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mars pov:

it's been a few days now since the lake incident and i've been ignoring tom the whole time from his snarky comments to his glares. and finally it's the day we can go home, and i'm so excited to sleep in my bed for the first time in two weeks.

we're currently on the coach back home and i'm sat next to lila gossiping completely ignoring everyone else around me

toms pov:

i look at mars as she talks to lila, clearly gossiping that's all they do. typical girls. i cant help but stare at her features, she's so beautiful but i know i can never admit how i feel towards her.

bill speaks up and snaps me out of my trance "tom why are you staring at mars? it's getting a bit creepy for how long you've been staring.." i shake my head in response and look away whilst sighing. "come on tom, i'm your twin brother i can tell when something is wrong. what's up?"

i hesitate before mumbling "it's mars.." i look at his confused expression as if to say "yeah, explain?" i turn to him fully and elaborate "she's not like the other girls, she's different in a good way. she's so beautiful and perfect but i-i can't do anything about it. she thinks i hate her, i can tell why she thinks that but i don't i swear."

bill smiles and speaks up "so let me get this straight you like her but you cover it up with you being a dick to her? god tom you are such a pussy you know that right? just be nice to her it's really not that hard. i hate how upset you make her, she's such a sweet girl she doesn't need that in her life. i'll tell you what, georg invited her to stay at his house for a while and we are there most of the time so try to hangout with her, make her comfortable and happy you know?"

"okay okay i'll try, but how? you know i'm not good at all that shit with girls, i'm never serious with a girl. what do i do to make her happy?" i ask

"firstly you need to apologise tom, i mean you have been such a dick to her. maybe don't explain how you feel straight away you will scare her off. secondly, let her do her own thing and just say yes to whatever she wants okay? even if you don't want to" bill says as he pays my back and i smile and nod in return. i need to make this right with mars.

after an hour we all arrive at georgs and i instantly try to be nice to mars. "i'll carry your bags mars" i say as i reach for her bags but she smacks my hand away

"what am i? a helpless child? i can do it myself tom" she says as she scoffs and i back off. god this is gonna be harder than bill made it seem like.

once she finishes putting her bags in the guest room we all sit down to watch a movie but nobody can decide what to watch, i see bill nod to me obviously hinting for me to say something to her "um i think mars should pick, what do you want to watch mars?" i ask with a smile

she gives me a dirty but confused look "uh ok...how about tangled! it's my favourite" as she says that i hear georg and gustav groan and i hold myself back from groaning too, of course she picks a disney movie. "guys shut up, sure we can watch that mars" i say trying to be as nice as i can be

as the movie plays i get an idea. she's sitting as far away as she can from me, god this is so difficult. but i know something that she loves, hopefully this works. i grab her by her waist and pull her closer to me and smirk feeling her body on mine. she looks up to me with a confused look whilst blushing but eventually gives in and rests her head on my chest. hell yeah!

whilst the others are watching the movie intently i whisper to mars "can we go to the bathroom or something? i need to talk to you" she nods and i grab her hand and pull her to the bathroom. as soon as i close the door i start to rant uncontrollably

"mars i'm sorry for how i've acted, i know i'm a dick i don't expect you to forgive me or anything i'm just sorry. i only did they to cover how i felt...i like you mars. i'm not trying to pressure you to date me i just thought you should've known i-"

she cuts me off with a giggle and i look at her confused, suddenly she grabs my face and pulls me into her lips, kissing me passionately.

well i guess that worked..

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