The sleepover

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Richie was walking to first period but the halls was packed and he did not like that, he ran in the restroom to see if it would go down he did not want anyone touching his wrist.

Richie sighed as he walked into an stall and but the toilet seat down and sat with his legs up to his chest and he hid his head in his legs. The bathroom door opens his eyes widened. He heard bowers gang. He covered his mouth trying not to make any sound to lore then to him in his stall once he heard the other stalls on pen and shut he opened he quietly and ran out of the restroom. The halls were lucky empty so he walked as fast has he can to first period.

He opened the door to First period and walked in quietly to his sit and and then as soon has he sat down he grabbed his backpack and grappled an book out of it luckily the teacher was not there at the time.

(Time skip cus why not)

As school ended the loser where riding their bikes and had there own conversations going everyone has one except Richie he faced down most of the time having an fake smile on his face. Eddie looked to the side to see Richie he bikes closer to him"Hey, trashmouth you ok??" He ask however Richie was stuck in his own world he had zoned out till Eddie gave him an little tap on the shoulder. He had an concern look on his face.

"Ofc I'm ok why would I not be I'm going to your house to see Ms.k later!" Richie replied with an fake smile trying to joke.

"Ew" Eddie rolled his eyes, as he biked away. Richie looked at Eddie has he bike way god he loved this boy.

Has the losers hiked up to Rockies house Richie got off his bike and walked to his door"bye besties!!!!" Richie yelled with his fake smile the losers all waved bye as they biked away. Richie peeked his head through the door "I'm Home!!" He yelled as he entered the house was silent he sighed has he ran up stairs to his room

The kings and queens of derry

  Bird god: so my place later???

✨Queen✨: yes it's your turn right?

Bookworm: sure

Ms.K is my love: Yessssss

King of studders: ofc Stan

EDS: I could ask my mom..

Ms.K is my love: oh come on I'm sure she would let you!

😀mikol: hey!

Bird god: mike you gonna come to the sleepover at my place?

😀mikol: why not!

Richie buts his phone down and sighs. He needs to get stuff ready so he grabs his backpack and buts his toothbrush and some clothes for the sleepover.

He ran down stairs and he was thinking he was hungry so he rid his hole all the way to the store to bye some snacks. He had saved his money since his 'parents' never bought him food.

He had worked in the town and earned money to get him some food he had the total of 140 sense he bought himself he had been working for the town for years to get an salary

He walked into the store and looked at some chips but then he saw something that looked really good, caramel with apples. He grabbed some enough for the losers club they were very cheep so he bought the half the stock.

He had ridden to Stan house before so he knew the way and he got there just in time."Guys I'm here!!!" He yelled as he walked into the house Stan's family was like Richie had an family so he can just walk in the house.

"Hey Richie!!" Eddie yelled back he walked in holding an bag full of treats for the whole crew they all smiles as he walked in with an bag"look what I brought!!" He said holding up the bag and he gave everyone two packs everyone except himself he felt like he did not earn it.

"Think you so much sweetheart!" Beverly said expressly. Richie smiled and this one was not fake he lived making his friends smile.

They all sat down and watch an movie Eddie cuddled with Richie. Richie has bright red most of the time because of Eddie hugging him. 

*knock knock* " I-I will get that!" Bill said as he ran to the door there was an big man standing there."h-hello sir huh-how can w-we help y-you?" Asked bill "hello I'm here to pick up my son!" He said with an smile

"S-sure, Who I-is your su-son?" Ask bill

"Richard" the man responded Richie's  eyes widened he was holding in his tears at this time went grabbed the boy wrist who flinched the loser were not watching they were looking at the movie they but on.

Went pull Richie out of the house and pushed Richie into his car and went drives to the house and once they got to the house went throw Richie onto the ground Richies eyes swelling up with tears.

"WHY WERE YOU THERE! AND YOU GOT AN F ON AN TEST!" He yelled at richie as he kicked him,"I-" richie started but got cut off with an kick rk the gut.

Richie yelped in pain. "Why were you even born" went said as he walked away from an broken Richie on the floor.

Richie crawled in to his room. And got up he was limping he opened his drawer pulls up his sleeve and *cut* till there was no space. He ran to the bathroom and but his arm under cold water which caused him to flinch.

He started to tear up more till it was like an water fall. "Why am I even here" he muttered. He opened the door too see an boy at his window.

(let's go over 1,000 words!!)

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