11/9/23 at 2:39pm

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Dear Diary,

Okay so i am currently in my last period/hour for school, and me and my friend both exchanged one of our wireless earbuds so while i have "Softcore by The Neighbourhood" she is playing a "WAP by Cardi B". It sounds really cool though. 

But my crush messaged me first today! It was a simple "Good Morning" But omg that has made my day, and me and my friend, lets call her L, well me and L were telling my crush, and two of our other friends to say whos baby photo is better. Mine all looked kinda funny so she won like pretty much all of them but I found it so funny. I also got to walk home with my crush because he was going to our friends house who lives right across the street so we all walked home together.

Also i got the number of a cheerleader from a different school and i get the feeling she has a crush on me or something and i dont really like it. She said she has been thinking about me and i was legit gonna block her cause it makes me feel kinda uncomfortable but then shes like "Ur my only friend, please dont leave me" 

Anyway! Got to go loves, stay safe and take care of yourself!



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