The Human Mind, Vol. 2

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The human mind is complex, yet similar and many to tell, whilst we may know yet not of how it's workings are,
it is something we do not deny, for human minds rationality starts with itself and the many things around us, despite that, when we consider the aspects of what surrounds us in this irrational world,
yet logical in the perception we base and dissimulate to measure it in our feeble minds,
through in which we concept what is around us, but here, we speak neither of rationality and logicality,
neither of base of surroundings or the affects of what surrounds us,

but instead of the mind, we come into terms with ourselves in many ways, but in our own similarity and relations as a species, we have many in common.

the human mind is a part of humans, a social species, in which we develop and base many of our foundations and bases in morality, and measure of conduct and such as ideology by our surroundings, the same way we have developed as a species in mind and body, we come into terms that what we claim as our own evolution, is not just us but also what surrounds us, now that we've got that under terms,

we beg the question what is social anxiety?

And what are it's aspects in relation to the human minds physiology, and how it's presence affects such.

Social anxiety is the aspect of having anxiety towards social interactions, it's mostly developed via multiple aspects such as one's own preferences but mostly the base of human minds workings and innate ability to percept and conclude by experiences,

we are an species that has evolutionized to work around our mistakes whilst making them, in so our mind has developed in so, but despite that, depending on the mindset of that individual and how in so it thinks affects the degree of such,

but what we are aware is that most people that have social anxiety tend to not have much social contact with people they are not close with, common sense after all, but in it's affects to the mind,
we have many, it affects many aspects, and can correlate with many of people's mind, many may have anxiety in other aspects, and have experiences that are in correlation with other mental setbacks, like bullying, or etc. ,

they may also have more high cortisol levels in association with stress, perhaps to a degree, most people tend to be scared to socialize and may find that burdening,

But what in a way developed that may be of experience or rather the preference or timidness of that individual, nevertheless, humans are social, even if one does not socialize, they will inevitably have to, simply by interacting or by being around humans are normal, it's something that's not to be intervened, or atleast shouldn't be.

Not many people know how isolating oneself may affect the mentality, morality, and logical and moral scale of an individual, for ones ideology and constant fluctuations of opinions and influences may be closed off to only a certain group, which is why, it is important to socialize with people of proper conduct from a young age,

due to human minds irrationality being more adept due to the fact that the brain is not as developed, especially as the part of the brain in charge of rationality is the slowest to grow, and fully grows by 20, in so, proper guidance and influences must be done, and the act of growing ones proper moral and logical scale for oneself,

it is no lie, we see it in everyday,
even if not thought, it is evident, in what we never see nor think about there is the presence of even abstract and subjective things that affect the balance and aspects of humanity and society, despite that, it is normal for every human to have their own understanding of each aspects, every human mind is different, yet similar in workings,

it's no lie, depending on time or generation, there is different influences or aspects that affect their mind from young age, and this can be seen in many things, speak to multiple people from varying generations on controversial topics, there are main controversy, in which they may all agree or disagree with, but in small controversy, there will be many conflicting opinions or ideologies regarding the subject, in so we talk, so does that mean someone with social anxiety, does not have the needed aspects of a humans moral and logical conduct, wrong.

Social anxiety is mostly limited to people they do not know, but there is those with social connections they are free to talk to, and social anxiety can easily be overcome by the comfort of socializing and someone to talk to, although there may be conflictions with that if there mental trauma or something that conflicts in a way of benefit to such, it's not hard to cure, so no, no matter who, may be, in this pluralistic society, there are many who are kind and many brutal,

Nevertheless, one has someone they trust, even if they never realize, for the act of trust, is to spend time with someone and be in contact with them, for no individual is not trusting with someone they prefer to spend time with, might say so,

but to spend time with one person, even if never truly showing who they are, but being in their presence and still being close is a concept of trust and friendship or relationship that not many people realize or bother to indulge themselves to understand.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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