Broken Disc

16 2 0

Alex's POV

I was glad I made that juke box, all I need now is a disc.

<Third Person>
As Alex was fighting mobs, a skeleton shot a creeper. Seeing that it dropped a disc, Alex picked it up and ran back to her house.

But this disc wasn't a regular disc, it was broken, but somehow still works.

Alex inserts the disc in the Juke box, to be met by foot steps and static noises.

Foot steps, static, chains, and laughter.

Then words

"IF you can hear
m-me *huff* p-please send h-help*huff*. I-i'm at ......

*drag sound*


Hey, so if you play Minecraft and know this disc and listened to the whole thing, do you have any theories to it.

-/WARNING my theory\-

So I think no matter who you are you are a Steve. And you used to be in a dungeon
And you were tortured (sorry for bad spelling). The foot steps are yours, trying to escape. But was found and then you got your memories eased, and now in a coma. The Minecraft world is the dream. When you beat the Ender Dragon you have the option to wake up, but you don't know what is going on and you stay in a endless dream.

That was my theory
Thanks for listening.
I will see you next time

Pain happens before happiness

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