Chapter 17

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It is now ten minutes before time to get up and Kenji is having that dream again but he starts where he passed out in the dream, as he stands up and looks at the guard at the gate he walks up to the person, the guard lifts his head and looks at Kenji revealing the face of a quite old man. The wrinkles on his face as clear as day for Kenji to see and anyone else if they are there.

Kenji says "Hi mr guard sir, I just woke up here again as you can see so uhm what is this place? I can not quite place what kind of place this is so would you mind informing me?"
The guard then replies "Welcome Kenji Shedji, this is your dreamscape but you have a mission in here, a mission that the goal of only you and you alone can fulfil"

Kenji then asks as he is on a role with the correct questions "Okay then and what kind of mission is it that I am on right now? I mean it has got to be very important if I am in my dreamscape."

The guard says "You are here to find the reason for your burn wounds acting up like they did. This is very important for you to find out or else you will not fulfil your destiny here".
Kenji then says "Okay I see, those burns really and truly do bother me quite a bit. They are really annoying to me". He really was getting annoyed by the burns all over his body

Guard : Yes, you were burned by a phoenix after all, you must find out why they burn, now go ahead.

Kenji thanks the guard who then proceeded to tell him that it is an honour to help those that are in need of answers, that Kenji's the only hope of saving the Savannah from utter and total annihilation . He opens the gate for Kenji to go through and Kenji respectfully bows and leaves through the gate, Kenji then wakes up from the dream wondering if it will continue.

Kenji thinks to himself 'Man, I actually had progress in that dream, I have to save the whole Japanese Savannah huh?'

Kenji then sits upright in his bed, pulls the sheets off to one side and sets his feet on the floor, he sighs in exasperation, he gets up and dresses in his school clothes and then cleans off his face in the bathroom basin after which he goes out and he then locks the door quickly. He can't believe that it comes in such short parts cause he dreams late morning.

(The dining room)

The girls were already in the dining room when he got just outside the room door but had all just sat down to eat their warm breakfast just how they and Kenji liked it, he stood in front of the dining room door outside it and took a deep breath before going inside, as he went in the girls looked up at him all with gentle smiles on their beautiful faces

Kenji then greets them by saying to them "Good morning to you there girls, how did all of you sleep last night? I do hope that all of you slept well and without any stress in you".

Kireitsune replies in her usual energetic and happy tone of voice "We all slept just wonderfully last night so no need to worry about us and how did you sleep yesterday Kenji-Dono?"
Kenji says "I slept well enough and I went a bit further in the dream, I'll tell you all about it later". Tora says "That's fine Kenji-San, just know that we are all very worried about you".

Yukino says "It is imperative that we all do our best to help you get through this problem no matter if you maybe feel like we are fussing over you, though I'm not saying that you do".
Chitayna then agrees "That's right, we are all going to support you to the best of our abilities". Hyōna says "Me and Chitayna will cut down on our silly behaviour until you've resolved this".

Jackie then adds "And I will surpress the urge to be so hotheaded because I really want to help. I do not want to be a detriment to your search for what is going on with the burns".

Gina then adds "I will try to not make puns about shiny things every chance that I get because I know that even though it is a part of my personality it is pretty darn silly from me." Akane then says "And I will make sure that I stop talking about red things all the time too. I know even though I like my hair color it is just as silly as Gina talking about shiny things every time".

Tsukiko then agrees with what the rest of the girls have said so far by saying "We are all going to try our best to keep you totally and utterly stress free until you heal fully" and
Shishana adds "And I will truly do the best that I can not to act as if I am all that for sure because let us face it, I am only as important as the other girls in our friend gtoup here".

Kenji then says to them in a thankful manner "Thank you all and I will make sure I support you all when you are struggling as well. I mean what else is a good friend for?"

Kenji then went to his seat and sat down, then started eating his breakfast which consisted of Bacon, scrambled eggs and some French Toast with soft butter, he then went into thought as he was digging into his food, after a while of eating they were all finished and all went to go brush their teeth as they and then they left to school together.

(Just before school)

Kenji says to his companions for the day "Well today is going to be another rough day of long classes, that is for sure seeing as these burns are going to annoy and bother me today too".
Jackie then agrees about the whole school thing saying "Yeah that is one thing that we can always be sure about at school hey? It will always be a long and tiring and boring day".

Shishana agrees saying "Tell me about it, classes are, like so boring all the time which sucks".

They keep up their conversation about how boring and long and tiring classes are but ultimately concede that it is something that will ultimately ensure their futures, the girls stand very closely against Kenji's sides for if any threat comes along to try and take him out given his fairly weakened condition at the moment and after a few minutes the bell rings.


?? : So Akio's son and his friends have beaten every enemy that attacked them right?

¿¿ : Yes my lord it would seem that the kid and the girls keep growing in power.

?? : You did well to keep an eye on everything, keep growing the army, you are dismissed.

(Back at school in break).

Jackie and Shishana still made sure to keep closely by Kenji's side even going as far as to hold his arm softly being careful to not grip tightly, they kept this up all break which Kenji was greatful for but embarrassed cause the two girls were by no means flat, specially Shishana, the bell rang after a while.

(The dining room after school)

Kenji says to the ten girls "Remember how I told you all that I will tell you how I went further in my dream?"
Tora says "Please don't rush your explanation Kenji-San, we will listen really patiently even though patience isn't really the strong suit of any of us girls here in the hostel". Kireitsune says "Yes Kenji-Dono, we understand that you are going through a lot".

Hyōna agrees "Yes, no need to be hasty, we will listen all day if we have to Kenji-Kun".

Kenji thanks them by saying "Thank you but feel free to ask me questions you may have about the dream, anyway I woke up near the guard seeing as that is where I passed out in the dream the first time".

Gina asks "How did the guard look?"

Kenji replies "He was quite old"

Akane asks "Did he tell you anything".

Kenji then says affirmatively "Yeah".

Tsukiko then asks "What did he say?"

Kenji answers "I have to save the Japanese Savanna, he did not say from who but I have a hunch as to from who".

Jackie asks "really?! That is insane"

Kenji says "Yeah it sure is"

Chitayna exclaims "That's rough"

Kenji them says to them "And then he let me through saying he is honoured to help those who truly need it. I believed him since I am in serious need"

They discussed until late


Everyone slept late.

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