⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ ~Chapter two~⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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The bus comes to a stop and I look up from my book and out of a window. I notice a big grey rusty plane

~Yea that looks super safe..~

Chris soon gets out of the bus and begins the introduction of the show. I slowly shut my book and listen as he begins to introduce the first few people from the cast.

"They'll be competing all around the globe for another million dollars." Chris begins he gestures big and confidently.

"So let's meet our players," Chris says as five people exit the bus one by one. I believe Chris said their names were, Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, and Leshawna.

The gothic pale girl with blue hair bumps into Heather and complains "Are there reserved seats? I.e can I have one not behind Heather's ponytail?" the goth girl gestures at a snarky girl with short black hair up in a ponytail

"Um my extensions are HUMAN hair!" the raven-haired girl snapped back.

A punk-haired boy with a green mohawk which I'm guessing is Duncan makes a comment that makes Gwen laugh and smile. Chris then introduces four more people by the names of, Lindsay, Owen, Dj, and Harold

A boy which I'm guessing the name of Dj walks out holding a screaming Owen.

~Is he going to be like this the whole show?~

A ginger-haired boy with big glasses steps out and talks about phobias of flying and throwing up. Right after a short snarky boy with a big forehead steps out as well.

"And returning favorites, Noah, Cody, and-" Chris introduces two of the boys when he gets cut off by another boy with a heavy Canadian accent.

"Yo yo yo, this year's winner is in the house -Uh, Bus. I mean runway! Where's the plane eh?" Declares the boy before also stepping out.

~Wasn't he voted first last time?~

A girl with long but curly ginger hair jumps onto the boy causing them to fall on the floor.

"Yup, Izzys' back. Also returning this season Tyler," Chris continues as a tall boy wearing a red tracksuit poses then attempts to exit only to trip over Izzy and the boy with a blue beanie.

"And the co-host of Total Drama after math, Brigette." A blonde girl with green eyes steps out but also trips over the three people on the ground.

"uh, Chris you forgot to introduce me." the boy with the blue beanie says.

Chris sighs before replying "And Ezekiel."

~Oh right that was his name.~

"And now to mix things up and keep things fresh we are adding three new competitors," Chris begins holding up three fingers. "He's an honor roll student with a diplomat for a dad, and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species, Alejandro."

The tanned man with sunglasses who was sitting next to me stands up and exits the bus.

~Wow his name is even attractive..~

The tanned man takes off his sunglasses and asks, "Perhaps I can assist?"

He helps up Izzy and Bridgette who both swoon over him. Then he also helps the two boys, Tyler and Ezekiel, who also swoon over him.

~I mean who wouldn't? This guy is a total dream boat... What am I saying???~

"And she's a sugar-addicted super fan with 16 Total Drama blogs, Sierra," Chris says, the purple-haired girl next to me quickly stands up and makes a dash to the exit on the bus.

~Wow she wasn't kidding when she said she was a huge Total Drama fan~

"OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU GUYS- THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE AND-"She yells, I can barely understand her because she talks way too fast, "Anybody got a paper bag I can breathe into? Oh my gosh, Cody, ahh I've dreamt of this moment, only you weren't wearing a shirt." The crazy girl rambles and the short brown-haired boy looks really scared.

~I almost feel kinda bad for him..~

"Now boarding-" Chris begins but he still hasn't introduced me.

~Oh great I have to ask to be introduced. What kind of a show is this, oh wait it's Total Drama.~

I slowly get up and out of my seat and slowly walk to the door.

"Uhm you uh didn't introduce me.." I speak tapping Chris on the shoulder.

~How freaking humiliating, I bet everyone hates me..~

Chris turns to look at me, "Oh right I forgot about you, uhh I didn't really read your entry so just introduce yourself, but make it quick we're on a schedule." He says tapping his wrist.

"Uh, hi I'm Y/N," I begin my voice shaking and cracking, a few snickers are heard from the cast and I lose my confidence, "Um I like to draw and- (Your favorite hobbies)" I smile awkwardly hoping Chris begins to explain the show.

Just then the big rusty plane rolls in near everyone. Courtney expresses safety concerns but Chris brushes them off by saying the plane is completely safe, but just as he says that a large piece of metal falls off the plane.

~ I'm gonna die.~

Chris begins leading everyone inside the plane when I feel a hand placed on my shoulder. I turn my head to notice it's Alejandro.

"What Chris did back there was so rude, a pretty girl like you should never be insulted like that." He began grinning.

My cheeks flushed a bright red and I attempted to make eye contact but I just couldn't, those eyes were so enticing I couldn't meet his gaze.

"Oh, thank you, yea it kinda, sucked haha." I smile awkwardly as my voice cracks. This has never happened to me before, an attractive boy seeking a conversation that isn't about homework. Too good to be true.

He winks at me and then walks into the plane. My eyes follow him but I quickly snap out of the trance.

~"yea it kinda sucked' ??? What was that??!! God, I'm so stupid!!~

I facepalm, quickly scurrying on the plane.

I board and not surprisingly the inside is just as tacky and gross.

"Singing? Really? I thought Chris was joking about that." Gwen says.

"Well, I don't have a problem with it," Courtney responds.

"Yeah, 'cause you like singing." Leshawna interrupts

"Well I don't, girls sing, little birdies sing, Duncans do not sing." Duncan begins rolling his eyes.

~We have to sing? why didn't I read the fine print.~

"You think I'll get to beatbox?" wondered Harold.

"I'll beat you if you try." Replied Duncan raising his fist.

"Why are you doing this to us?" Questioned Heather angrily.

"Singing reality shows are huge, and the worse the singing the higher the ratings!" Chris grinned. "Anywho, this the dining area, where you'll enjoy in-flight meals" Chris gestured to the room we were in.

The room was pretty spacious, but it looked really tacky. The walls were a bit rusty, there weren't even chairs, just metal stools that looked like garbage cans.

"This sucks," I murmur to myself tuning out whatever Chris and Ezekiel were blabbing on about.

"Is there a ladies room?" Asked Leshawna.

"Right through there." Chris pointed down the hall and into a room.

"Good 'cause I gotta make a deposit." Leshawna walked into the room but soon she yelled "There's a camera in the potty??!! Again??!! Ugh!"




Word count: 1173

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