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October 3rd, 2007
Nagoya Airport, Japan

Third-person POV:

11-year old Ascella was walking through the Airport to sit somewhere and wait for her parents. Oh yes, her parents. Joan Delaney and Saphire Delaney, two of the most famous spies, but they are known by their code names to the world. Ascella is currently taking a flight to Sweden, another one of her parents' mission she thought.

She finally found herself a seat and sat there. She hadn't looked at the boy who was gawking at her beside him. "Whoa!" He said, still looking at her like a piece of meat. Suddenly, a girl with blonde hair hit him in the head with her book. "It's rude to stare, you asshole." She said.

Ascella finally turned at the sound of the book hitting the boy's head. The blonde girl smiled at her and said "I am sorry about him. He's a piece of shit. Anyways, I am Lucy. Pleasure to meet you!" And held out her hand for Ascella to shake.
Ascella hesitated at the held out hand but eventually shook hands with the girl, who introduced herself as Lucy. "Ascella."

"AND I AM PARK JIMIN" the boy beside her shouted. But Ascella didn't give any expression and merely said 'hmm' "Wait wha-?" Jimin began but was cut off by Lucy "Forget about him, where are you going?" She asked. "Sweden" Ascella said in a low voice. She noticed her parents coming towards her with the tickets. She didn't even look twice at the boy and the girl and walked straight towards them.

"Are those your friends, Ascella?" Her father asked, half hoping they were her friends. "No, just some bunch of losers. Let's go." She walked into the Departure aisle with her ticket and luggage in hand whereas her father looked at her worriedly "Maybe it's this job that's making my daughter be so cold" Joan said to his wife. To which Saphire placed a hand on his shoulder and said "It'll be alright, darling. She's a teenager. She'll grow out of it."

The Delaney Family entered the plane and searched for their seats. Her parents were seated at the way back together. She was still having a hard time figuring out where her seat was. She searched for it until she found it. Occupied on either two sides. By the same people she called 'a bunch of losers'. Oh boy, she's in for a ride.

She walked straight to her parents' seat but Lucy had noticed her and shouted her name "Hey, Ascella!" Ascella stood in her tracks not turning around. Jimin who was previously stuffing chips in his mouth, said "Hfey asfefla wheyadooing"
(Hey Ascella, where ya going?) Ascella sighed and turned around to see Lucy smacking his head again and shouting something about his manners.

She looked over at her parents one more time seeing them laughing at something. She felt bad to switch seats with one of them as this was the only time they had to spend together. So she walked to her original seat. "That's my seat you are spilling your stupid chips on. God the amount of calories in that. Yuck." Ascella said as she pulled a tissue paper from her bag and wiped it off herself.

"Move over. Or do I have to take a tissue for that too?" Ascella asked to which Jimin immediately moved. "Jeez, don't have to be so rude." Jimin said to which she rolled her eyes. "So you guys are what cousins? Friends?" Ascella didn't mean to ask it but she did anyway. "Oh we just met." Lucy said, surprised she spoke without being asked or told.

"Where are you from?" Jimin asked Ascella. "Russia." Ascella replied. "That explains the looks"Jimin muttered so nobody could hear him.
"What was that?" Ascella snapped. "N-nothing."

*A few hours later*

Laughter came from their side. Jimin had done something stupid and the three of them were laughing so loud the whole plane was glaring at them.

A flight attendant came towards their seat "Madams, Sir, What would you like to have for a snack?" And she placed a menu card. "Ooh about time i am damn starving" Jimin said to which the two girls nodded. "I will have a Nutella cheesecake, please" Ascella said to the lady who nodded. "I'll have the same" Jimin said. "And I will have a tuna sandwich." Lucy said. "Two Nutella cheesecake and One tuna sandwich. I'll be back in a moment." The lady said and moved on to the next seat.

𝙋𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙞𝙙 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 (𝘼 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙅𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣)✍✍✍Where stories live. Discover now