the love and fight (naveen x reader)

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Let's say the name of Naveen's character in the story is Raghav Rao. He loves a girl since his college days. He is a very soft boy at first. One day, he tells his feelings to his lover. Her name is (you decide). But she rejects him and tells very bad things.

Raghav is heart broken now. He moves to a new city. He tries getting jobs but fails. He meets a guy named Ganpat. Ganpat and his gang steal things from rich people.

The villains will be a young boy and his father. Sivagami's husband in Bahubali. That actor is villain.

Raghav and Ganpat steal things from rich families and give them to help poor and needy people. One day, while doing a robbery, Ganpat gets injured because a police officer shot him. He is admitted to a hospital. Ganpat gives all the responsibilities to Raghav to take care of gang and its activities.

A few gang members don't like Raghav. One of them is Chiru. He says that I am in this gang since so many years but Ganpat made Raghav his gang leader. This is unfair.

Raghav carries on gang activities. He plans a foolproof plan to steal cash and jewelry from a rich family. The family's eldest son is getting engaged and many gifts will be exchanged in the engagement ceremony.
He and his gang members go to the hotel where engagement will take place. There he gets shocked to see the girl who rejected him a few years ago.

You rejected me for this rich boy a few years ago, Leela. Now I will take everything from him and you will be mine.
Everything goes according to Raghav's plan but suddenly police arrives. The gang members succeed in getting cash but they have to leave jewellery in a rush.

Raghav doesn't understand who told police about this robbery. He also thinking about Leela who rejected him. How his family didn't support him because Raghav made a fool of himself. This is why he became a bitter person.

He goes to hospital to see Ganpat. He is in coma.

Ganpat, my brother, I don't know what went wrong. Everything I planned was foolproof. How did police know about our robbery? Is there someone in our gang who is cheating us? Who is the traitor? Is that person the reason you are in coma? I don't understand anything brother. All I know is that you were with me when no one supported me, not even my own family. You are the only family I have. I hope you are listening to me Anna. I hope you have answers to my questions.

He is emotional and leaves the hospital.

All this rich people, if they helped the poor and needy people, our country would have been in a better condition. They think we are trash. All these girls are after the rich guys.

He remembers the incident when he helped Ganpat Anna when he met him for the first time. How he pulled him out of harm's way when a bullet nearly touched him. They became fast friends. Even Ganpat's father regarded him as his son just like Ganpat.

Why did I fail to save Anna this time. Someone is deceiving us. An informer, rather an imposter is among us. How do I know.

He was lost in thought when someone said

Chiru: "You got what you wanted, didn't you? "

Raghav: What do you mean?

Chiru: you wanted to take Anna's place and now you have it.

Raghav: stop this nonsense, Chiru.

Chiru: All of this was your plan. To befriend Anna and take that trust away when the right time comes.

Raghav: Mind your words. He is the only friend I have.

Chiru: You can fool Anna and his father but you can't fool the gang.

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