Chapter 2

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— My babies! — Sooho ran to the door once they both got off the motorcycle and he helped the girl take off her helmet.

When the two large dogs saw him, they both ran towards him, throwing themselves without thinking at him, Nala began to lick his face, making him laugh with joy while Jax admired him from the side, wagging his tail, happy to see his father there after weeks.

— Apparently Nala missed you a lot.

— And I missed my princess, very, very, very much. — He stroked her fur with a smile before getting up, stroking Jax's head as well, greeting him affectionately as he caressed his leg with his face.

— Come on, inside, it's time to eat. — Sooho heard Hyeori, the boy looked at the two animals before the three ran inside the house with joy.

They loved food, no doubt.


Hyeori was cooking the seaweed soup that Sooho loved so much while the boy was in charge of feeding and giving the two dogs their medications. The girl knew that if he had not appeared yet it was because he was thinking about whether it was a good idea to give them the medication or not.

According to him, it was as if he was drugging his children.

The boy's footsteps were heard, he smiled when he saw the girl tasting the soup before closing the lid and turning off the stove, turning around, she smiled when she saw her boyfriend standing there, stretching her arms, she gave the signal to the boy to come closer. He ran towards her, wrapping his arms around the girl's waist, hugging her and lifting her up a little, she wrapped her arms around her neck, hugging him tightly.

Sooho sighed, as if he felt relieved, leaving a long kiss on her cheek, he looked at the girl, who caressed his face lovingly while looking into his eyes. - Have you heard the story of the tears of the sun?

— The tears of the sun? — The girl said with confusion, smiling before shaking her head softly. The boy nodded, making her wrap her legs around his hips. — It's a sad story?

— Do you want me to tell you? — The boy said in a soft voice, moving a little, as if he were lulling the girl in his arms, she nodded, the boy imitated her act before approaching, leaving a sweet kiss on her lips before separating and smiling at her. — I can't talk that much on an empty stomach.

— Yah, idiot. — The girl gently pushed his forehead before laughing, he imitated her, leaving a kiss on her cheek before putting her down.

— I'll look for the dishes. — he said, placing a kiss on the girl's head before running to the shelf in search of dishes so they could both have their lunch.


The couple had finished eating, as well as the two dogs, now the group was lying on the girl's bed, the dogs lying at the couple's feet, who were hugging in the middle of the large mattress.

— Soo... — The girl called, and the boy looked at her immediately, he caressed her hair while looking into her pretty eyes. — You didn't tell me the story of the tears of the sun. — The girl said and that made Sooho smile, he nodded, settling down on the bed.

— Fine, I'll tell you, but give me a kiss first. — The boy stretched out his lips, Hyeori stretched out a little, leaving a sweet kiss on his lips before settling back into his chest. — You know the story of the moon and the sun, right? — The girl nodded, admiring his face as he spoke. — Well, they say that when the sun had to move away from the moon, it felt so sad that it made it want to cry enormously, but being the strongest planet, it was not allowed to do so, until the eclipse arrived, when the moon and the sun met again, the sun felt so happy, but it knew that that happiness would not last forever, both were going to have to separate again, and there, with the company of the moon, the sun let out two thick tears, showing all it sadness and pain for having to let go of its great love... — He said before seeing his girlfriend's beautiful eyes, caressing her cheek, he did not take his eyes off to tell the next part. — But the story goes that those two tears would form other beautiful suns, which would find the tears that the moon secretly released when its lover was not in sight.

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