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———— "𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐈 boss wanna talk to you" my coworker said sitting on my office couch ; "ughh for what ?" i said whining .

"i don't know but if it's anything bad come back and we'll talk shit about him" my coworker said winking at me ; "this why i love you sarah" i said smiling walking out my office .

i walked to my boss room standing outside taking deep breaths ; i knocked on the door "come in." my boss yelled .

"you wanted to talk ?" i said walking slowly ; "yes i wanted to talk.. you know if you don't get this case closed in the next 4 months there will be a problem right ?" my boss said putting his hands together .

"yes i know.. the case will be closed in the next 4 months" i said making eye contact with him "no falling for ja'kai do.you.understand ?" my boss said getting serious .

"mhm." i hummed not listening to a word he said, it was going through one ear out the next ; "lani were you even listening ?" my boss said sighing .

i nodded and my boss waved me off, i walked out of his office and started walking back to my office ; i opened the door and sat in my office chair .

i opened my drawer searching through my files to find the name "𝐉𝐀'𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐗𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐑 𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒" ; after a minute of searching i finally found the bold letters with his name on top .

i grabbed the folder and opened it grabbing some of the paperwork that was in there, i soon started reading some paragraphs but stopped at one that caught my eye .

' ja'kai case has not been closed yet, this case
has been through multiple people but before
they close the case.. they always end up quitting.
this case has been sent to you because i know
you can close the case successfully and not
quit like the others did, something must
be happening ! if you can close this
case with out quitting i have something for

"omg this is so confusing.." i mumbled throwing my head back ; i wondered why people were quitting right before they closed the case .

was it ja'kai doing something ? was they scared ? what was going on ? i had a lot of questions but none of them would be answered any time soon .

i called camryn "hello ? what happened best ?" camryn said sounding worried ; "bitch i'm finna call off early" i said grabbing my purse .

"ouu why what happened" camryn said ; "i'll tell you when i get home chile" i said hanging up putting in my airpods .

i checked the time and it was 5;35 ; it was finna get dark around 6. i walked to my boss office and knocked on the door .

"what do you want lani" my boss yelled and i walked in "can i call out early ?" i said looking at him .

"for what ?" my boss said looking at me like i was stupid ; "personal stuff" i said walking out his office closing the door .

i walked out the building and started walking to my car ; "ou im ready to go home" i thought unlocking my car door .

i wrapped the towel around my body and walked out the bathroom ; i walked to the kitchen letting the cold floor hit my warm feet .

i opened the fridge and grabbed some cranberry juice opening it taking sips of the drink then placing it on the counter .

as i was turning around i seen a black figure in my living room ; "what the fuck ..?" i mumbled staring at the figure .

"mm you one sexy girl" the figure said ; "uhm who are you .?" i said with fear in my voice .

"don't worry bout allat, find out by yoself" the figure chuckled ; it was dark as fuck outside and now a figure in my living room .

"you the one who doing my case ? hm let's see if that gets you anywhere" the figure said walking towards me .

"ja'kai ..?" i said backing up, the reason why people were quitting was because of him ; his ass is crazy .

"that's right mama" ja'kai said hovering over me, our height difference was crazy ; "what do you want ? why are you in my house ?" i said asking multiple questions .

"cut that shit out.. stop asking all of these questions" ja'kai said putting his hand over my neck .

i made eye contact with him looking at all his features, his black and blonde dreads covered his eyes and his lips were plumped ; two toned lips his top lip was dark and the bottom one was pink .


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