When he is reddie

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"Richie?" Eddie asked, "yes?? Ed's?" He did putting his arms behind his back. "Why are your arms behind your back?" Asked Eddie. Richies eyes widened."it's nothing!" Eddie walked over to Richie and grabbed richies arm softly.

Eddie's eyes widened "w-what??" Eddie said in shock to see Richies arm covered in cuts. Richie closed his eyes to hide his tears he looked the other way as Eddie stared at him."Richie..." Eddie said softly.

"RICHIE TOIZER" someone yelled down stairs. Richies eyes widened and there was an lump in his throat. He looked at Eddie and eddie had an sad look. he open his closet and pushed him and Eddie inside of it to hide. Eddie eyes widened as Richie pushed him in.

"Richie?" He said blushing, Richie had him pinned on the wall but didn't notice it. Someone opened Richie's bedroom door and Richie used his hand to cover Eddie's mouth to make sure he did not make any sound. Eddie was redder then an tomato. The person looked around the room and then slammed the door as he scoffed.

Richie sighed the turned to Eddie who was red. "Why are you so red Eddie?"he said as he moved his hand from Eddie's mouth. "Your kind of pinning me.." he said. Richie looked at his arms pinning eddie" oh I guess I am!" He said chuckling. Then Richie kissed eddie who kissed back. Then Richie trailed off of Eddie's lips to his neck.
After some time off making out(with clothes) they left the closet and then eddie looked at Richies arms again."why?" Asked eddie as he look at Richie who was going to cry. "Look let's just say I thought us would help.." Richie replied.

"Help with what?" Eddie asked

"Nothing" Richie replied

"No, it's clearly somthing that would cause you to cut" eddie said

Richie looked Eddie dead in the eyes kissed him. "I don't wanna talk about it right now Eddie.

Eddie saw  something an got really concerned about Richie he saw that there is black stuff in he cuts."what could it be.." he thought to himself

(Sorry it short I may add more I'm at bush garden's right now) shout out! To toziierrs Go and follow them!!

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