The Basilisk

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The mouth of the statue of Slytherin slowly opens as Tom challenges both Harry and Ron to match the power of Lord Voldemort 

The mouth of the statue of Slytherin slowly opens as Tom challenges both Harry and Ron to match the power of Lord Voldemort 

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Tom: Heir of the Slytherin against the famous Harry Potter.....and his sidekick Ronald Weasley. 

Ron: I'm no sidekick! 

Harry: Ron.....?

They heard snarling hisses coming from the mouth of the statue it was the Basilisk 

Harry and Ron flinched knowing what it was 

Harry and Ron flinched knowing what it was 

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Ron: Harry....? 

Harry: Turn away! Run now! 

Harry and Ron ran for it and Tom sends the Basilisk after them for it only obeyed him and it chased after them

Harry and Ron ran for it and Tom sends the Basilisk after them for it only obeyed him and it chased after them

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Harry still trips but Ron looked back 


Ron did but fell too and both he and Harry would have been lunch.....IF it weren't for Fawkes which attacks it by the eyes like in the film 

Harry and Hermione and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now