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"Aman..I and Khushi are returning back to Delhi.."Aman stood watching the skyline through fog,as he heard Naina's words..

It felt like everything was slipping from his hands. So he just opened his palms. Trying to control sand,who can ever do it..

So it's better to let it fall. May be a temple would form out of it..He hoped for the best,and had tobe prepared for the worst..

All Naina received was as an yes..She knew him well enough by now. He was worried too. But things were at such a stage,that it has to move in a direction or things would crumble. Fall down..

Khushi looked at the sky that was darkening. It seemed rain was coming. She felt shivers down her spine recalling that night..Naina sighed. She had told her what happened. But still. She just had a bad wake up..

Arnav lied on his bed after long therapy with his physiologist. He was in pain. Every bone was almost breaking. He had to eat something again. It was because of the nutrient supplied through intravenous fluids that he survived. But his body had fallen too week after it was pulled out. He had to slowly work on his diets. Do everything that was needed to balance things out..

Soon,Aman walked in with a tray of some boiled vegetables.. Arnav sighed looking at it. Still he ate it without much reaction..

He observed Aman through his lashes as he ate. Aman was unusually being fidgety. Something was wrong. He knew,his business was in bad condition. So he was working on things from home.. Meeting with dealers,clients,through Video calling. Though Aman did the talking. Him being present was good enough to assure them.

Then what happened to him..

He waited for Aman to tell him. He knew better than putting pressure on him. Aman was a calm person..He was able to solve most of the issues bh himself. He trusted him. So he watched and waited..

Actually Aman did not know how to tell Arnav about Khushi. The past. He was afraid of his reaction. So intelligent Mathur found an idea..

He put on movies searching around,mostly about this,lovers separated by fate. Then reunion of them. Arnav was actually resting. So he watched them. At least he could see the designs of clothes and try to find some inspiration and insight,right?

Arnav watched. Aman gulped. As he saw the no cohlant face of Arnav. He tried hard to discuss the movie with Arnav. Arnav discussed,but all about how the design could have been better,how the figure of the artist and the style of clothes did not match and so on.
Intelligent Mathur wanted to bang his own head somewhere hearing it. Here we are setting your love life up. And all you care about is the clothes of a heroine? Like really?(angry author's pov)

Arnav saw the impatient man before him and almost laughed out loud. He liked to tease him a lot. Donot know,why he insisted that Arnav watched movies,and with that specific theme.. But he found it very amusing to tease him..

Aman saw no reaction in him..

But the ground was ready..

Finally it was show time..

"ASR.. What if all this is real?"asked Aman..

Arnav looked at Aman in silence. He knew Aman was not someone to joke.

"ASR..Do you remember the trip to Paris?"Aman asked with a lot of hesitation.

Arnav had no recollection of it. He looked at Aman to continue..So Aman told him about the trip. How he went to art gallery. And how he stumbled upon the painting made by Khushi..

Arnav sat eyes closed. He had some flashback. He looked at Aman again..And Aman pulled out his phone to show him the painting.

Arnav gulped..

He could remember clearly what happened.

It was not Khushi's fault. He had neglected his own health. After the final verdict of the case of his family,he was feeling like giving up. He did not feel like living anymore. May be he was falling into depression. Or it was detachment.. He had no more motivation to continue. And in all this,his stress increased and sugar fluctuated. Number of times. Finally it collapsed..

Aman looked at Arnav as he sat. Silent. But eyes had unshed tears..

He knew they would handle it..

The same night..

Aman woke up from sleep as he heard Arnav murmuring in his sleep.

Leave her,leave her..Take me,but leave her alone..

Aman knew it might be a nightmare..
So he walked upto Arnav and saw sweat glistening on his forehead even in winter. What was he watching that made him stress so much..

"Arnav..Arnav"Aman shook him awake..

Arnav got up and sat like a possessed man..

"I have to save her. I have to go to her. Save her..Need to save her. She is in danger"Arnav kept murmuring and was looking around disoriented. He seemed to be still in dream..

"Arnav..Calm down. Its okay"said Aman as he tried to touch Arnav's back..

But Arnav flinched like there was some sort of wound there. Aman looked at him worried.

"Leave me. I need to go to her. She is in danger. Leave me"shouted Arnav but his voice came out more like a plea..

Aman gulped. May be Arnav was too deep in the memory or dream that he could not even recognise who he was at that moment..

All he could feel was,she was in danger. He needed to go..

"Arnav. She is safe. Her family is safe. You protected her. Calm down"Aman said..

"No..No..Rajguru.. You donot know. The real enemies were not the brother in laws. But the sisters of hers. She needs me now. They are going to use her, sacrifice her to attain immortality. I have to go.."Arnav continued to talk..

Aman was scared when Arnav talked to some Rajguru. He was disoriented from reality. Something had pushed him back to the time. He was not Arnav Singh Raizada now. He was the king of that time..

And the one he loved, Khushi 's life was in danger..

Aman gulped..

"How did you know about it?"Aman asked cautiously..

"I saw them performing rituals. When I was in palace. But never took it seriously. But that dark shadow tried to strangle me now. So they actually have power to harm the princess. I have to do something. Rajguru you do something "Arnav replied still his breathing uneven .

It took a lot of effort and soon he fell asleep like he was a tired man. Aman sighed. Hopefully Arnav would be all right tomorrow..

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