(Dean/Benny) - Bleed

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Dean has a crush on his male companion, which is all new to him.

What happens when he confesses his feelings to Benny? Smut and blood drinking, of course!

The pale moonlight leaks down through the barren and gnarled tree tops overhead, illuminating the dark and desolate landscape of Purgatory. The wind hums in a steady breeze, carrying with it the scent of musty leaves and rotting corpses. The scent is no longer foul as it settles in the hunter's nose - it's something he's grown used to, in fact, he hardly ever notices unless the body is particularly ripe on a hot day. As the trees gently sway in the breeze around him, smaller branches and twigs crackle, all the while setting the scene for this eerily calm night. Another sound that is all too soothing is the vampire that snores behind him, laid out on his side huddled close to their fire. Dean glances back at Benny, a warm smile tugging at his cracked lips before he turns his gaze back up to the moon.

The sky here had no stars, no clouds, it was just a never ending pit of nothing. The only thing linking this afterlife to the familiarity of his place on Earth, was the mighty, pale glow of the orb in the sky, big and beautiful in a way that the hunter couldn't even begin to describe.

His heart ached for home, but he has grown to appreciate the small things here in Purgatory - the tiny white flowers that bloom in the shade of rotten and hollowed trees, in the shape of bells along long and twisting vines. Or the proud roar of the winding river as it billows down hills, dipping off abruptly in the form of a magnificent waterfall...if you are strong enough to follow it that far. Even the basic instinct it takes to survive here, the bare, raw senses it takes to sense danger before you see it, the way impending threats trigger the primal fight or flight response that is buried in the modern day human psyche. It was pure, unaltered life at its core, and Dean would be lying if he said he didn't love it.

The bear-like rumble of a stirring Benny awakens Dean's absent mind, as he pushes himself to his feet and approaches the fire.

Benny begrudgingly sits up, stretching his arms above his head alongside an exaggerated yawn, his fangs descending briefly before he finally closes his mouth. His back cracked into the dramatic arch, and just as fast he used the butt of his palm, pushing into his chin to crack his neck side to side. Dean watches all of this, it's a normal routine, the vampire wakes just like this every night, the same steps play out every single time in the same order. Benny's glassy eyes finally settle on his human companion. He offers a half hearted wave in the hunter's general direction, before rubbing the knobs of his knuckles into his eyes in an attempt to wake himself up better.

"Mornin' sunshine." Dean teases, reaching beside himself to grasp a large stick, using it to stir around the embers of the fire.

"You should hop on down. Get your hours in before daylight." Benny gruffs out, not yet awake enough to wanna hold a conversation.

Dean shakes his head. "Not tired. Not yet anyways."

"Your brain too loud tonight?" The vamp asks with a cocked brow.

Dean just nods, not saying a word.

"Wanna talk about it?" Benny pushes out through a sigh.

Dean has a small, solemn smile on his face as he gazes into the fire. "Nah. Not really."

"Ya sure, Chief? 'Cuz I'm all ears...Hell, as old as I am, I bet'chu I got some good advice too." Benny shoulders rock slightly with his quiet, raspy laugh as he leans in closer to the fire, offering the glowing flames his open palms in an attempt to warm himself.

"I'm sure you do, man. But some things aren't meant to be shared." Dean shrugs, pausing briefly to glance across at the vampire before looking down at his own hands, his tone dropping to a whisper. "Not if you fancy stability, that is."

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