Don't forget me

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What if once she arrived in the timeline, Sylvie couldn't get over what happened with Loki and decided to erase every memory she had of him?
What if Loki had found her and was now desperate, what if Loki wanted in any way to make her remember what had happened?

When Silvie woke up that morning, it was a quiet day like any other. The birds were chirping, spring had just arrived. She wanted to stay in bed longer, enjoying that quiet singing, but she had the morning and early afternoon shift today, and she couldn't be late.
She got up reluctantly, she didn't like working in the morning, she much preferred to stay in bed and sleep till the end. She poured herself a double dose of coffee and began to get ready, turned on the music, no one in her new life understood her musical tastes, but she didn't care. She loved Queen's songs, for example, her favorite was: "I want to break free" she loved the rhythm and the words, she somehow felt connected to them.
At a certain point he heard a loud knock against the window, he got closer to look out, there was a flower on the windowsill, a small blue flower with a yellow centre, here on earth it was known as forget-me-not, she had never seen one, but it was really beautiful.
She looked to see if there was anything around that could have caused that, but being on the second floor of a house, there weren't many things around. She went back inside and continued getting ready as if nothing had happened.
She went out as usual in the weather and got into the car, she had no time to grab the steering wheel, before she noticed that another small blue flower was lying on the hood of hers. She shook her head and tried not to notice, she started the engine and drove off, she was already late enough as it was, she didn't need to add anything else.
What Sylvie didn't know was that those flowers hadn't appeared at random, someone had brought them there, someone she didn't know, but she was trying to bring her back to herself.

A week before...
Sylvie was working as usual, it was a quiet day, they didn't have too many customers, today she was working at the checkout and, as usual, people were coming in and out of the door, in a sweet coming and going of laughing children and happy parents.
She had just finished serving a customer when, looking up, she met a curious gaze staring at her from the door. It was the look of a man, tall with long black hair, discreetly handsome, and wearing a shirt. He was accompanied by what appeared to be two of her friends, one with gray hair and a uniform and another with overalls and brown hair. She recognized the two of them well, they were a minute-man and an analyst, the one who had brought her to Alioth at the end of time before coming back and disappearing as if he had never been there. But that dark-haired man, who stared at her as if she were a mirage, couldn't understand who he was.
He walked towards her.
"Do you want to order something?" Sylvie asked.
"Sylvie I... I would like to talk to you," the man said softly.
"Has my service made you unhappy, sir?" Sylvie asked.
"Sylvie come in, I just want to talk, just this, a conversation between friends" the man insisted.
"I'm sorry, but I think you mistook me for someone else" said Sylvie "I don't know you sir"
"I know I hurt you but please don't ignore me, I'm not angry with you, I just want to talk, please" Loki said.
"Look, I'll tell you again, I don't have the slightest idea who you are, and if you get in the way of my work I'll have to call my supervisor" said Sylvie annoyed.
"No, no, I'm sorry, I'll wait until the end of your shift, then will you give me two minutes?" The man said again.
"No, I don't know you, I'm sorry, just go away" said Sylvie.
The man turned back with a sad look, and he disappeared with his friends through the door. People are really pushy, Sylvie thought.
Meanwhile Loki, coming out of the door, told to Mobius what had happened.
"We'll find out what happened" said Mobius "don't worry"

