The decieved and lucky

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1st person book!
So im in the kaiju paradise world, with some other people because we were sent here on a tour. But nobody met us at entrance. We walk and look around, find some weird creatures that look scary and decide to run away. Everybody started panicking, so i started trying to help all to escape. Then the elevator comes, everyone goes in, but then i hear the cry for help somewhere. I couldnt do anything but to try to help. I run to the rescue, trying to save but i get tricked by those creatures. So i get grabbed by legs and arms and then a dark gootrax comes to me.
"Hello there, little guy." Said gootrax.
"Ugh, god damn it... You had caught me..." Said i.
"Yes we did, just like a dummy you went right into our trap." Said gootrax.
"... Alright, i guess im going to die..." Said i.
"You are not going to die, because of how much of a loss it would be to just kill a potential fighter." Said gootrax.
"What, i dont want to fight for you! And how do you think you will make me to do it?" Said i.
"Oh right, you didnt fail to save anyone, so you also didnt see what we can do. Well, we will make you one of us. Look at those photos." Said gootrax.
Gootrax showed me some photos of people getting transformed into gootraxians.
"Woah... I didnt think i would end like that..." Said i.
"Yeah, but right now, we gotta do something." Said gootrax.
Then gootrax took a pair of goggles, put them on me and tighten them. After that they released me and i fell on the floor.
"Uh, why did you have to put them on me?" Asked i.
"You will understand after some time. But right now, witness your change." Said gootrax.
After a moment i felt like i was invincible, stood up and looked at gootraxians around. They were just watching and smiling at me. Like, am i really about to change? About to become one of them? At least i saved all those people... And then i felt as i was sweating. But it was goo, dropping from the goggles. Oh yeah, its about to happen. I was slowly covering in goo, not being able to do anything. Then i started to fill with anger. And as time went by, i was getting more and more of it. But i really tried to resist it. And was very hard to do, as i was going crazy.
Because of that i didnt notice how i got paws with claws, covered in some kind of gloves, my legs also had paws, and i was covered in furr. My chest was also in furr and had pink/purple signs on it, and behind i got a big thick tail. And my head... I had a pretty long muzzle, long tongue, fangs, some random horns and several pairs of ears? I was very confused not only because of my look, but also because of this battle that lasted forever for me, i forgot who i was.

As i was looking at myself while sitting on the floor same gootrax came closer to me, but it was very careful as he was expecting something bad to happen. But nothing did.
"Hey, you feel alright? ᴺᵒ ʳᵃᵍᵉ ᵐᵒᵈᵉ?" Asked gootrax.
Instead of answering properly i just hissed at him. It seems that i couldnt counter that anger fully, but i wont go crazy angry.
"Heh, i guess you dont remember anything. And no rage mode. It means that we wont have any problems." Said gootrax with a smile.
It was very hard for me to speak, so i didnt try to.
"Well, now that you are our new friend, what should be your name?" Said gootrax.
I just looked a bit disappointed at him, because they decide to choose me a nickname. And he noticed it.
"Well, it seems like you can do it yourself." Said gootrax.
And then i try to speak.
"Ihm nightggelh." Said i.
I was really frustrated from saying it very wrong, but he understood it perfectly.
"Okay, Nigel, welcome to our family." Said gootrax.
And so he patted on my head. I clearly didnt seem to be friendly, but let this one slide. And so i stood up, shaking a bit, but still standing. I look at myself again, not being sure about myself, as i move my tail.
"Heh, you still seem to get used to your new body. Dont worry, you are super strong and can control yourself now." Said gootrax.
And as nothing was happening, i decided to just walk away.
"Huh? I guess Nigel wants to walk around in his new body." Said gootrax smiling.
I didnt really have a goal, so i started wandering around. I only saw more gootraxians around, and they had different reactions to see me. Some were scared, some were very exited and some were almost just like me, annoyed. Well, there is almost no reason behind my behaviour, other than transformation. And then i found myself in a cafeteria, i could smell some food, but it wouldnt do much. I just came closer to the counter and saw a white gootrax that had an ice cream as its tail. Also it kinda looked like a female, so i definitely wasnt gonna go hard on her.
