[10] Perks Of Being Famous

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|Imran Adebayo Ibrahim!


aiting has never been so excruciating in life.

I had been waiting for an hour in the library waiting for my group mates to begin our science project. The fact that I was happy I made a new friend was undeniable as I checked the time and kept smiling at the librarian who seemed nice to smile back at me. I made sure the smiles were limited: before she'll think of me as a pervert.

Spreading the news of my newly made friend to Sahar and Francis was on the top of the agenda. I couldn't wait.

The sweet soft voice of Sahar and the meek voice of Francis could be heard from inside the library, they were conversing in such a loud manner that everyone could hear. They were chuckling and playing: they later sort out their differences, I guessed. Entering the library, they instinctively lowered their voices — creating a hushed atmosphere around them. I could see them from where I sat patiently, their once loud conversation had transitioned into silent exchange of glances and nods. They searched from one aisle to the other, looking for me.

Watching them searching tirelessly was fun but I had to cut the search party. "Sahar, Francis." I called their attention towards me.

Upon setting their eyes on me their smiley face both transitioned into a frown.

What did I do?

"Hi." I murmured, closing the book I was reading.

Francis snorted, keeping his gaze at the level of my sneakers. "Hello." He replied with the most chilling one I've ever heard.

If Francis wanted to be a jerk maybe Sahar would be of help. I ignored him and turned to her. She also had that same frown lingering on her face. "What did I do?" I inquired, gesturing my head closer to Francis.

"What'd y'all do?" Sahar's frown softened into a perplexed look, "you stood us up. You were the one who texted us to be here at nine for our first book club meeting, and we did. We broke into the school only to call you and be sent straight to voicemail." She answered me, reeking with vexation as she spoke.

"Guys, I'm sorry." I remembered we were supposed to have our first book club yesterday and I ruined it for them, "concerning your calls I never got any of them. My mother confiscated my phone ni." I tried my best to explain.

"Don't even pull the African-parents-are-strict card on me. I heard your stepbrother had a R-rated rager last night, if your parents were home he wouldn't have organize such Babylonian party." Sahar raised her voice which made the male librarian make a hush sound towards us.

"I'm sorry y'all. For real I forgot, and I never attended that thing. I was hanging out with Omar Alvarez." I announced triumphantly, blowing imaginary bubbles of pride around my head.

"You stood us up for the dawg who insulted you yesterday?" Francis broke those bubbles.

"No you don't understand, he is not mean, he was just intimidated." I explained like an idiot. Saying it made me feel like a celebrity.

Sahar snorted, spluttering out the most annoying laughter I've ever heard. "He told you that? The Omar I knew is never sorry and intimidated by anyone, not even you. No offense."

"Some taken, what happened to; he is just intimidated by you." I frown, she didn't look so beautiful to me again.

"Don't get me wrong, Immie. Omar is such a stuck up, I know him more than anyone. We used to be besties — not after he ignored me all summer to hang out with the cool kids." Sahar explained her plight and the only thing I could grab was the cute nickname she'd given me: Immie.

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