Chapter 30

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It is around twelve at night that a group of infamously known bullies from a certain someone's school stumble out of a bar in a drunken stupor singing songs of superiority and ego while wreeking of alcahol with a lot of swaying in their steps from how drunk they are but they stumble into an abandoned street failing to notice three pairs red eyes watching. It was a very eerie feeling that was sinking into the street the three drunkards were walking around in, it is very quiet except for the singing of these drunkards.

And it is with the sinking realization then that they weren't alone that a very strong fear settles into their cores and the sight of three creatures as black as midnight with eyes as red as life blood emerge from the shadows and so the bullies even as drunk as they are fall back, a sudden coldness permeating their systems before the six are jumped.

The bullies' yells echo through the night sky as they are torn into by the hungry predators with a varocious appetite fitting of these very creatures told about in horror themed folktales all over the old world as drops of the life blood of the bullies who cared about no one but themeselves splashes all over the clearly unused street and with that the creatures leave, leaving behind the clearly very mangled messes of bodies laying in the street on the cold, concrete sidewalk


Kenji's father Akio sits reading on their house's lawn reading a newspaper and so as he read the front page article his blood runs cold as he reads the news headline "School students' mangled and torn up bodies found in abandoned street with blood stains splashed all over the street" so he realises he needs to make his son aware so he calls Kenji's number. He dials Kenji's number with trembling hands seeing as what he had just read was horrifying, there was even a photo of the mangled up bodies laying next to each other on the street, Akio was clearly shaken to the core.


Kenji wakes up in the living room him and the girls were all sleeping in, he looks around at the girls, ironically it is Jackie and Yukino that were clinging to him in their sleep, Kireitsune holds Tora who was a cuddler by nature, Gina and Akane sleep back to back, Shishana sleeps like a queen, Chitayna is curled up and Tsukiko and Hyona sleep at the edges.

This sleeping arrangement had been established sometime after they had all returned to school and the hostle after the fight with Rizen in the Savannah and Kenji started to date them so their justification was that they never wanted to so much as sleep further away from each other than needed as they wanted to be able to always protect each other.

Kenji's phone rings in the basket they had placed in the middle of their sleep circle and had all their phones put in in case one of them was called about anything that is of importance and he briefly wonders who would be calling this early on a Saturday morning till his answer comes in the form of the Caller ID being that of his father so he picks up and answers

Kenji then says to Akio "Good morning father, I feel as though something is a miss if you call me this early on a Saturday morning".

Akio tells him "Son unfortunately yes something's wrong, do you remember the stories about Lycanthropes?

Kenji replies "Yes father I recall you telling me about people that could morph into Lycanthropic beings, why?

Akio then says "The paper said that three teens from your school who smelled of alcahol were found torn to pieces earlier.

Kenji asks Akio "Father, who, how... what exactly did the thtee guys from my school look like?

Akio then replies "Typical bullies, the owner of the bar they drank at says that he had to kick them out for starting a fight".

Kenji says "I know them... there was twice they were harassing the girls and we ended up fighting them at school.

Akio then says "Son... I know that despite them having been schoolyard bullies you don't like that they have died but..." he did not finish his sentence.

Kenji says to Akio "Yeah, they could have changed for the better if just they had some kind of chance and now they can't".

Akio responds with "Son... Kenji, we can't change what happened, but we can stop any further Werewolf related incidents.

To which Kenji says "I understand Father, I will let the girls know of this new development and also purchase today's paper".

Akio says to him "Son stay safe... I know that the eleven of you are strong but Werewolves are dangerous so please be very careful.

Kenji then says "I will Father, but the same thing goes for you and Mother... I love you dad and please tell mom the same".

Kenji's father didn't even have to answer back, they had a silent understanding as Kenji pulled the phone from his ear and ended the call letting out an angry breath.

Tsukiko exclaims "Damn them, damn them all to hell, those abominations give the Wolf people a bad name!

Gina agrees saying "Yeah they're so evil, I mean I'm part Coyote but Coyotees are a sub species of Wolf, I can't stand for this".

Akane then says "My clan is a Canid species as well so it hurts me just as much, not even bullies deserve such a death".

To which Jackie says "Those monsters had no right, I guess that those bullies had it coming but they were powerless to resist".

Kireitsune then says "Those monstrosities can't be allowed to get away with such damn crime against nature".

Yukino says "I can't pretend to know how you all feel but I even as half Panthera am as angered by this as you are".

To which Hyõna says "I also sympathise with the five of you and I see no better way to fix this except taking action".

Chitayna agrees saying "I am with you all on this and there's no way I will just stand by while you face this all alone".

Shishana states "I am going to be by your sides as I have been since the day we start living together".

Tora then says "I will also do my best to achieve the end of bringing those Werewolves to total justice".

To which Kenji says "It is settled then we will go to the Special Missions Lab to activate the dormant Silver Cells in our blood"


Kenji and his ten girlfriends stood in the middle of a circle of glass chambers all filled with a clear Silver liquid with thick tubes locked to the chambers from behind.

To Be Continued...

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