One little change

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Everyone laughed
Everyone called me names
Everyone hates me

Sometimes I wish I could disappear from the earth and think
" People will be better if I just died"
But I could never bring myself to get that rope
Or to get the pills
Never touched that razor
Cause I know once I harm myself
I harm others

One thing is for sure is that, know matter how much I mess up, people can still forgive me.

But there is one thing that keeps me in the dark, that voice.

Saying that people will NEVER forgive me, Kill yourself, and you don't deserve to be alive.

I can't ever forgive myself for what I have done in the past.

I don't feel right, like I don't belong here.

But that's what a lot of people say.

I can't kill myself, because I need to make people smile.

If I did die, I would be happy, knowing I made a person smiles before I was gone.

But that would make them frown again.


Story begins this all is classified

Life is, let's say like a music .
You start of with a beat, meaning you're a child and happy.

It's starts to get more happy, meaning your life is fantastic.

But when your music starts to go to that one point where it never repeats, that means you just got your fist break up, could repeat or could not.

Then the music starts to slow down, meaning you get depressed or sad, BUT if you don't then your life is in good shape.

Then you end your song, meaning you couldn't handle the pain and wanted to end it.

But if your song goes on and ends without you doing anything, you died happy.


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