Part 3

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It doesn't take long for you to hear about the incident. The morning after your parents gather you all around the breakfast table, pancakes are waiting there. They're being nicer than usual. Must've been scared.

"So last night a jet engine fell and hit the house on the corner. The Darkos, that's who lives there. You'll be going to school with their kids. They said the son was nowhere to be found this morning, but I'm sure he'll turn up."

"Hope so." Your mother and father are talking to eachother, only, even when they are telling their kids what happened.

That's why they made breakfast. They're worried. They've realized that it could've been one of their kids missing this morning. Or a jet engine could've fallen on their house instead of the Darkos.

You're not listening to them anymore, and you're also not interested in the pancakes they've made out of nervous guilt. You just want to get to school. This was supposed to be a fresh start for you.

The bus pickup is a couple blocks away, a middle ground between all the weird cul-de-sac's and break off neighbourhoods, and your parents refuse to drive you so you're forced to walk there with your brother and sister bickering behind you. A group of kids stand waiting there already, and they seem to have caught sight of you by the way their chatter comes to a slow stop as you approach.

Two teenage boys, a teenage girl, and a younger girl. The 'Darko' kid isn't here though, disappointing.

The youngest girl seems to latch onto your sister, asking her who she is, where she came from. The older girl backs off, she's nervous, steps away from any conversation. And the boys, you can tell just by looking at them, you're going to be disgusted by any word that leaves their mouths.

"Where'd you come from?" One of the boys speaks up, if you weren't facing them you wouldn't know which one he was. They appear to be joined at the hip.

"I just moved here."

"Yeah from where?" The other one.

"North Carolina." You're not sure why that seems to surprise them, makes them go quiet. Looking at eachother, smiles appearing on their faces, before they turn back to you.

"I'm Sean, Sean Smith."
"And I'm Gary Lundy." They throw their hands out for you to shake, you shake one after the other.

"Y/n." You offer them your name before they ask, not wanting them to talk any longer.

You're certain, as you scan their faces, that you will forget their names. They practically look the same. And they meant nothing to you, you definitely did not plan on spending much time with them.

"I'll sit with you on the bus if you want, so you don't get lonely." Sean speaks. And it doesn't seem to go over well with his pal, Gary shoves his elbow into Sean's side.

As close as they seem, they're competing with one another. They appear to be bestfriends and you're sure that they are inseparable, but they are bickering over a girl they just met. Must not be much selection in Middlesex.

"I think I'll be good on my own. Thanks."

"Your loss princess." Ew.

You breathe a sigh of relief when the bus finally rolls to a stop in front of you, you waste no time getting on. It's almost disappointing watching them get on.

The first class you have is immediately your least favourite, Ms. Farmer's class. She's an old lady, faithful, follows the rules. And you know that very well when she gives you a detention slip on your first day.

"That is not the appropriate uniform. I assume the next time I see you in my class you will be wearing your uniform."

You try to explain to her, far more calmly then you would've like to, that you haven't received your uniform yet as it is your first day attending this school. But she isn't hearing it, slipping the detention slip into your fingers before sending you to a seat in the very back of the class. Bitch.

The rest of the day doesn't seem so awful, flows by fairly smoothly. Your english teacher, Ms. Pomeroy, seems to take a liking to you when you're the only one to throw your hand up at her questions. They've been reading a novel, you've already read it, hard to believe you're the only one able to answer any questions about it.

And that's how the next few days are. You suffer through Ms. Farmer's class because she has decided to hold a grudge against you even after you've worn the correct and the boys from the bus stop do not help when they are whispering in your ear to invite you to hangout with them. You politely decline.

Then you fly through Ms. Pomeroy's class, and you realize that the students around you are not appreciating it as much as she is. And then you finish the day with Professor Monitoff's science class.

You're a little disappointed with your first days of school. Increasingly becoming more concerned after not seeing the kid from the corner the last few days. And it's worsening the longer he doesn't show up.

But then the next day rolls around and another kid is standing at the bus stop. Tall, black hair, wearing his uniform and holding a backpack on one of his shoulders. He's looking over at you before you and your siblings even reach the bus stop. And you recognize him far too soon.

You're nervous but you trudge on, holding your sister's hand as you walk closer to them. She slips her fingers out of your hand when she notices another little girl is standing there, it's the girl he was jumping on the trampoline.

"Hey, it's y/n! this is the girl we told you about." The boys from before, Sean and Gary, you can see now that they're clearly his friends.

"I know this girl." Their eyes widen, ready to ask questions but he isn't interested in them.

Then the black haired boy is leaving his friend's side to move closer to you, "I'm Donnie. And," he pauses, "you must be y/n."

"Yeah, that's me. It's nice to meet you, Donnie."

"You just moved in down the street right?"

"Mhm. Me and my family," you motion to your siblings. Your sister is talking with three other girls, the two girls from before the and the one you assume is donnie's sister. And your brother is staring at Donnie as he speaks to you, stood beside Sean and Gary.

"Hey, I don't sit with anyone on the bus, do you wanna ride with me?"

"Oh um.." You look away from Donnie's eyes for a minute, his height is making you slightly more nervous than before. His friends are snickering behind him, they think you're gonna say no.

"Sure. Yeah I will." Their faces drop in an instant. Serves them right.

"Great." He puts his arm behind you, hovering over your back to move you in the direction of his friends. They're disappointed you turned them down but accepted his offer, it shows on their faces. And your brother has lost interest in anything that has to do with Donnie.

Small conversation is thrown around the four of you, questions about your old town, questions about how you like it in Middlesex so far. And then the bus is pulling up, interrupting your conversations. Somehow Donnie has managed to move the whole group to the back of the line, the two of you the very last to get on.

"After you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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