(Destiel) - Fueling the Fantasy

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Takes place in Season 8, Episode 7 "A Little Slice of Kevin" Whereas Cas comes back from Purgatory all scruffy, and Dean ends up showing Cas how to shave for the first time. Definitely turns into some smut.

Dean stood, hands on the counter staring off into the mirror, his eyes searching beyond himself. He was looking for answers to something, anything having to do with the last couple of days. He kept seeing Cas. He knew it was Cas - it had to be. If it wasn't, then maybe all these years of crazy were finally catching up to him. They weren't visions. He knew that. Not dreams, either. Dean knew every time he saw the angel he was awake and fully aware. It felt so real each time. His mind flashed back to the night prior, in the middle of the storm, seeing Cas standing outside the window as lightening flashed and cracked behind him. He sighed, turning on the cold water in the sink, cupping his hands to collect the cool stream.

Sam was worried, as usual. Dean looked like he had seen a ghost last night, dazed and puzzled, staring back out that window. Cas was gone, and Dean was seeing things. How could he not worry? He will never know exactly what happened to his brother back in Purgatory, but he did know it had messed Dean up, and he was hurting. He had mentioned, briefly, how he felt he could've done more to save their angelic friend. He was pretty sure he had found a case. Maybe them getting back into a job could take Dean's mind out of the rut he had gotten stuck into.

Sam cleared his throat, picking up on where he had left off in his and Dean's conversation earlier this morning. "Hey, so it's not just Americans who are vanishing. Uh, this guy, Luigi Ponzi disappeared walking between two subway cars in Rome. And right above ground, there was a freak hail storm."

Dean had splashed the cold water on his face for the 3rd or 4th time now, reaching out and turning off the faucet before patting his face dry with a hand towel, lightly chuckling to himself.

"So, we going to Rome? Wouldn't be too shabby." He shrugged. He set the towel down, looking up to inspect his face one last time.

And there he was.

Dean's eyes locked onto Castiel's through the mirror. Dean spun around, praying that he would still be there this time. When Dean had turned the rest of the way, the angel still stood, awkward, but present.

"Hello, Dean-" Cas started just before Dean gripped into the sleeves of his trenchcoat, aggressively pulling him on for a deep, overdue embrace.

Dean needed to feel him, make sure he was really here this time. Even better, he could smell Cas. Not saying he smelled good by any means, he reeked of sweat, blood, and monster guts - but it was just another feather in the cap saying that Castiel was home.

- - - - -

Sam and Cas sat the table, engaged in conversation. Dean leans on the kitchenette counter, beer in hand, eyes unmoving from Cas.

"Unbelievable, man. I can't believe it. You're actually here!" Sam said. He couldn't control his smile.

Cas smiled back, shyly. "Yeah, I've been trying to reach out, but for whatever reason, I wasn't at full power. So I couldn't connect with you." His eyes traveled to Dean as the word 'you' left his lips.

"That must have been why you kept seeing him. I mean, you think?" Sam directed the question to his brother, who finally looked away from Cas. He stared at the amber colored bottle in his hand.

"Yeah. Yeah, uh, I got to be honest. I'm thinking, how the hell did you make it out? I mean, I was there. I know that place. I know how we had to scratch and claw and kill and bleed to find that portal and make it through it, and it almost finished me. So, uh... so how exactly are you sitting here with us right now?" Dean questioned, almost accusing, his intense stare coming back up to Cas. Sam looked away from them both, focusing on the cobweb in the corner of the room.

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