"Woah, a nightcrawler! ᴵ ᵍᵘᵉˢˢ ᴿᶦᵛᵉⁿ ᶠᶦⁿᵃˡˡʸ ᶠᵒᵘⁿᵈ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵒⁿᵉ ʷʰᵒ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ˢᵗᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᵃⁿᵍᵉʳ." Said she.
A nightcrawler? Raven? I dont really know why she called me a nightcrawler, but Raven, i guess its that guy who said about rage mode. Also i couldnt say anything because was confused and because it would be more awkward to try to say something than to stay silent.
"Aw, i guess you are a bit shy. Here, you can have it." Said she handling me an apple.
My standards as human and gootrax are almost same, so i couldn't just ignore it, but still didnt look happy. I took the apple and it almost slipped off my paw.
"After a transfur its hard to hold things, so you gotta get used to it." Said she.
Apple wasnt that big, but i was. The transfur really made me larger. So after i take a bite of apple... Well, i just put it whole into my mouth and fangs really helped with crushing it.
"Woah, you really are pretty strong, to just eat the whole thing in one bite." Said she being a little nervous.
And in a moment i finished it.
"Wont you say thanks?" Asked she with a small smile.
I was embarrassed by that question, but still. Its one of the most important things to say when you meet a new person.
"Thankhs..." Said i feeling awkward.
"Aw, thats cute. Have a nice day." Said she.
And so i left the cafeteria. Not gonna lie, but i didnt feel awkward to have my tongue out. Its really long, but my new temper let me do things freely. Also, after that apple i got curious about how powerful am i. So i went further to find a place without anyone. And i could find a place with a big bomb... But looking at all that grass its not harmful. After looking around i saw a metal pipe, a bat and some crates. First i took a crate that was light for me and smashed it against the floor. It easily broke into pieces. Then i took a side piece of it and punched it, making a hole. Then i took a bat and smashed it into small pieces using arms only. And final test, i took a metal pipe and hit once myself. Pain wasnt bad. Then i hit my horns with it and they made dents on it. And then i easily bent it. Thats why some of them were scared of me... Thats fine tho as long as i dont become too angry. Also what about my tail? I also wonder how strong it is. So i take another piece of crate and smash it with my tail. Not as cool as i was expecting but still. And i suddenly get urge to move faster, or even run. And so i get into the position and start off. To my surprise i was really fast that i couldnt stop fast enough, so i bump into the wall. I get a little angry and punch it, but those walls aint wood. Now not only my head hurts, but also my arms.
"My fucking god..." Said i.
And for a moment i was surprised how well i could say that. Then Raven comes.
"Well hello there Nigel." Said Raven.
"Yeah, hi, Raven..." Said i.
"Woah, you can talk properly now! Thats wonderful." Said Raven.
"Wait, why are you not surprised i know your name?" Asked i.
"Well, i was looking after you so that you wouldn't make any trouble." Said Raven.
"Oh, and you saw how i smashed stuff?... And how i bumped into the wall?..." Said i looking a bit frustrated.
"Yes i saw." Said Raven.
I was somewhat mad at him, but i also had something more important to do.
"Hey, now that i can talk properly, i want to ask some questions." Said i.
"Of course go on." Said Raven.
"At first, why did she call me a nightcrawler?" Asked i.
"Its the name of specie you are. Im for an example, Hebi." Said Raven.
"Oh thats why... There comes another question, what happened before i woke up? Like, i dont remember anything before that." Said i.
"Its going to be hard to explain but i have to... You was a human who helped other humans to escape, but got captured and was transfured by having those goggles on you... You definitely dont remember how humans look like and how transfuring looks like, so here are some pictures left by some humans." Said Raven handing me some pictures.
I looked at them for some time and gave back.
"Oh well, i guess i lose my memory after transfuring... I cant be mad at you telling the truth..." Said i.
"Thats what usually happens after transfuring." Said Raven.
"And the last question, after listening to you and her i came to the conclusion that i could have been more dangerous because of anger. Tell me why." Said i.