Sylvie started working calmly, today she waited tables, in her opinion this was her best job because it gave her the opportunity to interact with a lot of new people, something that she had never happened in her life.
"Table 666," said Ronny, a colleague of hers, handing her a tray with a hamburger and a slice of cake.
"Who eats a hamburger at 9 in the morning?" Sylvie wondered.
She walked towards the table where a man with short black hair and irresistible green eyes was sitting.
"It must be mine" he said "Sylvie, right?"
Sylvie put down the tray and replied "yes, if you need anything else don't hesitate to ask"
"Of course, dear," he replied.
Sylvie could feel a strange sensation taking hold in her, she seemed to know those deep gazes of his and that very familiar voice of his. Unfortunately his face didn't tell her anything, it was the first time she had seen him in her entire life.
She went back behind the counter, the gentleman from table 666 continued to stare at her strangely.
"Hey Ronny, do you know who that guy is?" She asked "table 666"
"Yes, he had already come once, two days ago, he ordered a slice of cake and a hamburger, it almost seemed like he was waiting for someone" she paused "but he just ate the hamburger and took the cake away"
Ronny stepped forward and started staring at the man.
"Let me tell you, he seems like a strange guy to me" he said in a low voice.
Sylvie giggled "go before the supervisor sees us" she said softly, still laughing.
The strange man at table 666 remained there for another hour, ate his hamburger and took the cake with him.
Sylvie continued her shift as if nothing had happened, it gave her a bad feeling that he had been there staring at her movements for an hour, it made her uncomfortable, but she didn't understand why, she felt like she knew something about that mysterious man, but she couldn't understand what.
When her shift ended at 6pm, she headed straight home, didn't make any stops, she already had everything she needed.
She turned into the driveway of her house, got out of the car and headed for the door. Her eyes widened in terror when she saw what lay outside her front door.
Resting on the doormat, someone had placed a bouquet of blue flowers, a bouquet of forget-me-nots, with a note attached that read: "wake up Sylvie, please".
She stepped on the flowers forcefully, it must have been a bad joke cooked up by some bored kid, they were probably still around enjoying her reaction.
She entered the house and closed the door tightly behind her, turning the keys in the lock.
"It's okay, it's just a trick of your mind," Sylvie said.
She decided that taking a shower might help her relax and so she did. She went up to the second floor, entered the bathroom and began to undress.
As the water flowed over her body she felt calmer, no blue flower could reach her there.
Maybe she was wrong, this time she saw it, she was grabbing the towel that she had left on the sink and she saw it. A hand, on her windowsill, she had turned just for a little creak and now she saw it, it was a hand, carrying a flower on her windowsill.
She rushed out of the shower, not caring if she was wetting the floor, ran into the hallway and picked up the phone ready to call 911. But then a detail she was ignoring came to her mind, there was no way for a person to reach his windowsill, there were no handholds leading to the second floor of his house.
She put down the phone, went back to the bathroom, now the hand was no longer there, there was only the flower, that damned blue flower again, placed on the windowsill. She opened the window, looked out, there was nothing.
"Strange" she thought "bloody strange"
She closed the window and went to her room, she began to dress, a feeling was starting to take hold inside her, a feeling that made her want to look out the window. As the minutes passed the sensation got worse, until she gave in.
She wasn't used to being scared easily, she had grown up in a million real apocalypses, but this time something was stirring inside her.
She pulled the curtains aside and looked out the window.
There was a man, he was wearing a black suit, had dark hair and was staring right in his direction.
Now she was afraid.
She tried to sense him with her magic, to understand who she was, and suddenly a bitter reality hit her, it was that man who brought her flowers. He showed no sign of moving, although by now he must have realized that she had seen him.
She gathered courage, with a wave of her hand she put on her armor and covered it with a cloak. She ran down the stairs, ready to go out and face that man. The closer she got to the door, however, the more she felt a familiar feeling settle inside her.
She stopped just before opening the door.
She took a deep breath.
She opened the door.
There was no one else outside, she looked right and then left, with the use of her magic she scanned the entire small garden in front of her house. There was no one. She looked down.
"Obviously," she thought, "but now I know what he was doing here."
At her feet, a bouquet of blue flowers and a letter were carefully placed on the doormat. There was no sign of the mess she had created by destroying the previous deck.
She picked it up, eager to see what he had left for her this time.
The letter was carefully written, in perfect handwriting, the ink was a very strong gold color and it said:
"Dear Sylvie,
Did you know what these flowers represent?
Their scientific name is Myosotis, but I think you know that they are known as 'forget-me-nots'. They represent eternal love, but also the salvation of the soul and last but most importantly, they are said to heal the eyes. This is what matters most to me, I know you don't remember anything, but I can help you see, I can heal your eyes and make them see the reality to which you have closed yourself.
Don't run away from what attracts you.
Love, Loki"
Seeing her name at the end of the letter, her blood froze, that person was a Loki, or so he claimed.
This time she didn't tear up the letter, she picked up the flowers and entered her house.
It was a nightmare, everything was wrong, she had just found a place to belong and, as usual, something had to come and upset the situation, as if she hadn't already suffered enough.
She placed everything on the kitchen table.
Dinner. She needed to eat something.
Probably out of laziness, but she found herself heating up a slice of pizza in the microwave, it wasn't the best but it was something. She took a bottle of beer out of the fridge, sat down on the sofa and started eating it all.
The evening passed peacefully from that point on, no more flowers and no more strange people.
She went to sleep early, the next day she would still have the same shift, maybe she would be able to forget the strange events of that day.

The following morning began exactly like the previous one, the birds were singing and Sylvie had little desire to get up and go to work. Before leaving the bed she checked the window, no flowers, she was already off to a good start.
She drank her classic double coffee and she got dressed, she looked out the window again, actually, she looked at them all, all the windows of all the rooms in the house, still no flowers.
Consoled by their absence she left the house.
"Wait a minute," she thought, "I left some flowers on the kitchen table yesterday."
She ran back in and headed for the kitchen. The flowers were no longer there. A shiver ran down her spine, her letter was still there, on the table, with her golden letters, as if to confirm that it hadn't all been just a bad dream.
She decided not to dwell too much on the disappearance of the flowers.
She went out again and headed straight to work.
It was another quiet morning, the usual morning customers, but no presence of flowers or strange men.
She was carrying an empty tray back behind the counter when, through the large window, she glimpsed the same man from the previous day. She came in and sat down at the same table, Sylvie could now perceive it well, she took a few moments to study it, it gave off a familiar sensation, but also something else, she had also felt her presence the evening before, when the man in black appeared.
This time she didn't hold back, she headed towards his table.
"Do you need anything, sir?" She asked.
"Ah yes, thank you, I'll have a hamburger and a slice of cake, if you can put both in one bag I would really appreciate it, I have no time to waste this morning" he said with a smile.
"Of course," said Sylvie, "I'll be more than happy to arrange it myself, Loki."
When she said what, she could deduce from the letter, was his name, his face changed to a more serious expression.
"You read the letter, I suppose," said Loki.
"Yes" replied Sylvie "the order will be ready in a moment"
She walked away quickly, she was right, he was Loki, he had brought her flowers, he had written her a letter, he promised her knowledge to which, in his opinion, she was blind to.
She prepared the order and served it to him.
"For you, Loki" she said, forcing out his name.
Loki smiled, taking the bag, he stood up and said:
"If you'll excuse me, I have a mess to clean up, a mess of which you, Miss Sylvie, are the author"
He went out the front door, Sylvie hesitated for a moment but then ran after him. She saw him disappear into a time door and, before it closed, she jumped in too.
I hope you liked this, let me know what you think in the comment of course.
Let me know if you want to know how it ends, will Loki be able to bring all her memories back? I already have a beautiful ending in mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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