The start

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(My au so beware reader)

*Beep* Richie look at his phone it was an text on his phone he just got everyone in the losers had one an he finally had the money for one, sense his dad would not get him one. It was around 6:30 am he had an one hour and an half to get ready for school. He sighed and open the chat and started to text away.

"The kings and queen of derry"

Bird god: Hey, so anyone going to school??

Queen: Yes ofc. My dad would kill me if I skipped.

King of studders: Ya, I am.

Bookworm: I have to study and to study I need to go to school.

Mrs.K is my love: NoOoO NoT sChOoL!

EDS: Yes you are going Richie.

Mrs.K is my love>>> EDS:NoOo EdS dOn'T MaKe MeeEeE!!!!

EDS: Your going wether you like it or not.

Richie puts his phone down and rubs his face he gets up and does his normal morning. He walked to the bathroom and wash his face and brush's his teeth. He goes to get dressed and he wears an long sleeve white shirt and he buts his favorite hawaiian shirt on with some plan shorts. He walks down the stairs to see no breakfast on the table waiting. He runs out the door and quickly buts shoes on and he hops on his bike and bikes to school.

He bikes up to see the losers(-Mike) waiting for him just as the bell rang. "Hello Fellows!" He said in his a africa accent." Good morning richie" Said eddie "Muh-Morning r-richie" Said Bill. Bev runs in to give richie an hug he flichies as she touch his wrist in the hug. Her eyes widened "Oh I'm so sorry my dear!" She said pulling out of the hug with an worried look on her face."It's Ok! You just caught me off guard there" Richie responses."Ok hon" bev says back.

SORRY I GOT TIRED I'M WRITING THIS AT 8:36 PM, im sorry its short I will add part two later if im not tired or in the moring if i have time. Pls tell me ideas to what happens next!

Richie angst(My au)Where stories live. Discover now