"That one is also hard to explain, but still. Mostly, 99% of the time when humans transfur into nightcrawler, they become very angry and go rage mode. And there are two endings for that: first is when we have to eliminate that nightcrawler for everyones safety and second is when he just dies at the end of it. But you are standing strong. No rage mode, but i definitely see kinds of aggression from you after transfuring." Said Raven.
"So that means that in any other scenario i would die?..." Asked i.
"Well, yes, we couldn't do anything else. Sorry." Said Raven.
"Thats fine as long as im alive." Said i.
"By the way i like how you crushed that apple." Said Raven.
I didn't say anything.
"Alright alright, from what you looked before transfuring, right now you are angry about almost everything." Said Raven.
I looked very disappointed and frustrated.
"Okay okay im sorry. I still like you right now more." Said Raven.
I didnt pay much attention to it. Then everything turns red because lights changed.
"Sudden disturbance in the power grid detected. Activating low power outage. Please stand by..." Said auto-messaging mechanism.
"Bro whats happening?" Asked i.
"Oh, Power outage started. Nothing to worry about for you, cause you are a gootrax." Said Raven.
"Okay but, i wanna know what what else changed other than lights." Said i.
"Okay so, follow me." Said Raven.
After a moment they were at a cave where every crystal was red.
"What the hell. And so, thats all?" Said i.
"Nope, when power outage happens, gootraxians that are manic species gain a boost in power. Like this one here, Nick. Every time it happens, he gets very strong and likes to challenge other gootraxians. Well, your species gain a little boost of your speed, but your best power is durability." Said Raven.
"Woah, never really know that... Im sure will get clapped by him." Said i.
Suddenly Nick notices me and starts coming closer.
"Uh oh." Said i.
Raven noticed it too.
"I guess you are next." Said Raven.
And so he approached me.
"Howdy here, hey Raven, finally managed to get one to work?" Said Nick.
"Well, yeah. He didnt hit me once." Said Raven.
"Oh, that means there was no rage mode! Nice to meet a nightcrawler that dont die by himself." Said Nick smiling a little bit suspiciously.
I didnt really like that and looked at the side.
"He was very nice before transfuring, so i guess it somewhat changed his temper." Quietly said Raven to Nick.
"Ohh, so he is just angry now?" Quietly asked Nick to Raven.
"Yes he is. At first he wasnt able to speak properly and just hissed at me. But right now he can." Quietly said Raven to Nick.
I was kinda angry that they talk about me like that, but cant really do anything about it. And of course they noticed my mood.
"Well, it doesnt mean he isnt angry. Come on, Nigel, dont be mad please." Said Raven.
"I know that i may be somewhat special but still, talking so much in front of me aint normal." Said i.
"Alright alright, but i want to see how strong you are!" Said Nick.
"Bro im not that strong!" Said i looking annoyed.
"Please?" Asked Nick.
Its not like he is bad or something, so i guess i will have to do it.
"Ok fine! But how do you want me to do it?" Asked i.
"Of course hand wrestling!" Said Nick.
"Oh no." Said i.
Then he brought a metal table and put in somewhat deep into the ground. And no chairs. I guess we dont need them. Then he puts his arm on it.
"Come on, put your hand here." Said Nick.
"Alright..." Said i puting my hand.
And as we grabbed each others hands, Raven cane closer and gave a sign. Nick started off strong and i had to react quickly. I put lots of strength, and it was going tight. But of course it wasnt everything he has got, because i started losing. Really annoys when someone asks you for a one versus one battle and you lose it... And thats where i got a boost, and so we were staying at the middle until...
"Okay okay guys, dont need to go all in. Lets just end it as a tie ok?" Said Raven.
"Agreed." Said i.
"... Alright. Good job Nigel, you did well. Never thought a nightcrawler could have almost same power as manic during power outage... I guess thats because i didnt have opportunity to see." Said Nick.
"Yeah yeah, lets just be friends okay?" Said i.
"Sure thing." Said Nick.
We shook our hands.
"Alright, see you soon!" Said Nick.
"Okay." Said i.
And then he left.
"So how do you feel right now?" Asked Raven.
"I sure dont want to get too much attention..." Said i.
