Crossed the line

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For the last few weeks I've been repeating the same thing. Slipping that pill into Sam's drink and making it look like she was the one murdering people, and yet she STILL hasn't snapped like I expected her too. She's in denial, part of her knows she's being framed. But for fuck sake, she's a Loomis! Turns out Sam is gonna be much harder than I had thought. She wants so bad for people to see her as a good guy. She wants nothing to do with our dad and refuses to be anything like him. But it is literally in her blood! Are we sure she's a Loomis? Cause...


Tara and her friend Cameron sat in her room watching TV and talking about random stuff. The two hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" Tara says. "Hey, Sam and I are gonna go out for a bit. You gonna be okay by yourself?" "Yeah, plus I've got cam here." "Okay, love you." "Love you too, be safe." "We will." Y/n shuts the door and leaves. "Do you ever feel...left out?" Cameron asks. "What do you mean?" Tara asks. "I mean your sisters both have different dad's than you do, a famous serial killer to be more specific. That's something you'll never be able to understand like they do, all that hate they get. That weight. You'll never truly understand them like they do each other. You'll never have that connection with them like they do each other, so in a way they probably are like more closer. Probably feel more like sisters with one another than they do you. you know?" "No, no I fucking don't know. The three of us have always been and always will be sisters, same dad or not. Mind your fucking business." "I know, I'm just saying tha-" "Drop it Cameron." "Okay. Okay, I'm sorry..." Tara scoffs. The two of them continue watching the movie. After a few movies Tara gets up and goes into the kitchen for a snack. She needed to get out of that room with him. The nerve of that asshole. She is just as much of their sister as they are or one another, and she knew that. But now he had gotten in her head. She's been thinking about it all night. Maybe...he has a point. I mean they are pretty close, and Tara will never know how they feel, the way people treat them like monsters...maybe she's- No. No. No, he doesn't know shit. He needs to mind his motherfucking business is what he needs to do. Tara angrily snatches the bag of pretzels and walks back to the room. About ten minutes later Tara hears as Sam and Y/n return, she could hear their laughter and the first door shutting behind them. "Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." Cameron says. "Okay." Cameron leaves Tara's room and she furrows her brows in confusion, why didn't he just go to the bathroom in her room? It was right there. "Hey, I'm gonna go to bed." Tara could hear Sam say form the other room. "Okay, night." "Goodnight." Sam knocks on Tara's door a moment later. "Goodnight Tara." Sam says as she peaks her head in. "Night." Sam heads off to bed. Y/n remain sitting on the couch in the living room, scrolling on her phone. She looks up from her phone as she feels someone sit next to her, Cameron wraps his arm around Y/n's shoulder. "Hey." "Uh, hey?" Cameron doesn't say anything, he just stares at her for a moment and then leans in for a kiss. Y/n quickly dodges the kiss. "What the hell?" "What? You know you wanna." He leans in again as he places his hand on her thigh, slowly moving it up. "What the fuck! No. Get off me!" Y/n struggles for a second but manages to push him off. Tara turned down the tv again as she heard some ruckus from the living room. "Jeez, you're just as boring as Tara. Come on, you're a Loomis. Aren't you supposed to be more exciting or something?" Y/n scoffs. Cameron attempts to kiss her again. "Stop trying to kiss me you creep!" Tara gets up from her bed and opens her door to see Cameron's hand on Y/n's butt and his lips nearly touching hers. "What's going on?" Tara asks. "Oh. Uh, nothing. Just joking around." Cameron squeezes Y/n's butt, making her jump slightly and scoot away. He then makes his way back to Tara's room and sits on her bed. Tara looks at Y/n and then back at Cameron. Cameron seems to think she was stupid, but she knew exactly what just happened, she'd heard some of it and witnessed his hand placement not to mention the expression on her sister's face. Tara shuts the door and slowly makes her way back over to her bed and sits on it but far away from Cameron. Once the movie ends Cameron gets up to go to the bathroom. This time he went into the one in Tara's room. Tara was very deep in thought, her mind racing with thoughts. Why did he do it? How could he? How didn't she realize this earlier? That piece of shit. The nerve he had to put his hands on her sister. The look on Y/n's face... What if she hasn't gone out there? God just thinking about it made her sick to her stomach. That sick bastard. He could say or do whatever he wanted to her, but lay a finger on one of her sisters and that was it. He tossed the line. Her eyes shifted to the drawer on her side table and the bathroom door and back. She finally opened the drawer and took out the kitchen knife out. After everything that had happened to them Sam made all of them keep a knife next to their bed, just in case. Tara made her way to the bathroom door. Normally she'd stop and ask herself if this was really the best idea...if this hows she should handle the situation. But right now she was so pissed at him, at what he did to Y/n, at what he said to her about her sisters earlier. Her mind was overflowing with so many thoughts that the small ones telling her not to do this were blocked out. She turned the knob and entered the bathroom. Cameron was standing in front of the mirror fixing his hair. He turned to look at her, his face full of confusion. His confusion quickly turned into fear as he noticed the knife in her hand. "Tara, what the hell? Dude, put the knife down." "What happened between you and Y/n." "Nothing. We were just joking. I told you that." Tara raises the knife and slits his throat. Sliding her knife from ear to ear. Blood squirted out all over the bathroom and all over his and her clothes just before his head snapped off and rolled onto the floor. His body falling shortly after. "You're a terrible liar."

A/n: Sorry for any mistakes, I haven't edited it yet.

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