4. My body

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I stared down at my hands
I had almost finish the drink and the bread was finished
My room was filled in a dark blue

I felt calm yet somehow not
I dont know whether to cry or grab hold of my arms and dig my nails into my skin till I bleed

I feel anger- I feel angry at myself but also someone else although I have no reason to

I heard the front door open up with some whispering

Is it Wil? No he'd already be yelling
The light turns on in the hallway and the yellow lighting welcomes itself into the kitchen through the glass door

Another door opens and someone walks up to me

"Tommy" a soft voice calls out

I look over to see it coming form Phil with Wilbur closely behind him

Phil holds my head and brings it to make me look at him

He inspects my face
"Oh my.. how has this happen? what happened Tommy"

The brown haired man stared at me, signs of daggers in his eyes from the question as it awaits my reply

He lets go of my face and takes in my body, another gasp came out from him

"How did you get these?" He rushes over to the cabinet which held medicine and badges plus some old electronics

I looked at Wil who now stared at my arms also in silence
His eyes locks with mine for a second before quickly turning his head away from my gaze

Phil came back and tried cleaning up some old blood and scrubbed off some dirt

I felt as if my blood flowing was louder than the voices in this room

"I think its best if we move Tommy to Tubbo's so he has someone to watch out for him" Phils voice slices through the air and he stares at Wil

Wil doesnt acknowledge Phil's staring as hes busy doing it himself to some pictures from early Lmanburg and also some sneaky pictures I took in exile

"yeah.." He responds slowly not paying much attention
"wait- you think its a good idea from what's gone on recently for Tubbo?" Wilbur's brows furrowed as he stares at Phil

"It might also cheer Tubbo up that he's there" He responds

I dont know whats going on with Tubbo whatsoever, the closest I know about him is Ranboo's dead meaning he must be in a somewhat depressing mindset while hes also got a child and a mansion to look after

Phil was quickly finished and he simply cleaned his hands by the kitchen tap, Wil stared down at me not even at my face he just stared at my arms for a good while until he decided himself to leave my house

Phil pat my shoulder and gently pushed me out the door also where i was met by 2 horses with Wilbur on one of them

I suddenly felt someone grab me from under my shoulders and lift me towards Wil's horse so I climbed on

Phil then got on his and we were then just making our small adventure

The horse nudged my entire body with every step it takes

Tubbo lives in Snowchester quite far from me but there were shortcuts

Yet every moment, I gathered peoples attentions

I haven't gone out in a long while, the server had practically gone dead not seeing me, their once everyones lively little brother, and now there is much to stare at

I was covered now in bandages, slight scars on my face, my hair has allowed itself to finally grow and turning into a dull color with my clothes due to my hygiene becoming more and more sloppy the more days I spent alone at home

This trip seems to going on for ever, those once familar faces turn to look at me as if im some stranger, Im Tommy? TommyInnit.

Don't act like you've forgotten me?

Please, Im not forgotten.!

The grassy meadows turn icey, and covered with snow

I looked up to see Snowchesters blue and golden flag (hope i forgot its been years man) it stood still at the missing breeze

They stopped, the two both tieing their horses at a fence just outside

Philza helped me off the horse and put an arm around my shoulder with his black cape to sheild me a bit from the slight snow

Wilbur knocked at the door, we stood awkwardly, nothing to say as we listened in on the sounds inside

A kind face opened the door-- well once so kind
Tubbos face was marked by insomnia, dark bags trespassing onto his still child-like features

"Hel-lo" His tone in voice trying to keep up with his weak smile he held

"Hello mate, sorry for the suprise but do you mind if we keep Tommy at your house for a while as we think its for the best for the moment.. yknow cos of the.. uh.." Philza nodded his head slightly his smiling  face turned straight

Tubbo stayed up in his mind for a few seconds, zoned out
"oh! yeah" he gives a wider smile
"would you lot like to come in for a bit of tea?" he kind-heartedly offered

"yeah, for sure" Tubbo kept the door open and moved out the way to indicate them to come through, with Philza giving me a nudge inside

We all sat around a circular wooden table, in the middle was prepared sandwhiches with us all having a cup of warm tea made in our delight

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