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———— "𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐊𝐊 ja'kai slow down" i moaned out ; "nah i told you stop calling me that nickname right ?" ja'kai said pumping his manhood in and out of me .

"where you feel me at ?" ja'kai said smirking pressing down on my stomach ; "shit stop doing that" i moaned closing my eyes .

i jumped up from my bed and looked around "shit i'm late for work" i said running to the bathroom ; i turned on the shower water and started brushing my teeth waiting for the water to get hot .

i sticked my hand in the water and i hopped in the shower and grabbed my loofah and started scrubbing my body .

"lailani. why are you late" my boss said looking mad ; "i woke up late i'm sorry" i said sitting down infront of him .

"most importantly why the hell you ran out of here yesterday" my boss said flipping through some papers ; "there was a shootout and it had something to do with the case i'm finna close" i said fidgeting with my hands .

"mm.. let me find out you fell for him knowing that's against the rules" my boss said signing some paper ; "yes i know i didn't fall for him" i said smiling .

"alright your dismissed, you can leave." my boss said waving me off ; i walked out his office thinking "bitch did i fall for ja'kai ? oh my fucking god" .

i walked through the hallway with the sound of my heel echoing through out the hallway ; i was about to open my office door but i felt a hand on my shoulder .

"wassup lil ma" jamar - my other coworker who office is across the hallway said turning me around ; "please move" i said getting uncomfortable .

jamar always tried to hit on me even after i told him i got a "nigga" ; that was my lie until he leave me alone "whatchu you doin allat for" jamar said looking down at me .

"can you move.. i have a boyfriend" i said mugging him ; "whatever bitch i don't wanna fuck with you anyways" jamar said scoffing walking back to his office .

"he's fucking weird" i thought opening my office door ; i walked to my desk and sat in my office chair sighing .

i was finna do some more research until i hear d a brutal scream down the hall ; "what the fuck ?" i said walking towards the door .

i poked my head out and seen a dead body at the end of the hallway ; all of the workers poked they face out and their eyes widened .

"no my baby jamar" one of my co workers ran to his dead body putting his head up ; everybody started slowly walking to his body and i stood there frozen .

"ja'kai did this shit.. how he even get in" i thought blicking twice still frozen in my spot ; one of my co workers noticed i was zoning out "lailani ! let's go one of our peoples just died" my co worker waved her hand in my face .

"oh.. sorry" i said smiling tilting my head ; "ima get ja'kai ass for this" i thought walking towards the body .

"do yall have any clue who killed jamar ?" my boss said examining his body ; "no but we can try to figure it out" sarah said looking at his body tears forming .

"i'm gonna go get myself together.. can i come back tomorrow ?" i asked making fake tears in my eyes ; "yes lani you can go" my boss said not paying attention .

i walked back to my office and grabbed my purse walking out ; i got in my car and started to play music .

"ugh finally im home" i mumbled unlocking my door kicking my shoes off at the front door ; i walked into my living room and seen a figure on my couch .

i jumped "ja'kai..?" i said slowly ; "hmm ma ?" ja'kai said looking at me .

i turned on the lights "why the fuck did you kill my co worker ?" i said slightly raising my voice ; "cut that yelling shit out" ja'kai said .

i looked at him and i could just tell he was high "why did you do it ?" i said softly ; "he was making you uncomfortable" ja'kai said tilting his head .

"and he called you a bitch.. ion even play like that" ja'kai continued ; "okay but you didn't have the right to kill him and how did you even get in ?" i said sitting down next to him .

"i have my ways and it's not that hard to get inside your work building" ja'kai said gripping my thigh ; "you my female ion like when others touch what's mine" ja'kai continued .

"since when was i ya girl ?" i asked confused .


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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