Episode 5: Chase's invisible girlfriend (part 1)

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In the common area.

Chase has just dismissed his class when Mr Davenport enters the room.

"Hey Chase, I want to talk to you about this weekend's event" Mr Davenport says "relax Mr Davenport I've got it all planned" Chase says.

"you better have cause the event owner is Michael Garrett, he announced that they will be making cuts to the guest list for the next few years, only members will participate in the so this is our chance!Not just our chance but our last" Mr Davenport says.

"Mr Davenport I have a speech planned for Mr Garrett...""Chase I know you're going to want to embody the businessman in front of Garrett but more important thing is you need to try to win him over like a friend that old billionaire never had!" Mr Davenport says.

"A friend? Got it" Chase says "this year he and his wife opened the party for some family members, if you get close to them and gain their trust it's a big help!" Mr Davenport says

"okay Mr Davenport I already know exactly what to do" Chase says "Chase, Don't miss it, I've wanted a partnership with his company for a long time" Mr Davenport says.

"I know, I promise I won't disappoint this time" Chase says.


Chase leaves the common area, he goes to the mentors' room, there he finds Harper and Adam.

Adam is on the couch watching tv, and Harper is reading a book, she uses molecular kinesis to hold the book in the air as she apparently fries an egg on the mini stove on the counter.

"Harper, I need to talk to you!" Chase

"Oh Chase! Check it out I'm reading about quantum physics while I make breakfast!" Harper says excitedly as she creates a force field around the frying pan to protect it from the splattering oil.

"I'm watching tv!" Adam says equally excited "really impressive Adam" Chase says sarcastically walking past him.

"wait are you using two bionic abilities simultaneously?" Chase ask.

"It's actually three, molecular kinesis to read the book, I overdid the oil in the Frying Pan so the force field came in handy, and I'm using energy manipulation to bake toast in that toaster that isn't even plugged in" Harper says nodding at the toaster.

"wow!" Chase says "I know! I'm bionic multitasking!" Harper smiles excitedly.

"Oh I can do that too, I just can't guarantee the eggs will be good but I can!" Adam says.

"It must be one of those upgrades to your chip that Douglas talked about, You have the capacity to use multiple abilities simultaneously something we can't do without overloading our chips" Chase says.

"Yeah, while I was doing all that I checked my chip info and it says a new unlocked ability so I decided to give it a try" Harper says.

"Harp that's amazing but what about your chip glitches,all this can induce a glitch, I think you should take it easy" Chase says.

"I know, but first I haven't glitched in almost a week, and second the only way to know if my bionics are stable it's based on testing, like this one I'm pushing the limits and so far it's going well" Harper says, the toast is ready.

"Uuh breakfast!!" Adam jumps off the couch and goes over to the table "A week without any glitches?" Chase says.

"Exactly!" Harper puts the book on the table "Well that's great, I'm proud
of you" Chase smiles.

"thanks! so what did you want to talk about?" Harper hands Adam a plate of toast and a fried egg.

"Oh yeah! well...There's this potential partner for Davenport Industries his name is Michael Garret.." Chase says.

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