Part 1: Fifth Anniversary

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In the tapestry of years, our love's refrain,

Grows stronger, yet shadows hint at change.

Through countless moments, our hearts entwine,

Yet a time will come when love's dance declines.

Kylie's POV

I stood outside my boyfriend's house, holding a cake and a pair of shoes. Our dog, Ellie, happily greeted me with his barking. The neighborhood was buzzing with sounds in the background, like distant traffic and the TV from a neighbor's house.

Renz, my boyfriend, lived by himself because his family was in Cagayan, and he rented the house. Inside, it was quiet except for a faint TV sound from next door.

I asked Ellie, "Where's your daddy, my boy? Is he at the office or in his room?"

Ellie barked in response.

"Alright, I guess he's in his room," I said. It was 8 pm, and it felt like the right time.

As I entered his house, I heard the creaking of the floor under my footsteps. I needed to use the restroom right away, and there was the sound of a toilet flushing.

I breathed a sigh of relief and thought, "Thank goodness!"

Just as I was about to leave the restroom, I heard a loud noise from upstairs. The stairs are made out of wood and it had enough space for two people to walk side by side. It startled me, and Ellie seemed uneasy too, as he kept barking, sensing something was off.

I tried to calm him, "Shhhhh, be quiet, Ellie. We're going to surprise your Dad!"

Ellie hushed, and I went to the kitchen, where I lit the candle on the cake.

Ready to go upstairs, I noticed a white leather bag by the side. I checked it, but it didn't look like mine, and I wasn't a fan of white. I decided to ignore it, thinking maybe Renz's sister, Maricar, had left it behind.

Then, as I was climbing up the stairs, I nearly slipped on a black panty, which was unexpected.

"Hey, whose are these?" I couldn't help but exclaim. I was about to pick them up when the door suddenly opened, and that's when everything took a turn.

A woman came out of Renz's room in a towel. I was in shock, unable to process what I was seeing.

"Sorry, those are mine!"

I stammered, "What? Are you serious?"

I had no idea how to react. My heart raced, and I couldn't find the right words as I asked, "Who are you, and what are you doing in my boyfriend's room?"

I grabbed her arm, but she broke free and quickly went downstairs and out the door.

I stood there for a few minutes, unable to move. I was shaking, and my sobs filled the room. I finally gathered the cake and went into Renz's room.

He was asleep, snoring loudly, and I know he was really drunk.

I tried to wake him up, shouting, "Renz, who was that woman?"

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