passion with crime ( Agent Athreya x reader )

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Agent I have question
to ask you. Sure lillu.
Haa Athreya which the  case has aloted for me  by the FBI London . You can also join it Athreya.

Do you know one agent .
Tell Lillu,

My twin sister was murdered by the serial killer in that house and she became a ghost, then she was possessed and searching for murder who killed

So she needs our help!
Agent: okay lillu .

Shrish has sented me the location of the haunted place.

Agent see shirish has sent the location of that place in WhatsApp
Agent Today we can to go that place !

Agent calling shirish  :

Shirish is that haunted place .  Yes Athreya .

And so we went inside this place and the light was flickering and the curtains we're raising because of the breeze air, though window is shuttering .

Agent go and check everywhere there is any evidence call me .
Ok Lillu go and check rest of the place.

While horrifying sound came .
So I went there and that murdered girl sprit . Agent saw that murder inside the cupboard and called me.

Agent opened the cupboard saw that cupboard.
See Lillu.

Then I went washroom and seeing the mirror suddenly the evil soul of the murdered girl entered into my body
And started her game by using me

The lights were flickering and the breezing air was fluttering the window.
Nightmare was started
The evil soul of the murdered girl has possessed me by seeing that criminal

Then Agent saw my twin's evil thing in my face. She started me  to attack the murder .

So Agent askes that evil soul . What happened. Why he misbehave to you.

He is torched by threatening my twin While you're not in home Agent 🥺
So I went to the washroom and standing front of the mirror
I bent down . Twin sister's shadow was smiling.

And so my twin sister soul was proved by saying the truth .

The twin sister body was taken from mortuary and taken to church

So me and agent went to cremate of my twin sister. So her soul rest in the cremtary and kept
The bundle of bouquet roses and prayed
The priest said the slogan.

And finally the serial killer was arrested by the police for long years
After seeing the news

And the twin sister's soul was happy
She can rest peacefully in heaven

Finally me and agent lived happily

The end

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