⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ ~Chapter five~⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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"AHH, I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!" Owen's screams are heard throughout the plane as he holds on to his seat belt for dear life.

"Stop sweating lunch box, aircraft is like the 15th most safest way to travel. Unless you're in a deathtrap," just as Noah finishes talking a giant hole on the side of the plane opens up. The tacky wood gets sucked out of the plane causing a giant vacuum-like current.

I squeeze my eyes shut holding on to my seatbelt for dear life as I hear Leshawna yell.

"This is not the way Leshawna is leaving this world!" Leshawna grips the seats, her nails digging into the wood as her grip loosens and she gets sucked toward the giant hole.

Just as she is about to fly out, a hand reaches out grabbing her wrist and pulling her back.

"Such beauty will not fall through giant airplane holes on my watch!" Alejandro says holding Leshawna close to him. At the same time I watch a slight feeling of envy bubbles inside of me, but I get snapped out of it when I hear Owen shriek as his seatbelt finally gives out.

He gets sucked into the giant hole but thankfully he didn't fall out, instead his large body plugged the hole. I glance over to Leshawna and Alejandro and watch her snuggle into his chest.

"I could have done that, I just prefer to leave the ladies wanting more," Harold explains shooting Alejandro a glare.

"She wants more alright, more Alejandro," Dj laughs in response.

"You can put me down now, or not your choice because this is nice." Leshawna grins placing a hand on Alejandro's chest.

"Mmmhm nothing," Dj looks at Harold who crosses his arms disapprovingly.

Just then the moment of ease is cut short by Owen yelping for help. Chris's voice booms over the P.A asking everyone to meet in the common area. With shaky hands I unbuckle the seatbelt that was hanging on but just a thread.

~Is Chris not even going to acknowledge the fact we almost died?~

We meet Chris in the common area where everyone else is seated, I take a seat in the far back in between an annoyed Noah and and eccentric Izzy.

"Welcome to today's challenge, It's-" Chris gets cut off by Harold.

"Is it a reward or elimination challenge," Harold asks which earns him a glare from Chris.

"Good question Harold, And like I'm gonna tell ya-" Chris attempts to continue only to get cut off yet again by Tyler.

"Two of us got booted last time so today has ''reward' written all over it!" Tyler explains and Chris's expression turns irritated. 

"I could use a reward, I hope it's candy, or a whole bunch of shoes, or shoes made of candy!" Lindsay beams.

"And I hope you brought your giant radioactive monster repellent because we are about to land in JAPAN" Chris gestures to the door and Chef, fully dressed in full samurai fashion bursts through the door.

"Gosh you guys that's totally a Chinese outfit." Harold rolls his eyes a bit offended.

"Thank you Harold, not remember anyone who doesn't sing-" Chris yet again gets cut off by a rambling Harold.

"It's just, you'd think you'd work really hard to get it right!" Harold retorted.

Chris ignores Harold and continues, "Anyone who doesn't sing is immediately disqualified."

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