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"You with me?" Barry asked as he turned to look at me. The tachyon accelerators we're finally finished, and ready for us to test.

"Always." We took off, pushing ourselves to go faster. We were reaching speeds we've never touched before.

We soon started navigating through unfamiliar roads, somewhere not in Central City. A shriek sounded, me and Barry turning to look at each other. "Did you hear that?" He asked through his comms.

"Yeah." My eyes scanned the area, trying to locate the danger. "Look!" I turned to head towards the woman I saw falling from a building. I ran up and grabbed her, running until I found a clearing.

I gently let her down as Barry stopped beside me. He looked at the girl, his eyes widening upon seeing her. "You're on fire!" He shouted causing me to panic, but as I looked over she was just calmly putting out the flames.

"You don't seem bothered by the fact that you're on fire-" I mentioned as she looked around slightly confused and disoriented.

She finally turned and met my eyes. "I didn't need you to save me." I tilted my head at her, face showing visible confusion.

"You just fell from a skyscraper." Unless she's some sort of superhuman we haven't heard about, then she wouldn't have survived that. "So, if I hadn't been there... you would've gone splat."

She just looked around again, ignoring me and what I said. "I have to get back to the city." She slowly started levitating before flying off, Barry and I chasing after her.

She flew for a few moments before landing in front of us. "How'd you do that?" Barry asked before continuing, "I thought we were the impossible." He gestured between the two of us.

"I'm supergirl." She said that as if she were famous. Like we should know who she is.

"You're who now?" Barry and I asked as we looked slightly confused. We've met almost all superhero's in our city/surrounding cities and have never once met a supergirl.

"Sorry..." She started, "I was just a little disoriented from the scream... How did you save me?" She asked with furrowed brows.

"Well, you fell out of a window and I caught you.. and ran you all the way out here" I looked around before looking back at her, "Which I didn't mean to do by the way."

"You see... we've been working on our speed.. and turns out we're faster than we thought." Barry added.

"Yes but..." She exhaled loudly looking between us, "who are you guys?"

Slightly taken aback we responded "The flash" and "Lightning" simultaneously.

"Who?" she asked, still confused.

"Do you seriously not know who we are?" Barry asked, a bit confused how a person doesn't know of two very popular heroes.

"Should I?" She didn't seem like she was messing with us. She genuinely seemed to not know who we were.

"What about green arrow?" She muttered a no, "Black canary?" She shook her head. "Firestorm?" Still nothing. "Atom? Zoom?"

"Sorry.." she said sympathetically.

"Oh, boy... not as sorry as we are." I said as it finally clicked. We were not home. I locked eyes with Barry, his holding the same look of realization. We both removed our masks.

"I'm Barry Allen and this is Y/n Allen... we're the fastest people alive... and I think we're on the wrong earth." As if it were even possible, the blonde looked ever more confused. "We're gonna need your help."

Lightning ( Lena Luthor x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now