8 1 0

(2 skip wedding day)

Priest: Mr jeon jungkook do you accept miss Kim y/n as your law full wife

Jk: yes I do

Priest: miss Kim y/n do you accept mr jeon jungkook as your law full husband

Y/n: yes I do

Priest: now U may kiss your bride

(Sorry I don't know how to write about marriage if you know you can
By your self 🙂💜)

When u heard what priest said, your face turned red like tomato, U closed your eyes to feel his lips on your but Next second u feel something on chick's u slowly opening your eyes u saw jungkook kissed your chick  

End of marriage

Time skip at mansion

You both came out of car, U were following jungkook, U both entered in mansion, jungkook called one of the maid and said show me my room that means we r living in different rooms

End of the part

I hope U all love this story

And today is our wwh birthday so

Happy birthday one of the purest and kindest soul this birthday is without U, and last think love U.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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