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When the portal's light faded away, Tom saw that Sonic had landed on top of the snow around the now ruined wedding.

"Sonic! Are you okay?" he asked, rushing to him.

"What's happening? Are you hurt?" Maddie asked.

"No, no, no, I'm fine," Sonic said, totally not fine. "Listen, Robotnik is back on Earth and he's after a magic Emerald. We need to get it back or the world is doomed. Tails!"

"Wait. All of this has happened since yesterday?" Maddie asked, completely confused.

"Wait. Who's Tails? And where is Angel?" Tom asked.

"Tails, can you hear me?" Sonic said, and shook the fox gently after he pulled him out.

"Oh, Lord, there are three of them now," Rachel gasped.

"Okay, okay, let me think, let me think. Tails, come on, buddy." Before he could try to wake the young fox up, a laser net shot out, capturing the two in its webbing. Sonic cried out until he was knocked out. Then arms began to move the snow mount. The groomsmen had come to and were raising to circle around the unconscious hedgehog and fox, blasters ready.

"Randall, why do all of your friends have weapons?" Rachel asked, completely confused.

"You really should have taken me up on that brunch," a familiar voice answered. Tom turned and saw a figure coming down the aisle toward them. It was Walter, the man that informed him and Maddie months ago.

"It's okay, everyone," he told everyone. "We're federal agents. You, too, agent. Go ahead."

Rachel's eyes went wide. "You mean to tell me that this entire wedding was a setup?!"

"That's correct, ma'am," Walter corrected. "Every single aspect of Operation: Catfish was a complete fabrication."

"Operation: Catfish?" Rachel asked. "So everyone here is an agent? Son of a... "

Randall felt miserable. "Rachel, listen to me."

"I'm done listening!" Rachel refused, angrily.

But then, Tom noticed that the agents had dragged Sonic and the fox into their cages. Before he could save them, two agents collapsed on him, wrestling him into a pair of handcuffs.

"Let him go! Sonic, hang on!" Tom cried.

"Take it easy. It's not worth it," Randall told him.

"Tom!" Maddie cried. She turned her head to Walter and pleaded. "Sonic is not a threat. He's on our side."

"He's an uncontrolled extraterrestrial. And your days of aiding and abetting him are over. Secure them in the hotel until the chopper arrives."

"You're making a mistake," Tom called.

"Hold on!" Rachel yelled. "This is still my day, and someone is gonna explain to me what the hell is going on here!"

"After the events in San Francisco," Walter explained, "a global task force was created, devoted to protecting our planet from alien threats. That day, Guardian Units of Nations was born."

"G.U.N. Seriously?" Rachel asked, frowning.

Maddie felt urgent. "Look, what about protecting our planet from Dr. Robotnik?"

"Robotnik is dead," Walter sneered.

"You're wrong," Maddie glared. "He's back. And you just hauled away the only ones who could stop him."

Walters paused and slowly spoke into a wrist communicator. "Sounds like Robotnik might be back in play. If he is, I want him found immediately."

The agents dragged Tom to his feet and took the unconscious Sonic and Tails like they were common animals and not the world's only hope. Tom looked into Maddie's eyes powerless.

The Angel and the Blue Devil [3 movies in one]Where stories live. Discover now