Author's Note

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*Why is there another author's note. Seriously?

I know you're not here for this and want the story.

Don't worry, it's not that long. (I think)

Important notes - 

1. There is some Ron and Harry bashing (so don't yell at me for that)

2. Fred, Cedric, Snape, and Lavender are still alive 

3. That's it

Summary -

When the second Wizarding War is finally over, Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley decide to return to Hogwarts for their 8th year while their boyfriends, Ron and Harry, become Aurors. 

Former Death Eaters Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini also return to Hogwarts with another secret, a secret that could change their lives forever.

 When the four meet again with Hermione and Draco as Head Boy and Head Girl, and Ginny and Blaise as assistant Head Boy and Head Girl, will they form an unlikely relationship or remain enemies?


Disclaimer - All of the characters belong to J.K. Rowling except the story plot which is made by yours truly   

Please do not copy this story as it was very hard to write. Also I'm probably going to be updating this book once or twice a week cause I'm going to be busy with school.

P.S. - Sorry if this book sucks, i've only written one other chapter before in another story so sorry if this one is really bad. Also if you somehow do like it, please vote and comment. Thanks! 

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- Rupi Kaur 

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