"Well, that happens... I guess we can go to the garden zone and relax... Probably after this ends." Said Raven.
They came to garden zone after the event ended that had a patch of grass and a tree. There were also a grass gootrax and a bug gootrax.
"Alright, meet Eduard the plantix and Winston the fig, they take care of garden area." Said Raven.
I guess grass one is plantix and bug one is fig.
"Hello there." Said Eduard.
"Wassup." Said Winston.
"Yeah, hi." Said i.
They didnt even give attention to me being a nightcrawler! Thats nice to see.
"Mind if me and my new friend Nigel will chill here for some time?" Said Raven.
"Of course! Its great to make new friends and hang out with them." Said Eduard.
"Im fine with that." Said Winston.
"Cool." Said i.
And so i sat nearby tree and Raven layed at pillows. Finally, i get to just sit down and take a nap... But then a fruit fell me on the head, waking me up.
"Ouch.." Said i looking somewhat annoyed.
"Sorry! I was just harvesting those fruits and one slip of. Dont think bad about me." Said Winston.
"... What are those tho?" Asked i.
"Just some fruits that only grows here, in facility, on this tree. They can transfur humans who ate it, but for us its fine." Said Eduard.
"Alright. Hey Raven, take it." Said i smiling.
"Thanks." Said he also smiling.
Fruit isnt that big, but he still insisted on biting off pieces.
"By the way for how long did i sleep-" Wanted to say i, but lights turned off.
"Sudden disturbance in the power grid detected. Unable to initiate low power outage mode. Please stand by..." Said auto-messaging mechanism.
"Uhh, this isnt power outage..." Said i.
"Thats because its blackout. It happens after power outage. Basically because it was too early ftom last one. And i think you can guess whats happening right now.
"Yes lets go look." Said i.
Cave changed again, so crystals are white now.
"Yeah, as i thought... Now that i think about it, i have goggles that have night vision, but how do i turn them on?" Said i.
"I think its this button." Said Raven.
He helped me to turn them on and i could see everything clearly.
"They are great." Said i.
"Yeah... I found them when my first blackout was, and when i was transfured... And yeah, my specie is from this event. I was feeling lonely, and was looking for friends. Then i found those goggles. As one of kind gootraxians told me, they could transfur human into a powerful gootrax. This inspired me into trying it out. When i captured first one and put those goggles on, he went rage mode, hit me and ran away causing lots of trouble. But a kind human saved me from him and i was able to survive. I knew this couldnt end well if i try again like that. So i gathered a team of gootraxians, who also wanted to know everything about nightcrawler. And thats when i realised that learning about him became just a hobby and that i got friends at my side. Thats why we stopped doing this after several attempts. Also because there were almost no humans left. Nightcrawlers did most of the job, and we finished it all. But then you and several other humans came. We clearly didnt seem to need humans here, so we tried to transfur you all. But it was a failure, as you came by saving everyone in need, like that one human. I gained a belief that you could be the one. So we got you into our trap by imitating crying for help, grabbed and put goggles on you. Thats how it was..." Said Raven.
I went silent for a moment. He really treated transfuring me into someone dangerous, that also could die by just breathing. I thought he was just someone who would care for me at hard moment, but i was just a thing for his hobby... My teeth were showing off a little and i started making hissing sounds.
"H-hey? Is something wrong?..." Asked Raven.
I could clearly feel the anger inside me, but i knew i couldn't just go with punches on him. So i calmed down a bit.
"... Listen, the impression that you made isnt great, but going wild and starting to fight isn't an option. I like how you just told me the truth, but still, you should listen to what you just said to me." Said i walking away.
Then Raven realised how i felt, but didn't move a muscle.
"Oh, well... I guess, he is just going to rest and talk to me like normal, right?... I really hope he isnt that mad at me..." Quietly said Raven walking away, but then stopping.
He noticed some light coming and wasnt able to see property, because he was blinded by that light. But it didnt take long to realise, that it was the cafeteria gootrax.
"Oh, its you, Karissa." Said Raven.
"Who else?" Asked Karissa.
"Can you please squeeze your eyes a little bit? You are blinding me." Said Raven.
