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mars pov:

me and Tom have been dating for around a few weeks now. I was hesitant at first due to what everyone would think, i'm not a shy girl at all but i can't handle when i'm the centre of some gossip. However tom did not give up, he chased me around, bought me flowers and my favourite food everyday in order for me to say yes, and of course i did. He was adorable, seeing him chase me like a little puppy dog considering how cold and arrogant he normally is made me feel so special.

I'm currently walking up toms driveway. He had invited me over to hang out with him however bill had also invited georg and gustav which pissed me off but it's okay, i'll be with tom alone some other time. I knock on the door and patiently wait for someone to open the door, i hear some yells from inside and assume they are all playing a video game as always. typical boys.

The door opens and tom stands there breathlessly as if he had run to come open the door for me. I smile and go to speak but before i can open my mouth he wraps his huge arms around me, almost suffocating me as he picks me up and spins me. He plants kisses all over my face and whispers "hi baby...you look gorgeous".

I blush and smile as he puts me down on the ground and carefully moves some hair out of my face with his soft but strong hands. I speak up "thank you...you don't look horrible i guess"

He immediately nudges my arm and smirks as he leans down to my face and whispers "stop being such a smartass mars. Your attitude turns me on but also pisses me off so watch your mouth, okay baby?" He drags me closer to him and places one hand on my ass and the other on my neck as he pulls me into an aggressive yet passionate kiss which i return as if it's an instinct.

Suddenly the good moment is ruined by the guys all yelling "ew" as if they are two years olds, classic. Georg speaks up "Tom stop kissing my sister and come back to the game". Georg had been mad at us for weeks when he found out that we started dating, and i mean mad. He decided to ghost tom and tell our mom all of my secrets to get back at me. However after a while of seeing us he realised there was nothing he could do and wanted me to be happy, even if he hates it.

Tom rolls his eyes and pulls away from me, biting his lip and glaring at georg. "yeah yeah whatever give me a second man". He adjusts his pants before holding my hand and taking me to the living room, placing me on his lap as he picks up a controller to continue his game.

Gustav smiles at me which i return one back, he's such a sweetheart. However georg just gags before bill punches his arm and whispers something to him.

The boys had now been playing games for around 4 hours straight now and i was getting bored. However i couldn't complain as tom kept giving me little kisses and rubbing my back or thighs to show me i still had his attention and would stop if i asked. I decided to just read a book in the meantime, i had always been a book girl which tom loved about me, he thought it was adorable.

Tom leans over and whispers, his eyes still on the game "whatcha reading now my love? another fantasy book?"

I giggle at this knowing he is so clueless and i speak up with a smirk on my face "it's called 'haunting adeline'"

Tom nods and mumbles "ohhh cool, yea i've seen that one on tiktok-" he stops talking and his eyes light up in enlightenment and he stops playing, looking over at me with intense eyes. "did you say haunting adeleine? you've gotta be kidding me mars"

I laugh and hold the book close to my chest, not wanting him to see what i'm reading and nod shyly with a blush on my cheek. He grabs my book as i try fight him off but he gives me a warning look and i sigh, giving into him.

His eyes scan the pages and they widen as he sees what i've been reading in my free time, he thought i was just reading some sort of fluffy cute romance book this whole time. Not this.

I took a deep breathe as i prepared myself for him to get angry with me however, to my surprise he leans back in the couch and smirks, looking over at me with a sly look in his eyes. "a gun huh?"

I immediately become embarrassed realising what past he just read and go to grab the book but he holds it up above his head and says "nuh uh, not so fast baby. you've been reading this? hmm? not so innocent after all are you?" he says in a teasing tone, knowing i was embarrassed

i speak up quickly, trying to defend myself but i end up stuttering "w-well yeah but it's none of your business-"

He cuts me off immediately and pins my arms down to my side with a glare in his eyes. "don't tell me what is and isn't my business again baby. I should know what my girlfriend has been reading in her spare time, no?"

I breathe heavily and stare into his eyes, not having a response to that as i know he will win this argument. i squirm in his lap as he brings his mouth closer to my ear, his hot breathe tingling my senses. "you know...i own a gun right? and i'll do anything to make you happy my love..."

My eyes widen as i realise what he's hinting at and i look around to see if the three boys are watching but they are too focused on playing the game to notice what we're doing right now. i whisper to tom with a slight smirk "you do? are you sure?"

He moves his hand to brush the side of my face and looks at me with lust in his eyes and mumbles something in german before speaking up to me in a demanding tone "we're recreating this scene. get up mars."

My mouth drops open and i quickly protest "are you kidding? first of all, that's dangerous and secondly the guys will hear and i-"

He cuts me off again which earns a groan and pout from me "dangerous? since when did i care about that baby? i would never let anything hurt you, the gun won't be loaded i'm not an idiot. And the guys have heard us before, plus i simply do not care." he runs a thumb over my lips and smirks "keep that pout on your face and i will load the gun mars."

The next second he grabs me and wraps me around him heading up the stairs and shouting over his shoulder to the guys "We will be back soon" which earns a shrug from them and they continue the game without a care in the world.

Tom gets to his room and immediately throws me onto the bed, not too hard, careful not to hurt me. He kisses my head before going over to his drawers and grabbing a gun, taking the bullets out with his teeth. well damn that was hot.

He holds the gun up and smirks at me whispering in a husky voice as he steps towards me "you ready to fulfill your fantasy my love...?"

sorry yall...i've been starving you guys for months but hi lol 😓😓 sorry for any typos or if it isn't good, i don't have a lot of time rn

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