I know it's not amazing but it's our best option I think."

"Yes okay I love maccies."

We got to the drive through and I ordered what I usually got whenever I went, which actually wasn't lot. Danny hated fast food so we never really got it. I ordered a chicken sandwich, with fries and a banana milkshake. Harry ordered a big mac, fries, a large coke and some cheese bites.

We drove a little bit until we got far enough away from McDonald's that the car park was empty. It wasn't very full to begin with considering its 1pm on a Monday, so a-lot of people where probably at work or school. Anyway we got our foods out the bag and tucked in. It was silent for a while, as we where both just happily enjoying our food. I let out a sigh and Harry's eye's immediately left his big mac and went straight to me. "Are you okay bri? That was a big huff."

For the main part that sigh was just me enjoying my fries, but the silence got me thinking about Danny. "Yeah, I'm just thinking."

"Don't think too much, you might hurt yourself," he said with a little giggle. "But do you wanna talk, you don't have to if you don't want to but sometimes talking to someone helps. And you know that anything you say to me will be kept between us." He took another couple of fries and put them in his mouth.

And that was it. Harry telling me that just sent me into a flood of tears. They just kept coming, there was no way I could of stopped them so I just let them pour. And so did Harry, he put down his food to rub my back and place a hand on my thigh, but besides that he just let me cry. I felt like I needed it. I cried on the night it happened and a little before Louis came and picked me up but not majorly. Not like this.

"Im so sorry, I didn't plan on crying today, I don't want to ruin today, I'm sorry." The words just fell out of my mouth. Word vomit. I always get it when I cry, I've done it since I was little. I tried to pull myself together but the tears just kept coming and I let them.

"Hey hey it's okay bri." Harry rubbed my back with his hand. He used his other to place his bag of food into his footwell so he could lean over the front console and wrap his arms around me. He kept them there for a while. It was nice. I've always liked loved hugging Harry, he gives the best hugs. Eventually he let go and when he pulled back he wiped a couple of the tears from under my eyes. I couldn't help but smile at him. He's so cute. "So do you wanna talk?"

"I just can't stop thinking of Danny and how much he hurt me and the fact he doesn't even care," I wiped under my own eyes this time and dropped my hands into my lap.

"He's a prick for doing that to you Brilyn, you really didn't deserve that." His hand went back onto my back, squeezing my shoulder in the process. "Can I ask how you found out about him cheating?"

"I walked in on it Harry."

"Fucking hell bri," he sounded dumbfounded.

"Tell me about it, I was out seeing Lottie and the twins for the day and when I got home just an hour earlier than I thought I walk into my kitchen where I lived and he had some girl bent over our kitchen table." I paused while the image flashes through my head. "It took him a good five minutes to even notice I was there. I just stood in silence and watched. And when he did notice. God it was horrible."

"What happened bri?"

The flashbacks started replaying in my head like they've been doing for the past day and a half. "He through the girl out straight away, and tried to apologise to me, grabbing my hands and kissing them. He even got on his knees and wrapped his arms around my waist saying how sorry he was. And when I wasn't having it, he flipped. Started shouting at me, he kicked the kitchen cupboards, it was awful." I took a breath in again as I just stopped crying and I could feel myself welling up again. "He told me that I should of been a better girlfriend and he wouldn't have to cheat. God I felt so sick. He looked so angry. At me and I didn't even do anything. So then I just got some of my shit and left, and now here we are. Crying in your car like a baby."

"Don't call yourself a baby bri, that was horrible what he did and he never should have. You never deserved that kind of treatment. You deserve to be treated with kindness and love. Not whatever that scumbag thought love was." Harry shifted in his chair again to reach in the side compartment of his car door. I wondered what he was doing until I felt a tiny bit of paper hit me straight between my eyes. I closed them in a reflex but when I opened them I saw him with his straw between his lips. In between the most beautiful smile he had on his face. "Now come on eat up." He put the straw into his drink and took a giant gulp before picking up his food bag from the floor and tucking into his untouched Big Mac.

I did exactly the same back to him. Got my straw out of my McDonald's bag, ripped off a bit of the end and blew it straight at him. Only mine completely missed and flew straight past his head into his lap. "What the actual fuck!" I fell back into my seat in defeat while this sent Harry into a laughing fit. I wanted to act mad about my terrible aim but hearing his laugh and seeing his smile also sent me into a fit of giggles.

It was amazing to see how he completely changed my mood. Only 4 minutes ago I was a mess of tears but now I'm laughing and eating my fries with a smile on my face. We were parked for around 2 hours just listening to music and catching up on each other lives. It was really nice to talk to Harry. I'd last spoke to him over a year ago now when the boys got all their families together, and even them I had Danny with me and he hated it when I spoke to other men besides him so I barely got to speak to Harry as a result of that.

Am I actually that fucking dumb I just didn't see that he's a walking red flag. Stupid bitch.

Throughout mine and Harry's chats I learnt that he only hadn't been with anyone since 2010 and it's now 2013. Three years with no one. He said that his last kiss was in fact me. Like I said me and Harry have never dated but we've kissed a few times but that was three years ago now. Before I got with Danny. It warmed my heart to know that, but I also felt bad. He seriously has not had an a ounce of Lust in three years. Not to stereotype but he's in the biggest boyband in the world, surely it wouldn't be hard for him to find someone that would wanna do something with him. Even just kiss him.

We finally wrapped our chat up and decided to head back to the boys' house. I have yet to call it my home considering I haven't even slept there yet. Mine and Harry's chat could of continued for another 2 hours but it was around half three and the boys would be back soon so we thought we'd better get back before them. Plus I told Harry I wanted to make them some cookies to come home to seeing that they've let me stay for a while.

It didn't take long to drive back, we just had the radio on in the background while we sang along to a couple of the songs and I educated Harry on Beyonce songs. This man really didn't know irreplaceable. I mean come on.

When we got into the house Harry went for a shower and I went to get started on the cookies for the boys. That was until I realised I was in a house of boys, who lived off take away and only bought things when they actually needed them. They cupboards were empty. And I mean empty. Even the fridge, not even milk.

That was enough for me. Those cookies weren't being made today, I really couldn't be bothered to go back out to the shops. I will make them tomorrow. For now I headed upstarts to my room to unpack a few things and get into some more comfy clothes.

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