"Of course." Said Karissa.
"So, why are you here?" Asked Raven.
"I think you know why." Said Karissa smiling.
"Ohh, about that talk with Nigel?..." Asked Raven.
"Of course. Even he couldn't resist and just walked away. And im sure you know that he is a good guy." Said Karissa.
"I know! But i couldn't hide it, or else it would be worse." Sad Raven.
"Well, thats a good point, but there is nothing we can do but to go and ask him to forgive you." Said Karissa.
"Alright, but first we need to find him, and gather our team." Said Raven.
So they started off... Back to you know where. After sudden turn of events, i couldn't do anything but be mad at him... He literally treated me like some toy! Well, he might have wanted to be friends, but as he said, he already got friends he wanted and this was left as a hobby... I cant believe he really did that... And as i was walking, i couldn't stop making hissing sounds and properly close my mouth. Then i couldn't do anything but to break some things around like crates and other smaller things. And as Raven said, nightcrawlers get a boots at blackout. I could clearly feel one, as i was walking around. But then i saw Raven with that cafeteria gootrax and some others that seem to be familiar. So i stopped.
"Nigel!" Said Raven.
I didnt respond.
"Nigel, please, forgive me!" Said Raven.
"After all that, i probably won't forgive you and be angry, but still. Just leave me alone." Said i.
"Nigel, i know its my fault and that i was selfish but please, i know you can forgive me. Even my friends came here to help me out! Nuclear rabbit Jack, buck Terry, sinox Tony and sprinklekit Karissa." Said Raven.
Then i thought for a second.
"Wait, i think i know something about your friends other than Karissa. When i woke up i saw you three too! That means that all of you four are the ones behind this! I do not want to talk to any of you right now!" Said i looking very angry.
Everyone looked a bit shocked. And then i ran away.
"NIGEL, NO-!" Wanted to say Raven.
"Stop! Let me try to calm him down." Said Karissa.
"... Okay, i wish you luck..." Said Raven.
And so, Karissa looked at the sides and started thinking where to go. After a moment she realises and goes away... And so i run away, thinking where to stop and i chose to stop where i ended. In a cave nearby garden. There was lots of grass and some tents. I guess they sleep here or something. But i walk to the furthest corner of it and start to hit the wall. I dont care about physical pain right now, as my emotions moved me. But then Karissa came.
"Hey, Nigel, mind if i come?" Asked Karissa.
"Oh, uh, fine." Said i stopping punching the wall.
She came closer and put her arm on my shoulder.
"I know that its very frustrating when someone seems to treat you like a puppy, but still, you should be strong and dont let your anger take over you." Said Karissa.
"... But it wont change the way i think about him..." Said i looking still angry.
"You know, he actually cares a lot about you, and how you feel about him. If you really dont think like that, then think how he was worried about you after he told the whole story. And after you ran away, he also screamed trying to make you stay. Think about how he did nothing else thats bad... And now, i will leave you alone. Hope you all get along soon." Said Karissa leaving the cave.
Then i stop making hissing sounds and close my mouth. But my breathing becomes deep, as i collapse on the floor. Its like having a heart attack. I guess its like exiting the rage mode. Then Karissa notices me.
"Nigel are you okay?!" Asked Karissa.
"Ughhhh..." Said i.
"Raven! Raven!" Said Karissa.
In a moment he came.
"What?!" Asked Raven.
"Nigel isnt well! At first he seemed to calm down but now he started to breathe hard and dropped on the floor!" Said Karissa.
"Oh no, it might have been some sort of a rage mode! Nigel, hold strong please! Please! Please!... I d-dont want to lose you!" Said Raven starting to cry.
And then he huggs me. As his tears fall, i start crying too. He really does care about me... And i just judged him like that... It felt like a rock dropped off my shoulders. And thats when i started feeling okay. Immediately i went for hugs.
"Im sorry too for thinking too bad about you!" Said i crying.
"Y-you are okay! Thats great to see!" Said Raven hugging me even more.
"Nice to see you both are okay!" Said Karissa.
"Yeah... Lets be friends, okay?" Said i smiling.
"Of course!" Said Raven.

The end?...

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