Chapter 10

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Brilyn Tomlinson

The boys took around 30 minutes to eat up there dinners. We all spoke and had a good time. Me and Liam even spoke, he apologised for what he said and we moved passed it. I don't want to argue with any of the boys, I have so much respect for them all.

Once they fully finished I started to bring their empty plates into the kitchen to wash them up. All 5 of the boys insisted that they help me but I told them no, I wanted them to relax, go shower and just do what they usually do to chill. "Brilyn you aren't our slave just let us help." Louis kept going on about how I wasn't a slave but I knew that I just really wanna play my part of living in the house. Eventually I got the boys to all leave and do there shit while I tidy. Louis and Niall said they where going for showers. Liam and Zayn wanted to go to the home studio that's in the basement, which baffled me completely as they've been at the studio all day. But slay I guess. And Harry just sat down at the kitchen island.

I had my back to him washing the plates in the sink. I put the radio on in the background so there was no awkward silence. Stay by Rihanna was lightly playing in the background and as all my friends know Rihanna and Beyoncé are my bitches. I started to quietly sing along to the words forgetting Harry was sat only 2 meters behind me. Washing away I was completely in my own little world, starting to get louder with my singing, still forgetting where I am.

"You've got a beautiful voice bri." Harry's voice broke me out of my bubble.

I instantly felt my cheeks go red. "Oh thanks haz, I forgot you were behind me for a sec." I giggled but I refused to look back at him. I probably looked like a tomato right now. I continued to clean the dishes and pile them onto the draining bored, still smiling to myself. Out of nowhere I felt Harry's hand pull the wet plate out if my hold. I turned too look at him and he a had a tea towel in his hand drying up the plate and placing it on the side, before picking another from the draining bored. "Hey I told you I'd do it, go sit back down."

"Bri stop being so stubborn let me help, it's not like I'm doing anything." He knows me way more then I remember. I am extremely stubborn. Me and Louis both, I think it's just a Tomlinson family trait we all picked up. He continued to dry up the plates but I had finished cleaning them now. So the plates he had already dried I started to put away. He finished with the last one and threw the tea towel over his shoulder and leant with his hand on the kitchen counter. "How comes you didn't audition with Louis then, you clearly have the voice."

He was obviously talking Louis auditioning on x-factor, how the band got made. Me singing is not a thing in my family it's always been Louis the singer which I'm more than okay with. I absolutely hate any sort of attention from anyone. Louis is perfect for that. No one really knows that I sing and I'm absolutely okay with that. "Didn't want to, you know I have anxiety about being in big crowds and shit can you imagine me attempting to perform in front of people." It's true, I have crippling anxiety when it comes to crowd, I would 100% throw up if I tried to do that.

"Fair enough, but I definitely think you have a wonderful voice." He stood with the most gorgeous smile on his face. I don't know what it is but I just feel so drawn to him. I haven't seen Harry in well over 6 months and now that I am seeing him and actually talking to him I just feel this overwhelming feeling that I wanna be with him all of the time. I slowly walked towards him and he took his hand off the counter to stand up straight. He looked nervous. I got closer to him and wrapped my arms around his chest, it didn't take long before I felt his lanky arms wraps around the back of my head. He was the perfect height to hug.

We both slowly pulled away but still keeping each other close. I looked directly at his perfect lips. I see his tongue lightly lick over his bottom lip. I went up on my tip toes to reach the same height as him, my arms left his waist and I wrapped them around his neck. "Bri what are you doing?" Our foreheads now touched and Harry shut his eyes.

"Kiss me." I whispered into his lips.

"What?" He whispered back.

"Kiss me please Harry." I begged. "I've missed you."

With that I felt his lips graze mine and then push into a proper kiss. I kissed him back slowly and lightly. It wasn't a lustrous kiss, but it was a passionate kiss. I felt his tongue try and push its way through and I parted my lips wider to make it possible. It felt like we where kissing for ages, but we were interrupted by the sounds of footsteps getting closer. We quickly pulled away and I took the tea towel that was still on his shoulder and started wiping the side. I think Harry panicked because he opened the cupboard above his head and pretended to look through it.

The footsteps quickly matched up with Louis as he came strolling around the kitchen door and took a seat at the island. "Harry mate what are you doing?" I turned too see his face and he look rather confused why Harry was looking in an empty cupboard.

For fuck sakes Harry.

"I Umm... I was looking for glasses I thought they was in here." If I could physically face palm I would. How do you not know where the glasses are in the kitchen that you've had for years?

Louis just stared at him blankly. "Okay?... Bri what did you do today then, you said you had to pop out." Thank fuck he changed the topic of conversation. But why to this. I knew I had to tell him where I'd been but I knew he's be a little mad that I went without him. He wanted to come because he really wants to see Danny.

"Oh I just went and got the rest of my stuff from my old place. In and out I was. Less then an hour." I tried to make it sound as casual as possible. But the look on Louis' face told me I was in for a telling off.

"Why the fuck would you go by yourself? I told you i wanted to go with you?" Louis leaned forward in his chair and rested his arms in the table. "He wasn't there was he?"

"What no no no." I pleaded. "Claire was there, she helped me get my stuff in the car, that was it. I made sure to go in the middle of the day so he would be at work." Louis wasn't being controlling he's just very overprotective. I like it. It makes me feel safe knowing my big brother would do anything for me.

"Okay, I wish you would of told me you was going, in case anything did happen." His tone went soft again and he relaxed a bit.

"I know I'm sorry, I just wanted to get it over and done with." I walked around the kitchen island so I was next to Louis. I gave him a kiss on the cheek but before I stepped back completely I ruffled my hand really quickly through his hair. I dashed after I did that. Louis's hair is his prize possession, so I knew messing it up would piss him off a bit.

He got up out of his chair to chase me around. "What the fuck bri?" He shouted, laughing at the same time. By the time he had got up, I had ran around to my original spot by Harry. Except this time I pushed him in-front of me and used him as my shield. "Don't go using Harry now, he ain't gonna protect you." Louis was running side to side while I was still using Harry to block him away. Throughout this Harry was just stood laughing, hearing his little laugh sent pulses all through my body.

After a while of standing behind Harry i stood to the side of him, closest to the door. Louis was just about ready to pounce on me before I started to stare intensely at the window by the front door. "What the fuck is that?" I leaned closer to it, but I slowly started walking away. Louis turned around with his back to me so he could see what I was looking at. And this was my chance. I sprinted so fast out that kitchen I actually surprised myself. I was out, up the stairs and into my bedroom all in about 30 seconds.

Harry styles
Brilyn looked frightened at whatever she was looking at. Me and Louis both leaned closer towards the door to understand what she had seen. "Bri what-" my words where cut off with the sound of heavy footsteps running up the stairs and then a door slam.

I turned to look where Brilyn was stood and she was gone. I swear if what you see in movies was real there would be a cloud of smoke where she stood, she left that fast.

"What the actual fuck." Louis collapsed on the island with his fore arms holding him up. "What a sneaky bugger."

"Very sneaky indeed." I replied. I had to turn around so Louis couldn't see the smirk on my face.

Brilyn what the fuck was that stunt you just pulled?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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