Chapter 7: Ravagers

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Am I dead? I thought.

Then, I felt something flow through my lungs. Air. It was air. I gladly accepted it. I opened my eyes.


His mask was off and I was wearing it instead. His eyes were getting bloodshot and his face began to freeze over. I still couldn't move. I wanted to take off his mask and put it back on him. I didn't want anyone dying for me.

Suddenly, we were being taken by a beam of light. It led to a ship.

We were pulled into the ship. The mask faded off my face. Peter gasped for air. I took in a deep breath and began to cough. Peter had his hand holding my head.

"P-Peter?" I whispered. He looked at me with his, beautiful, worried blue eyes. I looked into them. "Peter...I'm going to kill you! What the hell were you thinking?! Why did you do something so stupid as to risk your life for me?! You could've died!" I was punching him in the chest.

"Ow! I saved you, you know! And I'm still alive!" Peter flinched from my punches.

I let out a shaky breath. "W-What even happened?"

Peter's hands were still on my face as he continued to stare me in the eyes. "I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me. But, I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself. Something, incredibly, heroic. I mean, not to brag but, objectively..."

I rolled my eyes and felt a small smile on my face. Then, I was serious. "Peter, why do you keep helping me? Now I owe you even more. And, I think you're allowed to brag when you just saved my life." He smiled a little. I kept staring into his eyes. "Peter-"

I heard the sound of guns. I looked over, same as Peter. Ravagers were pointing guns at us.

"Welcome home, Peter." One of them said.

We were picked up and brought to Yondu. Yondu grabbed Peter by the shirt and slammed him against the wall. "You betray me?!" He punched Peter. "Steal my money?!" Yondu punched him in the stomach again.

"Get the fuck off him, right now!" I yelled, screaming as I ran up to Yondu and punched him square in the face. Yondu turned to me, filled with rage. But, I was emitting the same rage. "You touch him again, I'll beat your ass until you can't even speak anymore." I glared at him.

Yondu took in a deep breath but didn't let go of Peter. "And what makes you think you can do that, girl?" He pulled back his coat and whistled. As his little weapon was flying through the air to stop right between my eyes, I grabbed it.

"I'm not afraid of your toys, Yondu. Now. Let go of Peter, and we won't have any more problems." I said, gripping the Yaka Arrow (the whistle-weapon) as tight as possible.

"Suzie don't-"

"Please, shut the fuck up, Peter." I looked at him with a menacing look. Then, I looked back at Yondu. "What's it going to be, Yondu?"

Yondu laughed and tilted his head towards me. Then, one of his Ravagers went to hit me. I, still holding the Yaka Arrow, kicked the guy away. I ducked under a punch and elbowed a guy. Yondu told them to stop for a second.

"How about this Yondu? You let go of Peter and keep him out of harm's way, and you can send whatever guys you want at me to hurt me and even yourself! But, only if you. Let. Go. Of. Peter." I glared.


"Peter. What did I...just say?" I raised my eyebrows as I looked at him, an angry smile on my lips.

Yondu thought for a moment. He looked at Peter and then back at me. "Deal." He let go of Peter. Yondu pointed at him. "Take him somewhere else. We'll talk later."

"Suzie!" Peter yelled as some of the Ravagers pulled Peter out of the room.

"Don't worry. I got this." I gave him a reassuring smile as he was taken out of the room. "Let's do this then." I said.

Suddenly, all but Yondu charged at me. I ducked, dodged, and jumped away from their attacks. I punched a few, elbowed some others, kicked a few more, and kneed a couple. A few landed punches to my stomach and chest but they weren't that bad. Nothing that would leave bruises.

It took a while but, it was just Yondu and I standing. Yondu looked at me. Then, a sudden smile was on his face and he laughed. "You've got guts, girl! Well done."

"So...what does that mean?" I asked.

"You're done. I don't want to fight ya anymore. You did good. I won't hurt Quill, don't you worry." Yondu put his hands up as if he was surrendering.

"That's it then?" I was slightly out of breath. A few had gotten a cut on me. There was a cut on my arm and another on my forehead. Blood was dripping down from the wounds. My knuckles were bloodied and roughed up from the fight.

"That's it. Men! Take this girl to a different room while I talk to Peter!" Yondu yelled.

"Yondu...if I hear anything even close to Peter getting punched or hurt by you, it's not going to be pretty." I glared at him as some of his men came in and took me to a different room.


I felt the entire ship shake. Then a minute later, I heard the ship's main door open.

I was sitting down at a table, laying my arm down on it, my other arm draped over the chair. One of my legs was crossed over the other (A/N: No, not crisscross applesauce if you're wondering).

A few minutes later, the door burst open. My head shot in the direction of the door. I saw Peter standing there. "Heeey, Peter! Did Yondu even slap you? Tell me if he did. I'll know if you're lying!" I stood up.

"No, he didn't do anything. My God, Suzie! You're beaten to shit!" Peter walked over and looked at my cuts and knuckles.

"Eh. It could've been a lot worse. I mean, did you see all the guys I beat up?" I smiled.

"Are you okay, though?" He asked, looking at me with his worried eyes again.

"Peter, I'm fine. It was my decision, okay?" I looked away from his worried gaze. "Now stop looking so worried! I heard the ship open. Who else came on board?"

"It's the others. Rocket thought that blowing up the ship would save us! But, everything's fine now and I was going to explain the plan." Peter replied.

"Oh, classic Rocket. Okay. Well, let's go hear this plan of yours, shall we?" I smiled again.

"It's this way." He began to lead the way.

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