Chapter Four: Fostering

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I was hugging my mother because it was time for me to start my fostering, Jaime was coming with us to be dropped off at the Vale to foster with Robert and Eddard.
I had a private tutor go with him to keep helping him with his reading and writing as it seemed he really did have dyslexia.

Cersei was not happy with her twin leaving, but I informed her that she needed to learn from her mother as next year she was going to the Tullys to foster.
She was not happy with the placement but only calmed when I said she could join me at the Reach, and we could foster together.
It seems she was just happy to spend some time with me.

Lysa joined me with Cersei to reach, and I asked Cersei to watch over Lysa because I did not trust Catelyn, and I was lucky my sister took this seriously.

I dropped Jaime off and met Robert and Eddard, I teased Eddard that I met him as a toddler and how adorable he still is.
He went bright red, and Robert laughed so loudly. I honestly thought he was going to pass out.
When he was introduced, I had to admit he was playful and charming even as a child.

"I am Robert Baratheon, my lady."

"I am Lady Diana Lannister, please to meet you, my lord. I heard you were good with war hammers."

That interested him the moment I mentioned weapons and how I practised every day since I was six and my brother would join me often.
I was ensuring that they had something to talk about to start off conversation, and they did.
It helped my heart to know Jaime would be okay.

Tywin looked at his daughter with pride. She not only caught the attention of the Baratheon heir, but she also managed to have Jaime find commonality with the others.
He was seriously considering about making her heir but he knew his Lords would struggle with that, so if Jaime insisted on being a Knight and joining Kings guard or his sisters Lion Guard then he would make Diana's second born son his heir.
He agreed with her assessment on her marriage, the Valryions were a good match, and if she produced Valyrian looking childern and her her died suddenly.
She would look like the best choice as her fertility was proven and she was capable of providing what the king wanted which was more Valyrian childern and had firm support of the West with her also came the support of the North, Reach and Dorne if she secured their friendship but also possible support of the riverlands and Vale through warding Lysa and Jaime in the Vale.

Once they left the Vale, the Lannister party left with the Stark party to travel north.
During this journey, I talked with Lord Stark and my father about the roads and different materials they could use to build a road to get to winterfell easier.
I also discussed different farming methods for the weather and soil in the North, which he took seriously.
Once we arrived at winterfell, my father stayed for a week to let his men rest and gave me a Knight to protect me.
I met Lady Lyarra again because the new Measter had been looking after her. She lived after having Benjen but was barren. She did not seem to mind at all.

Brandon just regonised me. He was a little pompous at first, but I brought him back down to earth.
It was lovely to reconnect, and I was pleased to be shown the godswood, I knelt down in front of it and prayed for the future.

Lyanna was more difficult because she did not want to have a Southerner in her home.
It took me six months to get her to open up, but it helped thst I convinced her parents to let her train, but she had to do her lady lessons.
She agreed and has been improving. She has liked me since I spared with her.
Benjen was just adorable, and I always took some time out for him or encouraged the siblings to have fun together.

When my year was up, Brandon had to go foster elsewhere in the North, and I was to go to the Reach via Riverrun.
Brandon gave me a longer hug than was appropriate, but let go in the end.
I knew he had a crush on me, and I wanted to keep that up, so when he went to a different woman in the future, he would still think of me.

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