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Tae- wow

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Tae- wow..i didn't know i have this much handsome great grandpa?

He started laughing but stop when he saw his granny crying while hugging her dad pics...tae went to her and hugged her too

Tae- what happened? Please don't cry...

Granny - i don't know why but past few days I'm missing my dad....he is best dadda....he fight with people who called me curse.

Tae- what? But why?

Granny - when I born my mom died? My dadda raised me alone....on my 10th birthday, our house catched fire and my whole family and dadda left alone and we shifted here.... everyone started calling me curse....the day i got married to your grandpa.. the same day my dadda died..

Long tear fell from granny eyes...

Granny - he took his last breath on my mother grave....i don't know...but he had some kind of guilt inside him.... every day he went to mom grave and asked for forgiveness.... something was bothering him.

Tae wiped granny tears...

Tae- you are not curse... you are my beautiful and sexy granny...

Granny smile and hit tae head....

Tae- ouch...i was thinking great grandpa was this much handsome so how much my great grandma would? Please show me her pics too..

Granny - yeah....i have some pics..wait.

She walk to wooden box and bring some more pics...but suddenly tae phone ring...jimin calling him so he picked it..


Jimin- tae.. please come to my home right now.. it's important.. please.

Tae- but what happened? It's too late..

Jimin- please don't ask me.. just come to my place... please.

Tae- okay..i will be there?

Tae cut the call and looked at granny..

Tae- granny...jimin need help so I have to go..

Granny - but it's too late?

Tae- i know but my buddy needs me... good night..i will come back in morning..

He left from there.


Tae is driving towards jimin place but suddenly some flashback hit on his head....

* ?- i do..

??- i do...

?- i just marry you because of my family...i don't like mentaly disable woman... JUST GET LOST FROM HERE... DON'T ENTER IN MY ROOM?

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